Suffering is linked to the feelings that accompany those who allow themselves to be dragged by anger, who show off their bad character, and even end up justifying it because of their behavior. In their opinion, it is easier to discuss than to dialogue, which, analyzing the matter carefully, is a tremendous mistake.
Who shelters in angry attitudes as a way to control, manipulate or intimidate, face the end of a double-edged sword, those around them end up moving away from them and even show rejection. The person himself feels immersed in a labyrinth, re-feeding his hostile compartment, while isolating himself from others.
One of the most frequent reasons to react and get carried away by anger, is to interpret as an attack what others say or do, not taking enough time to analyze each situation is lamentable, it hurts others and in the process causes distress and Crisis of conscience the angry.
Try to identify the triggering elements of your anger, if we are aware that anger drags us in its impetuous current, it is necessary to learn to identify that awakens that uncontrolled emotion; it is necessary to remain alert, if we can discover that it leads us to act in that impulsive way we will have taken a big step.
It is also useful to study that what we are told or do by those who have frequent contact with us, provokes us anger. No doubt we will discover that often there is no reason to get angry, but pride dominates us, with the help of God and assuming basic principles of life we can overcome anger.
Two initial recommendations:
First: Study each scene before answering, "it's funny that normally the scenes are similar or the same conversation."
Second: Speaking of space, measuring each reaction and word, as it is advisable to move away from what produces a state of tension. "That is, the reason for what that state produces, such as conversations or attitudes of the other person."
Recognize that you, with God's help and decision, can control your impulses. If you avoid an impulsive reaction you will have won a battle in life. Meditate on it and you will have taken a second step of victory.
Dios le bendiga grandemente.
Good afternoon is very important your recommendations. Thank you @junfer
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Thank you jean for your comment we must pause our lives to correct mistakes, and improve our behavior that sometimes without knowing does not hurt much.