The only downvotes on this post at the time of this edit belong to the scammer/thief therealwolf and his platform smartmarket which a part of smartsteem. They are both extremely high value downvotes and those 2 alone put this post along w/ many other comments and post below the show threshold. This is intentionally done to try and hid the "pictures for proof" i've posted. This isn't my word against his, every SBD/STEEM is trackable on the blockchains and everything I say here can be verified if you find my pictures insufficient evidence.
This is a "service" provided by @therealwolf that constantly misrepresents it's earnings and payout figures and sometimes just straight up jacks the money. Guess it depends on his mood. My last post was a charity post with all earning going to Child Advocates and this asshole essentially just stole money from abused children so ya there's also that. Now here's this pics for proof incase you don't want to go searching through the blockchain to verify this for yourself.
20.00 SBD $48.66 9.93% $70.54 /life/@prometheusrisen/hugs-not-hits .... $70.54 vote value
Smartsteem has voted on the post and its only at $39.84 total
This isn't a one time deal either, the comment sections are filled with people asking where their money went to, some people pay for votes and then just flat out don't receive them. I guess in retrospect I should feel good this guy @therealwolf only fleeced me for a couple points on my money instead of just jacking it entirely like he did to this guy.
[-]dreamm (54) · 14 hours ago
WTF? why did i get a 0.00 upvote?
1.) You got exactly what you paid for. ROI was capped at 10%. This is also in Smartsteems' Terms of Service and on
Calculations are made from - which is not associated with
2.) Call me an asshole again and you'll see where this takes you.
3.) Flagged due to public slaughtering instead of asking us on discord.
Will you check my math? Please don't flag me. By my math he got more than 10%. lol
10 hours ago
7e7329a8Smartsteem smartsteem upvote @prometheusrisen/hugs-not-hits (9.03%)
@smartsteem - 64.138
527.501 STEEM
$5970.788 SBD
2,237,623.817 SP Your 9% upvote is worth:
Calculator $37.60
$37.60 *.75 = $28.20 which would be more than a 10% return so my math is probably off. lol
Currently 40.03 STU actually. He made 4.84% at current prices. It's not 10%, but it's still on the plus side.
The price of steem might have went down a tad. Thanks.
@therealwolf I didn't want to do so just yet, as ide still like to get established deeper into the community. But I wanted to personally thank you for the work you've done so far, both on steem and through your smartsteem services. You will always be much needed. I understand the frustration dealing with the negativity, but through that all, you will always succeed. A deeper thanks will come in the future, for now there is no time. This short thank you will have to do. Take care until then! 👍⭐✨
@herorasseru i think i am going to use his service to try. i amnew in this.
Also pease upvote me if you have some free time
pro-tip - asking for votes will rarely get u any. if ure content is good, the votes will come.
i know, my content is crap :P and thence im lucky to make $2 a post :P
some cultures where quietly bootlicking and hoping for support is impolite.. ;-) it's better to ask directly, nothing wrong with it. if the person doesn't want to take a look at the blog and give an upvote - they can bugger off too.
so - check out my blog and upvote my latest post - or not!
smartsteem isn't a bad service in my experience. this guys is spamming all our posts like a stiff tool. Give smartsteem a shot. if they can't upvote you, they return the money. only problem is they are compliant with grumpy cat so in that regard, everytime I use their service I feel kind of bad. still, the profit helps me get over my discomfort
It seems he doesn't understand how payouts work and that the value of an SBD is greater than $1. That seems to be the source of his frustration. The name calling needs to stop, though.
I'm fully aware of the difference in currency valuations. For any innocent reading this stream both of these people have been proven liars with pictures for prove look down this comment feed to find a few :). Do not get sucked into their BS.
HEY ASSHOLE my post was a charity post for motherless abused kids on mothersday ... I don't know how much slimier you could get man. I did ask on discord and i posted the pics of the vote value through steembottracker and the vote value on my post ... it was immediately deleted and I was banned. Seems like a scam ... now you just go around and downvote everything trying to hide it. You're not an asshole, shit comes out of an asshole, it has a function. You are worse than a shit dispenser you're a fucking parasite on society. A weed that needs to be rooted out so the garden of humanity might thrive.
Abusive language is not helpful.
Bots are a gamble, even if the bot does everything promised, the vote value may be lower of the price of STEEM drops. The payout you actually receive from the post may be higher or lower if the price of STEEM and/or SPD move before the post payout.
The fact that it was a charity post doesn't mean the markets will stop moving for you
My names Joshua lee Cowan I live in Austin Texas and I take pride in my actions and stand by my words and works. Where you at wolfie?
I do not know you @prometheusrisen and I am NOT a friend or partner of the @therealwolf - but calling him an asshole and spamming the entire community with your accusations is bullshit - be careful or others flag you and kill your account. I also did charity stuff that had issues but it will not help anyone if you use abusive language.
