Unfortunately your suggestion that-
"* All flags (from all SP levels) have the same weight so that from minnow to whale everyone's DOWNVOTE is EQUAL)"
is just unworkable. You do that and you just made noganoo or any number of people who control 1000 + accounts the most powerful people on steemit. I would rather flagging power be determined by how much you have invested in the platform rather than how many accounts you can make/control.
That is partially true, but it is no worse than having a few people that can obliterate anyone at anytime. Plus if you keep reading I put in controls so that Flags (Downvotes) can be offset by Upvotes to ensure the system doesn't get abused like it does now.
I think it would be worse. In theory (obviously there are exceptions) but the people with the largest stake have motivation to act in the best interest of the platform. They are putting their money where their mouth is so to speak, at least they have some skin in the game. I prefer that compared to a botnet owner with 500 brand spanking new rep 25 accounts getting to decide things.