Fire in my eyes! So what is it about me, that makes me so special? Guess!
The fact that no matter how much i eat, 6-7 times a day, depending on my mood, i still burn calories and maintain a model figure.
P.S i dont work out much. I'd say its a gift from above

If i were to describe myself in two words, outwardly, i'd say simple and elegant.
I find elegance in confidence, which shows me off to the world. In simplicity, elegance.
Clothes dont make me look good, i radiate beauty and confidence, i make clothes look good.

What do you see? I see self love, loving my skin, being comfortabe in it and complimnting with the touch of nature.
I see strength in character.
Beauty truly is from within, for what i am on the outside, i am on the inside first.
Strong, Fearless, Confident, Beautiful.

From the pictures you posted, i can say nature has blessed you with a wonderful body posture. Your also beautiful.
It's a good thing to be grateful for what you have.
I hope you consider modelling. It suits your body build @kivar
I 'm working on being a big model someday . Thanks love
Hot legs.