What to do?! That Person is flooding your Feed by Resteeming everything that comes through their Feed, and you're pretty sure That Person followed everyone on Steemit!
You can't begin to find the posts from the people you followed! You're just scrolling and scrolling through That Person's Resteemed stuff!!
But, for whatever reason, you don't want to unfollow That Person because you're in the same group, you're in the same circle of friends, you're BFFs, you're related ... ! I completely understand!!
You know, you have options. Right? Of course, right! That's where the magical Mute Button comes in. If you can't find it anywhere else, it's always on That Person's profile page, right next to the Follow Button
There! You're rescued!
Well. Not quite.
There are tools for Steemit that will tell on you. Sooner or later That Person is going to find out what you did with the Mute Button.
More important!
This is your friendly opportunity to help That Person before they sabotage themselves!
If it is at all possible, please get in touch with That Person and share the following information with them.
Part 1: That Person is not making curation $ by Resteeming. Resteeming is not part of the Steemit curation payout plan.
Part 2: That Person is smothering their own voice, hiding their own posts. All Resteems show up on That Person's "blog" page.
When there are too many Resteems, The Followers cannot find That Person's own work on That Person's very own blog page.
This will bring The Followers to a quick and full stop. The Followers won't be able to figure out what That Person is posting about and will exit That Person's blog.
The Followers will get distracted and click on one of the Resteems and go follow That Other Person. (You know it happens. You know you've done it. Okay. I know I've done it and if you haven't yet, you will.)
Part 3: The Followers who do follow That Person will seldom have a chance to see a post by That Person (even if That Person hasn't been muted by The Followers). It's the same as Part 2 except That Person's posts are being drowned and washed away in the flood of Resteams That Person is sending to The Followers' Feed page.
Part 4: The Followers expect their Feed page to be full of content they thought they were choosing to follow: posts by That Person and Those Other People they chose to follow.
It's like when we leave the car radio set to a "our" station and then come back and the radio is set to "their" station. It's not what we chose, it's not what we expect.
The Followers feel the same way about the Feed of posts they chose to follow. It's okay to slip in an occasional ad for a friend but don't take over The Followers' Feed.
Inserting too many Resteems will be the biggest reason The Followers mute That Person and feel That Person is obnoxious. Even though The Followers know logically That Person never meant to cause frustration, it will still feel obnoxious.
Part 5: That Person needs to know that when they Resteem, they are leaving their money on the table for someone else. Sometimes this is a good and fine thing. Sometimes it's not the best for That Person nor Their Friends.
We can overcome (to everyone's benefit)
Possibility 1: Think of Resteeming as placing free ads on your blog. Keep them at a very low ratio to your posts. Don't let them crowd out your content.
Possibility 2: Better than Resteeming! In your own post, write a proper introduction for The Followers about the incredible post /person you found. Explain what you find interesting, why you find it interesting, how you plan to apply this persons ideas, etc.
Possibility 3: Better than Resteeming! Create a "roundup post". We don't need round ups of the most popular. No. Instead share the unique. Share the stunning. Share honesty. One example of how to do a round up is #steempearls @steempearls.
Possibility 4: Champion the cause! Share and promote the post in various chat channels. Or, hey, flip it over into Facebook or Twitter.
Above all absorb this mind adjustment: Steemit is a blogging (for money) platform with a built-in and motivated social network.
A Resteem is not a random share. It has the power to connect the original writer with your followers. It also has the power to distract your followers or even create a mute button barrier.
Okay, I'm sure you all have more ideas and thoughts to share.
Enjoy, have fun!
Thank you for mentioning the #steempearls @marillaanne
The steempearls are meant to be a sum up of content, which the writer enjoyed and haven't got noticed that much that they deserved. You have noticed that pretty good. :)
It is absolutely my pleasure to share your #steempearls idea. You chose a fabulous name and your presentation style is very enjoyable.
As each person brings their own writing and curating focus, @steempearls can demonstrate the depth and width of Steemit.
I firmly believe promotions like your #steempearls is the type of thing we should all be doing to lift up each other.
I know I keep threatening to do #steempearls ! It is moving up my to do list. I think I will have time to do at least one next week. I want it to become routine!
Thanks for stopping by!
Solid post. Resteeming helps curators make a little money if they upvoted and that post does well, as it helps posts start trending. Resteems have helped me a lot. When I get a few resteems on a post it is the difference of making ten cents or $40.00. But I hear you. Sometimes my feed is filled with resteems that i have no interest in. I find myself making bookmarks for users I like rather than checking my feed sometimes. We need smart lists here so we can organize our favorites and engage with them more often. Until then, bookmarking a lot of peeps by category.
Rock on!
Yes! This idea of Resteeming what you've upvoted is definitely part of the curation betting game that @sethlinson should include when he does his animation short.
I'm thinking of starting by going back over people who chat with me in the last few weeks. People who show up and chat are priceless. Just keeping up with them will become complex! It's what I use to do when I was building my first blog back in ... the dark ages.
I'm all for some filters and bookmark strategies.
Yup, back in the dark ages. I feel you. Plus I still have 10,000 on my facebook pages I have not invited yet. This is like starting all over again lol. I wish you much success!!
When resteeming first arrived, I saw several posts asking for a separate area for resteemed posts. Hasn't happened, unfortunately.