I used smartsteem today, so he comment on me linking me here saying you scammed him...before clicking I assumed you flagged him randomly...but he is bitching because he wanted more than a $40 STU for his 20 SBD....waaaaay over the top exaggerated saying you stole from him....I would be pissed
I had send @smartmarket 0.2 SBD and because of some technical error I was not voted and I forgot it. After 4 days I found the vote was not casted. When I took it to the @realwolf on @discord, he returned me more than that. I think people must not get personal and loose all the work done because of Unawareness of working of bots.
@therealwolf Please upvote my comment. I am new at this and still learning the ropes
You got a 33.33% upvote from @bid4joy courtesy of @prometheusrisen!
You sent $20 sbd & getting $20 sbd in payout minus pennies plus 7 steempower!
your netting a +35% gain here not losing money, your picture proves it!
If your for charity can you show us some pictures of you giving them money past or present?
The math here is not easy and you clearly donot understand it. If you go to the page you took one snapshot from smartsteem & many bots moved to a 10% maximum gain -10% maximum loss, you are going to net +35% gain do you better understand it yet? & i donot like therealwolf, I am a catman
Also they all lower the % as post promotion is supposed to cost money not earn it, if your new & want to trend you gotta pay to play! Then hopefully your noticed & can rake in some organic votes! I like @thundercurator hand votes & gives 300% upvote but is new & growing! The 2nd best imo are @smartmarket & @minnowbooster but always tapped out giving +200% upvotes.
Also timing is involved, if within the first 30 minutes the values go down as curation %'s change during this time paying out more so your voted a lesser %. I also disagree with the downvotes as this is supposed to be a censorship free platform & @therealwolf comments along with your proof would earn him more business if seen and not hidden.
No reply huh... Admitting you were wrong shows how big a man you are or can you not provide proof of your charitable donations?
just to tell you the ammount of SBD and STEEL showing in steemit isn't the same as the payout becuase it hold the curation too so if you calculate it you need to do SBD75%+STEEM75% so the ammount is 2075%= 15 SBD and 775%=5 steem anyway he have his roi +10% anyway because 1 steem = 1.3 sbd so 5 * 1.3 = 6.5 sbd
Thanks guess I did leave curation out 😂👍
For the sake of simplicity, let's assume curators get no part of the payout (which isn't the case). Half of your payout will be payed as SBD. So for a $40 post, you'll get 20 SBD and $20 worth of Steem Power. The value of SBD fluctuates a lot, but right now, 1 SBD is worth $2.54.
That means you'll earn $50.80 worth of SBD (20 SBD) and $20 worth of Steem Power, for a total of $70.80.
You can easily see the pending payout of the post bro ... I PUT A FUCKING PICTURE OF IT ... stop the lies stop the scams. Here it is again incase someone gets suckered in by reading your bullshit
Tell me again about that payout and the value and how you came up with those numbers in your post LIKE I DONT HAVE PICTURES FOR PROVE YOU SACK O SHIT
No need for name calling. It seems you're getting mad because you don't know how the system works. It's okay to not know, it's a very complicated system, and it's tough to know all the intricacies.
LMAO went from here's the numbers o o o got called out on your BS with PICS FOR PROVE like I always have, these aren't unverified claims, I'm not attacking your intelligence, I'm attacking your character for the reveal you just did when OPENLY LYING. I' m mad because I was scammed and when I tried to politely ask what was going on I was booted from discord and my comments were downvoted. Then @therealwolfs army starts showing up with BS LIES LIKE YOURS and when i PROVE THEY ARE LIES WITH PICTURES SHOWING THE LIES you still try to spin it. I'll give it to ya, it's either balls or batshit crazy to continue your argument when theres a pic showing you are lying. Most people cut and run when outed ... must be part of the @therealwolfs army of double down on the lie scammers. You keep repeating your lies, I'll keep posting pictures proving you're lying.
ok, so, im a little confused.....
ure saying u got scammed right.... but so's this guy..
•[-]leewilliamson (-5) · 21 hours ago
@therealwolf 's created platform smartsteem scammed my post this morning (mothersday) that was supposed to be for an Abused Childrens Charity. Dude literally stole from abused children that don't have mothers ... on mothersday.
1 vote
(spam on my post, that u DIDNT EVEN BOTHER VOTING incidentally)
so which one is it?
so, basically, ure pissing off people that dont even have anything to do with the service ure pissed at....
hows that working for you?
think im gonna jump on the bandwagon and start downvoting ure shit.
congratulations. u 'made the list'
Please post the math for me to tell me why I'm wrong. I don't understand what you're trying to tell me with the photo.
Dude, this screenshot literally shows what @tangerinetravels said above. You receive 20 SBD (about 50$) and 7 Steem (about 24$) so 74$ in total, so exactly what you ought to receive.
