Afghanistan needs Steemit

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


Afghanistan needs Steemit

#Afghanistan is one of the poorest countries in the world. It has been through a series of conflicts that has continued for decades. Poverty in Afghanistan is widespread throughout rural and urban areas, half of the population still lives without access to clean water.

Kabul the capital of Afghanistan where the current government recognizes the internet as an important source of growth and development for the country, that it can create opportunities for disadvantaged groups and improve the access of the rural poor to markets .

Where there's a will there's a Steemit way!

Steemit “Steem” would be used for savings and other basic financial services, a lifeline for Afghan's that don’t currently have access to capital.

It’s a key strategy in helping people living in poverty to become financially independent, which helps them become more resilient and better able to provide for their families.

Considering nearly half the world survives on less than $2 a day, Steemit is a vital solution for posting a beautiful flower gives a dad money to feed his child.

If trade stops, war starts and the opposite is also true we want a nation of shop keepers! Or Steemit keepers : ) who are free to learn to share and have fun.

I say #Steemit for #Kabul : )




Afghan Girl is a 1984 photographic portrait by journalist Steve McCurry.


Its noble to have concerns about other nations and their people.

Thanks Mic! I agree, Steemit is no free handout we all have to work at it creating content but the opportunity can be life changing for us all. I want all humans to prosper and create so we all are richer for it very selfish really! : )

I agree. The world needs crypto in all its forms. We can get 2 billion people with out bank acounts into the crypto economy. tI will be exciting to see it happen.

That would be amazing!!!! a real dream : )

Great post @harj. It's quite exciting that cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology have potential to have significant impact on both developed and the developing world. Having even $1 a day income will make a world of difference to a lot of people.

"Having even $1 a day income will make a world of difference to a lot of people". Steemit can SMASH that!! wow : )))))) #amazing

we just need to get some technology into those countries first..hopefully a couple more years :)

you got a new follower @harj!

Thank you!!! Verto Its not for us to do, we tried that and failed and continue to fail but for them to do and Kabul is wired up to go. #entrepreneurship

I agree, Steemit could really change the lives of many people in Afghanistan. @ironshield

Yes just imagine that wow and how that change would effect us! Happiness, peace, more education, more posts! Higher savings it goes on....

Good idea in theory but with more people using steeemit less rewards for everyone. Steemit understands this by attempting to create their own ico platform/ asset creator to birng rhe value of steem up. But even that not enough hence why golos classic a Smt token built on steem by for Russia and other areas. It like a another version of steemit built on steem. That way nor diluting rewards and giving more people $

Yes sames you are 100% right BUT as steemit grows in size the value of Steemit, steem, sbd will go up as demand goes up and mass take up. making the network must more secure and profitable for all WITH GREAT CONTENT! I google now and most times a steemit response is at the top! #amazing

um...more users do not= more steem is worth. They only steem increase is people wanting to buy it. Many newcomers want to do it the free way which does not increase steem price. Sbd= are $1 steem
steemit is just a ui on the steem platform. Most users don't even check the promoted tab on steemit. Many have asked steemit to add an decenzlted ad banner version of promoted making the growth of steem= more steem price. Advertising is a big business

The network becomes more valuble and more content is produced more users. have faith sames! we make the network and more of us is better! and things will continue to happen.

I have faith but i saying steem value does not rise with more users or content it rises with people buying more steem. If network security and strength was the price factor than bitcoin would still be at 80% dominance. It needs buyers not freeloaders. But more people are good no doubt about it. But i saying steemit can't support everyone. The reward pool is limited. And the price of steem can't keep up. There is a reason why SMT tokens are getting made to bring more value to steem/ Hence why "steemit" must be in different forms for diff countries/areas. Steemit ned has agreed to move golos to steemit .
The security of steem with ease of liquidity of steem but for russian audiences. is the steemit but for Chinese audiences. It made by trusted steemit devs.
Steem dev are smart and know the limit of steem :)

I think your wrong sames! I hear your problems but have you not felt or noticed Steemit getting better and better with more! We need to either get bigger or let another platform takeover. sames we dont know whats around the corner buy im sure its going to be great just watch and its going to life every boat. : ) more the better, work hard posting/commenting build followers and you will be getting richer. btw I love competition! so yes! yoyow! protectionism gets you no where! just old.

