Is it our right to influence others daily lives?

in #steemit7 years ago

What a day! I left early this morning for a few important meetings only to get stuck in terrible traffic with thousands of commuters as a result of an unplanned Taxi strike.

Today's post is a bit of a rant. Everybody has their own opinions but sometimes I just don't get it.

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Everybody have rights! I know this is a very big statement to make, and most people say it at some point in their lives. We also have the right to strike when we are not treated fairly. Just like the South African Taxis did on all the freeways in Gauteng today. All the freeways were blockaded and most people could not get to their places of work and offices today.

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My question to the community is If you have the right to strike when you are not treated fairly, do you also have the right to prevent other people to get to their places of work?

I had a meeting with a company today, which were supposed to demo a solution to me, which I in turn need to demo to a customer in another country on Monday morning and tomorrow is a public holiday in South Africa. The end result is that I have to cancel my trip for next week which have direct impact as there is cancellation fees on the Airplane tickets, The accommodation and the rental car.

Even if we look past the fact that the strike today influenced my pocket, do you not think it is embarrassing to our country, to explain to a customer in another country that I can't demo the solution as promised due to the fact that all the taxi drivers in our country decided to take the law into their own hands today?

To top it all the taxi's did apply for the legal right to protest and march to the headquarters of the Taxi Association, but they had other plans.

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We all have rights, but there is a limit. I am going to say it again.

What a day!

Happy Steeming!

Disclaimer : If this is a duplicate post I apologies. I submitted the post and my wi-fi went down. I can't find the post which I submitted so I assume it did not go through.


wow, a picture is worth a thousand words.. especially when it shows a thousand taxi vans, that looks compeltely absurd

Here is a taxi driver sending you good vibes with bubbles .

THIS is hilarious :)

Taxi driver sending good vibes with a selfie.

I am sorry to read that you had a bad day . Here is a taxi driver sharing his pizza with you.

We all have a right to voice our opinions. We also have a right to decide how we act upon the opinions of others. We do not have a right to force others to act in accordance with our opinions.

Agreed. I'm the type to go directly to the source not,as in this case, park my vehicle on the road disrupting the lives of so many who aren't directly involved. Yes, they made their point clear but what of the mother whowas on her way to the sitters from work to pick up her infant baby girl? How bout' the man who just had a heart attack and emergency services couldn't get to him? I could go on and on........... go to the source.

Well this is a tough question.

In Germany the employes of "Deutsche Bahn" went on strike so a lot of trains got canceled or delayed heavily. Many people rely on getting to their jobs or for just taking a trip somewhere and they had to adjust and some get pissed off a lot.
Same happens when employes of Lufthansa etc go on strike.
While there is a difference because they are laying down their work and you see how much you depend on them they are not activily "sabotaging" anyone.

I have no solution to that, but I admire the problem.

Hmm, do we have the right to influence other's daily lives? Well this is a very complex question. On the flip side of that do we have the right to force people to work for low wages that dont keep up with the cost of living?

As we all know the tactic of divide and conquer is one of the oldest in the book.

Monopoly controlled industries use events like these along with racism, war, religon, and pop culture, just to name a few, to distract us from the real issues.

The problem is not the taxi strikers its our 👺puppet masters that are trying to maintain control and perpetuate the status quo.

Why not let the market decide. If people's commute is inconvienienced then someone will eventually come up with a solution to the problem if the market is allowed to function freely.

The strike that you just described is a sign of things to come. As the worlds debt economies begin to crumble It will get worse not better. If we want to usher real change in the world a few eggs will be broken and inconviences will be a daily experience.

😎FTW buy crypto on the dips! 🙏

This post received a 47% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @jacor! For more information, click here!

My question to the community is If you have the right to strike when you are not treated fairly, do you also have the right to prevent other people to get to their places of work?

No :)

To block the highways and intersections is already frustrating, but to shoot at people who try to go to work is totally unacceptable!
Like kayrex says; "my rights stops when it start to interfere with the rights of others!"

Yup, that's how it works. You can do anything, but face the consequences if you step over the boundaries of others who have nothing to do with your cause and you are causing harm to their lives... people will get angry over not being able to get to work like they should be allowed to.

blocking a public highway is not's a criminal act.

I strike choking up the city and delaying peoples' lives isn't just a problem with the taxi drivers. It's a problem with the country and your civic pride should tell you that it's symptomatic of a deeper problem in YOUR country. It's the original and forgotten secondary purpose of a strike. The sad thing is that we're all so atomized that we don't give a shit about our country and we think of it as an inconvenience put upon US and US ALONE.
I feel for you. Glad you earned some of the losses back on your post.

