My 2 Years Anniversary on Steemit πŸŽ‚πŸ₯‚πŸ’ƒπŸ’–πŸŒΉ

in #steemit β€’ 5 years ago

Wohoooo, It's my Steemit Birthday today. Oh my God it has been such an incredible journey for me.

Two years ago a big shift happened in my life and that was Steemit. Yes it was a very big shift for me, because after coming to a new country, being jobless and not really knowing in which direction I am heading to and when all doors seemed to be closed, Steemit peeped into my life and since then it has been going on every single day for me. It is truly become a part of me, there is not a single day when I am not accessing Steemit.

During this 2 year journey, I witnessed the very highs and the very lows not only of the markets but for my own self too. At one time I had an earning of almost 350$ plus for a post and then there were rough times when I had earning of 3$ for a post but all said an done, it was happening fine and giving me the rigor to keep moving. I am very regular on the platform. I make it a point to make a minimum of 20 to 22 post a month, giving break every 4th day for my VP to build up again :-)

So Many wonderful moments I have had here with a lot of people. Not met anyone personally but still there is a connection, I know they are for real. Specially when last year during my surgery I had people feeling worried for me and it was such a beautiful feeling to know and understand that there are so many out there who care for you.

Other thing wonderful that has happened to me is being part of the communities. #thealliance, #ecotrain, #earthtribe, #naturalmedicine, #tribesteemup, all of them give me an opportunity to share my knowledge on the subjects that I like to write the most on. Though I am never on Discord, the members of the community make it a point that I am involved in every activity. But recently I felt very bad when one of the community leader reached out to me with a request and I was not able to fulfill it. Yes but I will for surely very soon. And the kindness of this person is applaudable, he did understand my situation and never showed any hard feelings. This only proves that people walk the talk here.

Let me share with you all some of the wonderful memories and achievements that I have had in the last 2 years;

My very 1st post on Steemit was
Life at the Surface, for which I recieved my very first upvotes from @romantic4 and @skyhooks. I was a little disappointed as almost no one had read my post.πŸ˜ƒ

The 1st Contest that I participated was hosted by @ana-maria
Wishes...Wishes...Wishes….Unlimited Wishes. I got a $10 vote on this, my 1st post with a double digit earning almost after 2 months of joining Steemit. I was on top of the world

Then was the joining of #thealliance which was another big achievement and they featured me in their "Feartured Member" series
πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰Featured Member:πŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆ πŸ˜‡@nainaztengraπŸ‹ @thealliance
From here on a lot of people started knowing me, wow I was getting famous..hehehe 😎

A very sweet gesture was made by a friend, which I really felt very touched
Dish Dedication for @nainaztengra Spicy Prawn Stir Fry @Chefsteve
It was all magic happening. How would one feel when you receive something like this. I was feeling that it was just not about my writing but people were really loving me for what I am. Again I was enjoying the feeling.

Then came my highest paid post of $383, at the time when Steem was around 4$
Importance of Family Table Talks There was a big vote of almost 180$ from @glitterfart. I was speechless and I am sure if you would be in my place you would be the same.

Another recognition that was done by @hopehuggs
My Steem Super Stars: Interview with Nainaz Tengra @hopehuggs
This was my first video interview ever that was happening. I was very nervous, @hopehuggs had scheduled a time with me for the interview and I was like ohh how am I going to sound on this whole thing. I had made my script and was all ready and it went very fine. Thank you @hopehuggs for the honor you bestowed on me.

There were many other achievements in this span of 2 years and every time I was feeling like I had accomplished something. All of these wonderful moments gave me a lot of motivation to keep going on Steemit.

Then there were some dull moments also, but that is a part of life, you can not always keep having highs, and it is better to taste the lows also to keep the balance on.

In the 2 years I have made 378 Post, I managed to earn an SP of around 12500, come up to a Reputation of 72, earn a lot of badges but most importantly received lots and lots of love from my fellow Steemians. All of this is a big achievement for me.

There are some people I always keep Thanking, because I feel very grateful to them for being a part of my journey and giving me that never never ending support.
Here goes my Gratitude to these people and communities once again;
@canadian-coconut; @enginewitty; @ana-maria; @c0ff33a; @slowwalker; @eco-alex; @artemislives; @jatinhota; @jznsamuel; @hopehuggs; @arunava; @dana-edwards; @runicar; @taliakerch; @steem-samiam; @drakos; @proctologic; @chefsteve; @amitsharma; @tattoodjay; @daudimitch; @tribesteemup; @dine77; @likedeeler; @stackin

In this journey there have been loads of learning's about which I have already written in the past, hence I will not include that here now. Everyone has a strategy to be successful, but the most important is to have one. As it is said Rome was not built in a day and so is success on Steemit not possible in a matter of few days or couple of months. But if you have the desire to pave out your way, directions will always follow and one will have their way out.

The next big thing for me on Steemit is attending the Steemfest in November and meeting up with everyone. I am enjoying my journey here on Steemit and I wish that it keeps going on the same way.

Thank you for visiting my blog.


My other blogs of Interest

"Importance of Parent's mindfulness while planning a Baby"
My Daily Detox Smoothie
A Collection of Vintage Cars for the Car loversπŸš—πŸš™
Time is Ticking; Are We Living in the Now?
The Road to Steem Fest - Who would I like to meet in Thailand

Member of

Supporting People Who Help Make The World A Better Place @ecoTrain

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YAY!!!! Huge congrats and happy Steemiversary to you! Thank you for being so consistent in your posts and always bringing something positive to light. I'm glad I met you here. Thinking of you makes me smile. Steem on! :)

Thank you my dear. The feeling is mutual. Love and Hugs πŸ’–

Happy steemversary steem onward and upward

Thank you my dear

Most welcome :)

Happy anniversary

Thank you

This post earned a total payout of 0.164$ and 0.123$ worth of author reward which was liquified using @likwid. To learn more.

