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RE: Beyond Steemit

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

In terms of alt-coins we already have more capability than Dash. Why are they doing so good? Marketing.

Which statement will I object to? I think that it is important for people to understand the currencies and the technology behind the Steem blockchain as well as the social media platform plugged into the blockchain.
As a digital currency we have more intrinsic value than other alt-coins (due to Steemit), plus we have the steem dollar which gives stability in trade.

I'm not suggesting to ignore the steem blockchain's social media platform, but to develop media showing the technology behind the blockchain, the superiority of its currency, and how this ties into the social media platform, and after the rebranding (new logos, more development etc) of Steemit is finished then create media for it. The Steem blockchain started out with the idea of being plugged into a social media platform to bootstrap the currency into wider use. It has evolved though, and will continue to do so. Blockchain technology is massive and has infinite potential. The direction of apps such as busy show that we are taking the all in one philosophy.