I not against afghanistan in fact my grandpa came from there. I could be wrong steemit is still in beta, if the reward pool is already in struggle, along the line it be harsher . Maybe ned will come out with a solution but right now steem can't handle all these people. Transaction count hell yeah but free rewards count nope. Hence why i think ned is working on dividing the rewards into subdivisions but they would be built on the same platform aka steem main net.
golos= russia
yoyow= china
steemit= english privacy activist
and more on the way with SMT

More than 70% of the world (in my own words) are earning nothing more than $2 a day considering the exchange rate.

Nigeria my country, for example, we are more than 200 million yet 80 to 85% are earning less than $2 (equivalent to N800).

You have found steemit and you have the same opportunity as me in the UK and get paid the same. If we both work hard it will be great.

I was happy when I first started steemit and along the line I lost it. Now I am starting afresh...

Its never late to build on.

Thanks for the advice.

yes this is still very early bro!

I realise it the hard way.

It is true what you say, steemit has served as a solution to countries where the poor reign. For example, I read a post where people in India resort massively to steemit because it is a great initiative and in my case I am from Venezuela where our government is looting the wealth that we have and where people started to give up their jobs because only in transportation is spent more than half of the salary. the salary in Venezuela is 4 dollars per month. I am unemployed more and resorted to steemit.

Wow well done cinefilo you have found Steemit and I’m so happy it’s earning you a income keep building its hard work but a great job.

Gracias a ti... Saludos...
Thanks to you... Regards...

totally agree with

If trade stops, war starts and the opposite is also true we want a nation of shop keepers! Or Steemit keepers : ) who are free to learn to share and have fun.

but even in HK, or UK, we have our society problem, hope the steemit will develop a good society of the world.

Awwww thank you kona yes individuals make a society, each action by each person trying to improve the human condition and put food on the table. X

this is really good idea. i hope we can make it happen.

Yes thanks to @ned @dan, the steemit team making it happen and every other person who has supported crypto building it to what we have now.

I agree. I upvoted this post. steemit useful.

I created this post so you would upvote it! #powerofupvoute and that why steemit works! Create good content for money amazing

better information
i do upvote you please you also do this @zillurkhan72

I upvote good posts : )

that is so true! support you. upvoted

Thank you dimitar x

Agree. Thanks for putting this out there. Resteemed and shared to facebook. 👍

Hey Suns how are you !!! Thank you xxx

Still over here living the life of a human. Doing good! Thank you! :)

Aww I keep meaning to come over and say hi Suns love your individual freedom posts X X X my regards to the family x

You are very right. Many Venezuelans, in my case, have turned to Steemit. We are more and more on the platform because it is a great opportunity.

Brilliant and if I can earn good in a few months its the way forward! keep going it pays!

Great post, well said! I think there's a lot of places in the world that would benefit from steem, though.. Especially Afghanistan! It would be really inspiring and encouraging to see steemit start to play more and more of a difference worldwide. A lot of us in the industrialized world often forget JUST how much this can help people in less fortunate places..
So yeah.. Great post, thanks for putting more of this kind of thought out there man!

Yo bro thanks for all the financial support and its a great eye opener for those that engage with steem especially when they come across your challenges and the flowers don't cut it. #sameboat low on upvote power

I hope, someday there will be peace. There is war for such a long time... :(

Steemit can help !

Enigma that would be a dream come true. only in times of peace can we build for our family.

Yes. I really like this aspect of SteemIt. Resteemed

Thank you mkauai yes a real opportunity.

Powerful thoughts.....You have just displayed the traits of a leader,your concern for national improvement. Steemit has the ability to influence the economy of Afghanistan.
God bless you,sir

thank you very much, seeing the war, destruction in Kabul is heart breaking. Bombs blowing up hospitals.

Great post! Its sad to see people in poverty, more should be done to help. Well done on sharing such knowledge.

Thank you dilsa x yes individuals if they want but not Governments they don't know how.

I agree! Steem has the power for the community to help those in need. That's one of the things I find most interesting about it :)

Thanks for spreading the word!

Herbert you are VIP now my followers just went up from 22 to 23! : )

haha! thanks man!!

Thank you herbert! : ) it can do so so much for the world!