I agree. Strike season has started (yes, sadly we have a name for it). This time of year unions and the like start striking. It's become a fad that our government entertains because it's the people's right to strike. The thing is that it is crippling our already vulnerable economy. Worst is, the domino effect is lost on the strikers. Especially the one we had yesterday where there was no logic or possible solution.

The conspiracy theorist in me wonders if this is a conscious tactic by an outside force. In Ireland, our semi-public bus and coach operator had a 3-week drivers strike called by their union. Nobody seemed to know what they were asking for and it's unclear if they got it or not, and our economy is also endangered (yet to a lesser extent than yours) and now the company is insolvent and will probably have to sell more of it's public shares to the private sector.
Ironically, it was easier to drive around the city during those three weeks.

Same happens here. Companies and mines close down after strikes. We already have a very low employment rate and it's just getting worse. And when they strike they start breaking, burning and hurting those who don't strike with them. Everybody has to suffer because they're striking. It defies logic.

Thank you for that insight into the current situation in SA. We don't hear about these things in the rest of the world unless it's from Whites, and they mix it with racism so it's hard to tell what the truth is.

In my country says, My rights end where they start the rights of others

Hi @jacor, just a people have a right to strike people also have a right to work. My wife witnessed a taxi driver who did not strike being attacked and his taxi vandalized by striking people!! For me the day was perfect, I just worked from home, I got more done than at work in a very relaxing atmosphere, with everything I needed in the house, nice coffee breaks etc.
Sorry about your missed opportunity, this is very sad we need all business in this country of ours.

Is it our right to influence others daily lives?

I love your article but... the question answer is

it cannot be otherwise!!

you influence other daily lives... by the simply act of be alive you influence, I influence, everybody does

think about it!!


It can be really hectic !!!

@jacor wow that traffic is heavy sorry you had a bad day keep steeming on !!!

Never I saw same tis traffic
Thanks for sharing

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I am sorry to read that you had to cancel your trip :/ On one hand, you are absolutely right. But on the other hand, are these people going to be taken seriously if they don't block the freeways?

It depends on what the strike is for. By pissing off others who also try to make a living definitely they won't get any sympathy or support.

I fully agree. So selfish of them. I miss South Africa but THIS I don't miss at all.

loved ur article jacor, have u heard of sick building syndrome I think this article is important

It was the pits to me @jacor!

It's so sad to think that heavy/crazy traffic is now part of our daily lives... I can't imagine what is it gonna be 5 to 10 years from now 😑


Same happens in Prishtina every day lol

I fairly think that preventing other people to get to their destination just because your job sucks is not fair, not polite and of a bad taste of envy. Not everyone has to suffer the shit of the rest... thats fair enough for me. I understand they had a problem with their job and wanted to make a point but not like this buddy.

Was just as frustrated as you, had to take another road to work and my hubby had to turn back and work from home. But this is South Africa!

What a heavy traffic. 🚕🚕🚕🚕🚕🚕🚕

save the planet. don't commute.

It's not our right to influence, it's our fate, we can't help it.

People have the right to travel freely but you can not strike anyone unless you or your property are physically violated or under threat of being violated. You are not allowed to strike anyone because your feelings are hurt. Nice post though. Gets people thinking about the society we live in today.

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we live in a democracy.. we have every right to protest and strike in numbers if that's the only way to be heard. Sorry you was late for your meeting though, but one day we'll be flying in drone like vehicles so no more traffic.

"My question to the community is If you have the right to strike when you are not treated fairly, do you also have the right to prevent other people to get to their places of work?"

No, you don't.

Great post, thanks :o)


Simply crazy how our country's roads are ruled by these lawless taxis! :(

Just wait for a flying Uber car, then all your taxi problems are solved :D.

@jacor its sad that I didn't go work because of this madness...all roads were blocked in Midrand

Bummer man; sometimes it is just dumb luck; a week earlier, and it would have affected a different set of people. Bloody annoying though!


Jeeze, that looks like a steaming mess in the streets jo'burg!! Sorry you had to go through this... I guess it is a way for the taxi drivers to get attention but yess, it just sucks! Feelin with you.

@jacor You must have been very frustrated. I know you as a very patient man who seldom complains

I've always believed in finding solutions in a way that's less destructive than the type of experience you went through. Instead of interrupting public life for their own motives, there are better ways to express their discontentment and better ways to enforce their rights.

Wow that is pretty incredible and I would bet slightly annoying to say the least. Thanks for posting.