We love you Nainaz! Happy to see this post come about. I know you've had ups and downs in your personal life, but you are still here plugging away and doing it all with a smile. Cheers to another 2 years ahead!

Thank you very much for the lovely wishes and the wonderful association that we have. Look forward to lots of good times ahead...Love and Happiness always πŸ’–

Congratulations on your two years on the Steem Blockchain- I for one am very happy you have stuck with us through thick and thin - I adore your content rich posts and you are such a quality active supporter of other peoples posts as well. !COFFEEA 15

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thank you for such encouraging words my dear. It is everyone's support also that keeps me going else I do not think without the support I would have so much motivation to keep going. Your journey has also been incredible, I always admire your networking skills, the way you resteem every single post of the members, It's all so incredible. Happy to have crossed paths with you here. Love and Happiness always πŸ’–

Yeeeah! Another 1!!!!Congrats on your second year on steemit! Nice to see people sticking it out and still enjoying the platform years later, its people like you that will help build the foundation for future expansion!>= Keep it up and hope to see you around in the future

Thank you my dear. Yes I feel unbelievable that what started as just a curiosity has grown up so big for me.

Happy Anniversary @nainaztengra!! Pretty soon it’s will be three years πŸ˜…πŸ˜‹

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thank you. Yes I am hoping 3, 4 and more....and with that the steem prices also shooting up πŸ˜€πŸ’–

Amazing... two years!!! I adore that picture of you. Steem would NOT be the same without you... I love your blog, your passion and your heart and am proud you are part of the @naturalmedicine community!

Posted using Partiko Android

That's so sweet and kind of you my dear. I believe that every person success here depends partly on the support they receive from fellow steemians and I have been lucky enough to get that along with the community support that I receive. I can just say it's all so beautiful. Lots of Love and Happiness always πŸ’–

Impressive and very well-deserved achievements and accomplishments in this short period (though crypto community will call it eons)!

Even though you haven't met anyone personally, you have carved a strong bonding with so many people here. Can't wait to read your experiences of what will turn out when you will meet so many Steemians in one go at SF! I'm sure you will return with many more great friendships from there.

Wishing you many more amazing things in your life on Steem in the times to come!

Thank you very much my dear. I admire your achievements too and the zeal and rigor you carry. Truly Steemit has become a part of many of our lives and I am sure these efforts will pay out very well in the future times to come.
Wishing you too lots of happiness, success and Love πŸ’–
Yes SF is going to leave me with some wonderful moments and I am so much looking forward to meeting everyone, I think it's just going to be fab

Happy Steem Birthday @nainaztengra - @ecotrain appreciates your contributions and perspectives very much!! x

Leading the curation trail for both @ecotrain & @eco-alex.
Together We’re Making This World A Better Place.
Click Here To Join the manually curated trail "@artemislives" to support quality eco-green content.


Thank you very much my dear. It is my pleasure to have known you here on Steemit. Lots of Love and Happiness always πŸ’–

Yeeeeah!! Dear, congrats!!
You have reached really great success for this time, and you're worth it without any doubt!
I wanna see your name in a list of whales soon!:)

Some flowers to make you smile;)


Ohhh my God, Whales I do not think so, it would be many years...hehehe.....Thank you very much for your good wishes and support always. I am happy to have met you here on Steemit, You are a wonderful person with such beautiful thoughts. I wish for you loads of success, Love and Happiness always πŸ’–

Happy super duper steemiversary to you. 730 days and counting.. Wow πŸ€—

Thank you my dear. It truly has been an incredible journey

Happy anniversary @nainaztengra you had been awesome for the last 2 years that you had been a steemian. :D

Thank you my dear. It is such a pleasure to cross paths with you here. Love your spirit and enthusiasm. God Bless you with loads of happiness always and good health :-)

Congrats..... always enjoy reading your posts

Thank you my dear. Your support is valuable for me. Thanx for being there all the time.

congrats on the special milestone !! keep rocking dear friend :)

Thank you my dear and grateful for your support always πŸ’–

Congratulations good job πŸ‘ 🌺

Thank you

congrats on reaching that milestone!

Thank you

What I liked about this birthday post was the highlighted posts. I had not seen them and it was interesting reading the ones you were proud of.

Happy 2nd birthday!

Thank you for the good wishes

Congratulations @nainaztengra!! Great accomplishments over your two year journey.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you for your good wishes πŸ’–

Wow you're an ancient cyber creature lol
Your achievements are inspiring, I think most people wish they would be able to say something similar when they get 2 years old on the platform.
Did I say congratulations yet? oh.... Congrats!!!
I'm sure the glory won't stop here ;)

Thank you very much for your kind and encouraging words. Truly it has been incredible for me here. Lots of learnings which I am sure will go a long way.

coffeea Lucky you @nainaztengra here is your COFFEEA, view all your tokens at Vote for c0ff33a as Witness

Thank You, Thank You, Thank you...that's very sweet of you. πŸ’–

Amazing, great to hear your experience. Do you think Steem will ever return to $4 and facilitate the payouts they used to? I'm working hard at daily posts with the hope that my accumulated Steem will increase in value in the current bull market, but the bull market is not taking steem with it anymore.

Yes, I am very certain that the price of Steem will go up, though for now the situation looks poor but it will rise again and the efforts we have put in now will give good returns, so do not give up. Every single steem earner will matter some day. Right not the market is at a different level and everything looks uncertain but it will improve and with that Steem too will.

Congratulations @nainaztengra! You received a personal award!

Happy Birthday! - You are on the Steem blockchain for 2 years!

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You got a 24.60% upvote from @ocdb courtesy of @nainaztengra! :)

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