10 hours ago
7e7329a8Smartsteem smartsteem upvote @prometheusrisen/hugs-not-hits (9.03%)
@smartsteem - 64.138
527.501 STEEM
$5970.788 SBD
2,237,623.817 SP Your 9% upvote is worth:
Calculator $37.60
$37.60 *.75 = $28.20 which would be more than a 10% return so my math is probably off. lol
Take into account the USD values of SBD and Steem at the time of upvote and do your math again. I'm sure, you will get it right.
i upvoted and followed you @mysearchisover PLease upvote me. thank you for this comment i learnt a thig or two about how to calculate
I just upvoted your blog post. You might want to sign up for @dustsweeper.
Just read the post again and realized you don’t know how to do math lol you didn’t even lose money at all dude. U sent 20 SBD and got a 20 SBD upvote, the only reason it’s right under 20 is because of the steem price downtrend. You’re actually lucky they didn’t destroy your account rep for calling them scammers.
"Shut up.
Sit down.
And eat your food."
That's what my mom says. ;-)
Thank you for your info.
My pleasure, just trying to keep others from getting scammed like I did. The guys super rich and he's stealing money from abused children ... was really hoping the steemit community was a better place than this.
Thanks for the warning, I'll keep my eyes open.
My pleasure. It's really my fault, had I looked into it more I would have seen all the comments, it just seemed like so many big steemians were using it so it must be ok. I'm kind of assuming it only works how it says it does if you're on his whitelist if it does at all ... but maybe it is just a straight scam.
Math is hard. If you can't do it, someone could help you. This is not a scam it is you not understanding how it works.
Man you are a douchenozzle! You're spamming other peoples' posts randomly claiming that you were ripped off, when in fact, you are just too stupid to realize how the payouts work! And even worse, when other users try to explain it to you, you then start attacking them!
Stop for a minute, take a deep breath, then reread the comments that others have left below explaining things to you. The main point that you fail to understand is that 1 SBD does not equate to $1 USD.
good information, thanks man
My pleasure, and don't get suckered in by his lies, I posted pics of everything I said with the numbers clearly shown on them. He's been outed.
You got a 11.11% upvote from @luckyvotes courtesy of @prometheusrisen!
I wanna be upvoted when I grow up. But that's not likely to happen. First, I need to start kissing some bigwhale's ass to get off some blacklist. In the mean time I'll just keep mirroring and sharing youtube content that I'm asked to do. Guess who's really not in it for the money here
Posting someone else's YouTube video without much of a content from yourself is exactly why you will be flagged.
Why would anyone pay you for someone else's work?
i was down voted by cheetah bot when i was new for a blog i wrote myself and have been stuck there since. Could you please help me out?
I saw on your other comment that you got flagged by @cheetah because you posted on Medium. That's because the bot looks for potential copy/paste, or even plagiarism.
Your best bet is to contact @steemcleaners on their Discord channel.
I'm not looking to get paid
Then, try using to browse Steemit because the default UI got rid of the "decline payout" option for some reason.
When you just post a video like that, a lot of us is going to assume you are just trying to cheat out some payout.
You got a 19.73% upvote from @brupvoter courtesy of @prometheusrisen!
Nice post ! You got 47.62% upvote from @flymehigh. Earn free sbd/steem daily by delegating(renting) your SP. We share high return, click here to delegate your sp to flymehigh if you don't know, how to earn passive income by delegating your SP click here for more info Join our discord You can promote your posts. Thanks.
I did not understand well. How much sbd did you send to the bot and for what amount do you upvoto? How much is the amount you say you should have voted?
It sort of feels like buying votes is a setup for being frauded... I'm sorry this has happened to you and thank you for reaching out.
I didin't even know this service existed. isn’t even directly correlated to the amount of bids in each round. They only track the amount of bids sent through their site so doesn’t account for money sent outside of the site. On top of that, steem is in huge downtrend so when u send SBD for an upvote, your payout will get lower and lower each day while stream price is going down.
In conclusion your frustration is due to not being fully aware of how the site works. I’ve lost much more than you on single bids, it’s just part of the game.
I only bid on bots through steemit and my bid gets recorded on
buddy...he didn't rob you...and btw...the average price of steem should be rising again soon so your post will gain some value
I recently canceled my delagation to that service for this ROI issue.
Maksudnya ap Ya?
Maksudnya apa ya?
i have upvote ,,, @saffana nice comment @prometheusrisen.
as I said on DTA
Sit down and wait for the truth
1.) You got exactly what you paid for. ROI was capped at 10%. This is also in Smartsteems' Terms of Service and on

Calculations are made from - which is not associated with
2.) Call me an asshole again and you'll see where this takes you.
3.) Flagged due to public slaughtering instead of asking us on discord.
Flagged for plagiarism
Comment stolen from here:
Steem Flag Rewards mention comment has been approved! Thank you for reporting this abuse,@naturicia categorized as plagiarism. This post was submitted via our Discord Community channel. Check us out on the following link!
SFR Discord
i upvoted you @steemflagrewards Please upvote me back