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RE: Steemit vs Priorities

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

@sneak could you give us an update on what happened? Was it a DDOS? Without compromising the counter measures, what are you doing to prevent it. Maybe show us some traffic figures. Is there something we can do to help you?

I am sure your team is fully at work and competent in handling the situation. Having some kind of incident report would still be good. Good examples for this are:

They have a team handling the problem while giving out small blips of information. Here are some examples you could post:

  • We experience a DDOS and are all hands on deck to mitigate it
  • The DDOS is still there, we are working on it
  • We restored service for X time, but now it is on it again
  • While the website is working, our RPC nodes are swamped, transactions could be lost
  • There was no internal f*ckup, here is some stats to show the DDOS is real
  • Here is an option to switch RPC nodes should ours be down
  • Here are other interfaces while we are down (best for a 5XX page)

I think most users want to give you the benefit of the doubt but it is really hard when there is no communication at all while you have the time to tell us all information we have is FUD.

Don't worth fighting the dark when there is no light

Example of how communication can be done without actually giving out any security relevant information: