
Yes, accounts like @GrumpyCat love to abused small users by down voting.

There is no abuse @grumpycat is using its delegated power as it wishes just like you pay for bidbots welcome to a decentralized platform buddy.

They pay for Bid bots as well. Decentralization means that nobody owns it. Nor can make up stupid rules/law on the platform. But I guess that you didnt know that. Good day!

No I do get what you are talking about, that is why I said decentralized platform anything is in the open he can do what he wants and you can do what you want, no one can be controlled.

Well you are right, but people with more Steem Power shouldnt be able to dominate people with less. That centralized everything. But I do get and agreed with your point.

Yea, Money and power will always cloud people's minds.
It is the way of the world, we can only try to not jump on peoples bad sides and just mind our own ways.

I hope some day steemit will be able to really self govern itself.

Nice chat man, you got a new follower.