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RE: Regarding Transisto and Flagging

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

I certainly am.
It's wrong..the observations do not support that hypothesis.
Reason is fiction.
facts (observations) are real.

the facts support the hypotheis that any group larger than a clan (tribe, family,..whatever) act irrationally the larger that it gets.

most if not all societies are insane..some are just more violent than others.


Reason is fiction? You realize you reasoned that out just now, right? Performative contradiction comes in and saves the day again.

reason is not fact.
what else could it be?

There you go, using reason again even though it's a fiction.

yup..just like you are.
Ever do any mathematical proofs?
The reasoning can be PERFECT.
but if your precepts are's wrong.

I'm not the one insisting that reason is a fiction.

So unless you can reason as to how what I described is incorrect - that there are not first principles from which law (duties and obligations) can be derived - I suggest we move on from this point.

Once again, using social pressure to effect change has a well-established track record. Moreover, in a society where coercion is universally rejected, that's the only method for effecting non-violent change.

and I believe in you?
oh wait..I don't.
and you accuse ME of fiction?
like I said...any society larger than a clan is insane.
violence is the norm.

Cool story, bro. You should stop using reason if you think it's a fiction. Just saying; consistency is important.