I like to resteem posts for different reasons: Some to bookmark for my own interest ~ Others to share good content with others.
However, after taking a quick glance at my own Blog, I think I'll start incorporating Possibilities 1, 2 and 3.
Thanks for the re-steering Marillaanne.
It would be so helpful to be able to build a "blog roll." And a list of "recent favorite articles"!
I've thought about building a list on my own blog for convenience sake!
Sure would Marilla.
Just another idea that I've seen others do and I've started doing with my #useeisee posts ~ List all the previous #useeisee posts in the article.
Another idea for #useeisee: Based on seeing @kalemandra creating a new Steemit account, @colorchallenge where she resteems her favorite #colorchallenge posts.
You could make a separate Steemit account for 'You See vs I See' posts with @useeisee
I thought you may have thought of it already? But then I thought, best not to presume.
I've registered for @magicalmoments ~ Takes a few weeks to be given approval. Not sure exactly what I want to do with it yet. For now, I'm just using the tag #magicalmoments in some of my own posts and letting the ideas come.
I hope you have a fabulous week Marilla. I've been promising myself that I'll draw 'soon' ~ Bought new paper and have the pencils. Decluttering. Making space in my studio. Will be such a terrifying but 'Magic Moment' when I finally sit down and draw.
I have done the same with @steempearls
And to create a new account is really a helpful tool here: https://steemit.com/news/@timcliff/new-tool-from-busy-org-create-new-steem-blockchain-accounts-with-steemconnect
If you have 15 steem (?), you can just create an account out of the current account - and don't need another approval time then ;)
Thanks so much @steempearls. For me, the two weeks for approval is just about up. But if for any reason, it doesn't go smoothly, I'll know what to do now. Great to know for any other future accounts.
I'm all ears. I have no idea how to do this.
You can link another Steemit account to your primary account of @marillaanne. There is a fee for doing this. Don't know how much.
The other way is register for a completely separate Steemit account using a different email address.
You need to logout of your current account. Go to https://steemit.com and then click on 'Sign Up' and register in the same way as when you opened @marillaanne.
I used the second option ie used a new email address to register @magicalmoments with.
Good to know. Thank you.
Thank you. Which part did you find most helpful?
As i am new to the community. I found the whole information helpful. Resteeming not of value, flooding ones page, your followers and muting.
Kind of the stuff that is useful so you don't annoy your followers.
My approach to this community is upload new content as i get it. I really didn't get the whole resteeming. So that was explained to me here.
I suddenly have the feeling I left out a paragraph! Rereading. No. It's in there. Thank goodness. Not every Resteem is bad. It's just really important to know what you're doing with them.
Nice to meet you. I have a daughter in Oregon. It is beautiful!
You might enjoy following people in this list https://steemit.com/homesteading/@pennsif/preppers-and-homesteaders-on-steemit-my-list-so-far
And this one Steemit Friend Train - Homesteading Topics
Hi @marillaanne, thanks for mentioning my list. I've actually produced an updated version now with over 50 steemit preppers and homesteaders :
That's really fabulous! Thanks for letting me know!
Thank you. I was focused on the topic of annoying people. Cause thats the reason i switched from facebook. I came accross wrong and didnt mean too.
Thank you for the other links and will be exploring them. :)
LOL no no. You were so precise on what not to do, I was afraid I had left out a big point. It just gave me pause. It's just a side hazard of writing the way I do. Sometimes I edit out too much.
"Sooner or later That Person is going to find out what you did with the Mute Button" -- LOL!
How many of us "suffer" the malady of being resteemed too much (or retweeted, or FB shared)?
I have no problem with resteeming in general. I do have a problem with people who resteem EVERYTHING lol
Right! Exactly! If we're all posting +/- 3x a day plus Resteeming 3 or 4, which is conservative, that is roughly 600 to 700 posts per 100 follows per day! Who can afford to not mute anyone who is excessive?
Oh the invite is ..... I've invited my followers to come and post a link in the comments of this post (below). I would like for it to be a post that you are very pleased you wrote and is still eligible for upvoting.
Follower Appreciation Week: My Followers are a MYSTERY to ME. Let's fix that!
Technically, you don't follow me :-) but we chat so often! I can make one exception.
I follow you now :)
Sometimes I interact with a user so often, I forget that I'm not already following them...
LOL which is exactly what I'm expecting to find out at some point in this exercise! ! I lost track of checking profiles. Plus they're starting to come in so fast, I don't have a lot of hope for repeating this exercise this way again. Ever.
I haven't been on steemit long and iv'e not resteemed anything yet ,still finding my way around and building up to a first post by reading other posts on how steemit works, and stuff so thanks for the info :)
Welcome aboard! I always encourage people to start with challenges and the like. There's good community around them.
You'll win hearts and minds with mentions. Even if the person you mention doesn't realize they've been mentioned, others will see that you are generous.
And, truthfully, choosing to Resteem 2 or 3 every time you write one post will keep your "blog" fairly clean.
When you write your next post, come leave a link in the comments of one of my newest posts. Just Please, Lead in with ... "Thank you for inviting me to leave a link in comments ... " ;-)
Have fun enjoy!
Thank You! I was always worried about resteeming and taking money from someone else even if the resteem was meant as a nice gesture (subject both I and hopefully my followers were interested in)...