¿Aren't you using your posting key already to sign in on the others third party apps like eSteem, Busy or Chainbb right now?
I suspect you need to explore and actually READ a little bit more out there to gain actual knowledge mate. :)
¿Aren't you using your posting key already to sign in on the others third party apps like eSteem, Busy or Chainbb right now?
I suspect you need to explore and actually READ a little bit more out there to gain actual knowledge mate. :)
I use them with the apps made by people that I know and trust.
Are you saying that the only key that I could use with your service is my posting key, that no-one can use another key and lets say use their wallet through your service ?
People that you know and trust. ¿Huh?
Ok, ¿How well you Know and would you Trust on.. eermm.. Hmm.. Ah yes! for example; @steemitdev & @steemitblog?
¿Are you willing to explore and read a little bit more now? :)
ps. And btw, it is not my service hehehe
@por500bolos, you ware right.
Ref: @steemitdev/help-us-test-new-performance-optimizations-for-steemit-com
I guess they didn't want to point the attackers to that site too.
You are absolutely right in your appreciation my dear @zinovi. They indeed cleverly didn't want to point the attackers to that site too. :)
So now, I am really happy that you have finally captured my cryptic message. After having had the will to explore & read beyond the usual just a little bit more, and then, you own now that more accurate knowledge and wisdom. Hehehe
Cheers!! }:)