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RE: A Different Post: Today I Graduated the 1KSP Program

in #steemit7 years ago

wow awesome post and story. I think your journey on Steemit is only beginning. Look at your reputation will be passing me out soon.

Keep up the good work, don't mind the flags because at the end of the day, they actually draw a lot of attention to your account. Bernie is a perfect example of this.

To your success - Steem on - Glad to be part of your journey and I know there are fun times ahead for all of us.


Hah! You're a numbers person... you know that getting to 58 and getting to 65 aren't the same thing :P

No way I'll catch you anytime soon, it gets harder the more I climb.

Can't wait for those fun times... thank you for stopping by :D

I am 'swimming in his wake" so to speak, Max is breaking the waters for RGR and I am behind being pulled along!