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RE: How To Solve the STEEM/Exchange Liquidity Crisis

in #steemit4 years ago (edited)

These are some fucking terrible solutions man.

  1. We take over the chain. That is essential.
  2. Witnesses reinstate the Soft Fork.
  3. They go to Justin and tell him:

You bastard, you fucked up and you lost.

After that we put in milestones in place. Once he delivers SMTs he gets to control certain percentage of funds, the next milestone and the milestone after that. We hold the stake ransom until he delivers on the promises has been making these last 4 years.

4.The exchanges can fuck off. They fucked up and need to pay for it. That steem just left the market and is powered up (which is good for us) and Im not selling any Steem under 2 dollars. In absolutely no scenario do we allow them to powerdown in 24 hours.

Dude, its like youre rooting for the enemy? WTF? In no way do we win by going with your suggestions. You want us to capitulate while wer having an advantage over them and literally kill any and all integrity the chain has left.

Fuck no.