Structure And Future Of Time And Encryption Money

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)


Encrypted money is the currency of the future. But now we are in the present. In other words, we are preparing for the future in the present. How can we prepare for the future in the present? I have been thinking about that for several days because I was worried about the future we will encounter.

Originally I was a person who was interested in the past. I saw an old book, saw an old house, watched an old painting and liked old music. Of course I have done my best to live in the present. I worked hard at the job given at work. I also squeezed my head in order to get more results than what a superior required. The past then played an important role for me now. We have investigated and studied past cases, and presented suggestions based on the current situation. At least the past was a precious asset in my life.

My social life is not always successful. Rather, it was more failure than success. When you say the right thing, you always have problems. In order to do my best in the present, I hit the senior person and suffered damage. As a result, I saw various damages. In a way, all of these losses seemed to be reduced economically. I can not get a promotion, so I get a small salary. I sacrificed the future for the present. The problem is that the damage is not limited to that individual. I did not accept my suggestions, so I later found that I had a lot of problems with my organization and suffered financial and temporal damages.

Recently encrypted money is a very strange experience for me. The normal future is difficult to predict. It is because it is the domain of God. But now we can get a glimpse of how the future system will be structured. I wonder if there was a chance to get a glimpse of the future as it is now.

What I am interested in is the structure of the present time. Time is continuous. It flows from the past to the present and into the future. In fact, it is not easy to make it clear when, when, and when. This is because the standards are different for each person and every situation. The concept of the present time is even more vague. What can we define the present? At the moment when I define it now, the present is past and becomes past. And that future becomes the present.

However, if you look closely at the current time structure, you can think that the past and the future are facing each other. Because the accumulation of the past is the present and the present result is the future. In this way, it seems to be the area where the past and the future are confused now. Time is not passing by with uniform character. In classical mechanics, Newton or Kant saw time as a constant entity. Time was a measure of physical exercise, so we had to be homogeneous. Later, the concept of relativity was generally accepted when Einstein published the theory of relativity. The problem seems to be summarized this way.

The time I talk about is not the classical epoch, but the subjective time that an individual feels. I am very confused now. I am confused whether I am living in the past, living in the present, or living in the future. The time I'm feeling right now is like a clock painted by Dari Dali, flowing past with past, present and future.


Now I am interested in the future. I am trying to look into the future from the present. I'm looking at the realm of God. It seems to have shown the future at any time from now on. But we just turned it off. If you take a closer look at the present, you can see how the future will change and prepare for it.

When you see this sort of thing about the encryption currency in the press, some people take the seeds of the future into the past about the same facts. Some people look carefully at the future sprout that is growing in the dark corner of the garden of the present. Perhaps a competent gardener will not loose the seeds of the future to bloom in the future. You will have more interest. I'll put the branches around the sun to prevent water and fertilize it.

Some people create the future in the present and some lead the future into the past.

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You are the people who make the future in the present.