
This is a great concise little video.

Followed, upvoted and resteemed.

Thanks again.

:D :D

Thank you so much! And you're welcome. Ha

I'm going to make this into a series, if you have any ideas for other videos, please share them here

Very clear and well explained! Thanks!

Good, I'm so glad.

Are there any other subjects you'd like to see me cover in another video? Let me know here

I loved the animation. Retro, funny and educational! Well done indeed!

Thanks! I'm glad you liked it.

Due to the overwhelmingly positive response, I'm going to make more of these videos. If you have any ideas, please let me know here

Excellent explanation. Spreading the wealth generously! For some reason, your video reminded me of these classic guys haha

My designed were inspired by (read: stolen from) The Jetsons. Same era, similar style.

If you're interested in seeing more of these videos and want a say on the subjects, let me know here

I could upvote this post only once.


This deserves all 10 of my votes at Full Voting Power.

Thank You so much.

Thanks. That means so much to me.

And I love the voice over and the background score. :)

You are very talented.

How about a short-film ;)

I have several animated short films. If you scroll through my blog you'll be able to find some of them.

I've decided to turn this into a series. If you have any questions about Steemit that you want to see answered, let me know here

Now I understand better. Thanks for the cute animation!

If you have any other questions, I'm making more of these videos and I want to know what people are confused about! Ask away here

ONLY took you 15 hours? you're kidding right?! i would have thought that it would take longer to do something like that. in any case, great video! i think it does the job of explaining voting power to newbies really well :)

Honestly, I don't know how I did it so quickly. Everything kind of fell into place. I've never made this much content in so little time.

Thanks for commenting!

I'm going to make another one of these things. Any questions about Steemit or suggestions? Let me know here

Great video it's helped cheers mike

I'm glad you found it helpful. I'm going to make this into a series. If you have any questions about the platform that you'd like to see answered, post them in the comments here

Yes definitely, I asked a question a few days ago about saving in my wallet but didn't get any replys . Some help would be helpful cheers

Recommended by @zeartul for a special upvote!

This video was extremely well done! The animation was incredible! I have been wanting to make a 2d video, but my skills for this are subpar.. Enjoy the upvote from htooms as I am voting as a whale tonight! Cheers my friend!

Just saw his recommendation! This means so much to me.

Thank you for your @htooms vote! And if you have any ideas for other 2d videos that you say you don't have the skills for, feel free to hit me up! I might be able to help. In fact, right now I'm having an open call for ideas for my next Steemit informational video

I just posted my first steemit animation too! If you want to check it out,

I'll check that out! Thanks for commenting.

Awesome video! I love the style (reminded me of old movies and the old cartoon network - your characters looked like the Jetsons, too!). Love this. Looking forward to more of these vids :)

The jetstons was definitely an inspiration. I wanted an old-fashioned feel, and I've never cartooned in that style, so I pretty much just lifted those designs haha

I love it! Everything just fell into place. Even the narration. I can't imagine the video any other way. Sad about the fast voting drain though (I saw the upvotes as a "thumbs up you did great" sort of thing so I'm bummed I can't upvote like crazy.

I'm pretty self conscious about using my own voice, but it's easier to hire myself than a voice actor. But since I don't like hearing myself talk, I edit the crap out if it so that it's barely recognizable! haha

You can upvote like crazy, if all you want to give someone is a "thumbs up you did great." But the monetary value of your votes will decrease significantly and won't have a chance to recharge. Look forward to crossing the 500 SP border so that you can scale your votes.

If you make a series of videos with your voice on, maybe you can try editing it less and less until you're confident about it. But really, I love the video and I seriously hope you make a series out of it, teaching newbies like me that way. And yeah, I dream of being able to scale down a bit but 500 is probably eons away lol.

You can already use the voting power slider without reaching 500 SP - just go to chainBB and vote from there, every button gives you the slider as an option.

Thank you for the heads up :) I'll check it out.

I wasn't planning on making this a series, but the community is responding really well, so I just might do it!

And I really think they should change the rules. Scaling should be available to everyone.

Yes please! I'll be sure to watch them. :D

Awesome video, this cleared up some confusion ive had with the whole voting thing lol

Yay! I'm so happy

If there's anything else you're confused about, I'm making more of these videos. Ask your questions here

Nice video, though I did find the film grain effect a little distracting, maybe it could be toned down a bit in future videos.

Thanks for the suggestion. If you have any other suggestions or questions you would like to see answered in my next video, say so here

Love the video. I hope you intend to make more. Followed, upvoted & resteemed!

I will be making more! The community response has been so positive. If you have any questions you want answered in a new animated video, ask away here

Great video and post. So many changes so its good to know. Knowledge is power... steem power 👍

great post - "only" 15 hours to create a film? That's dedication (or a sarcasm alert). I'm afraid to hit "Resteem" after your previous post:

It really was only 15 hours. I don't know how I did it... I worked my ass off.

You can resteem, that isn't my post you just linked.

P.S. If your interested in giving me ideas for my next Steemit video, just say so here

This is fan-freaking-tastic. I wish I could say I resteemed because I'm generous and want to do something nice for you. No, sadly to say, I resteemed for ME, and for people I know who are as confused as I was about all this until I watched this video. GREAT job with this. Thank you for the time and effort you put in. I have followed you and will pay close attention to the things you share.

Thank you so much for your comment and for the resteem :)

Hey, this is the kind of content I crave. I will also be sharing the URL to some folks I've been trying to bring to Steemit, because I couldn't explain vote power and just ended up confusing everybody. This may help recruit. You're doing a wonderful thing with articles like this.

If this is the kind of content you crave, I've just decided that I'll be making it into a series. If you have any questions, thoughts, ideas, etc, this is the place to speak your mind :)

I would love a good, graphic explanation of blockchain technology, and a good explanation of "witness" here at Steemit. Not just for me, but so I can show other people who ask, only to leave me standing there blowing raspberries. That would be awesome!

Why has this not gotten more attention? Damn whales haha. Well I gave you a 100% awesome work! Followed for more great work! Keep it up

Oddly enough, the post I made to tease this video made nearly double what the actual video did!

This post has got a lot of attention, and I'm so glad. But most of the votes have been minnow votes, so less money for me. But that's good in a way, the minnows are who I wanted to reach and help. But money is also nice lol

It turns out I'll be making this into a series and I want community input on what topics to cover. If you have any ideas, say so here

I would beg everyone, everywhere, to cut back on background music. Keep it QUIET, at least, or intermittent. I'm hard of hearing, and background music reduces my chances of getting it all in one listen. I rarely find time for one, let alone MORE than one, viewing (hearing) of any video that contains information I want to learn. Ken Burns (you are in good company, @sethlinson!) ruined his Lewis and Clark documentary by incessantly playing the same background song. I had tolerated Ashoken's Farewell in his Civil War doc, but by the end of six hours of Lewis and Clark and the same song playing endlessly (mute button won't stop it), I was scarred for life by background music.

I love what you're doing. Never mind my personal aversion to background music - you're great at making instructional videos!

I'm not sure I want to sacrifice my style, however, maybe subtitles throughout would be a good feature for future videos. What say you?

I am a minority in my distaste for background music (especially if it keeps going and going). Subtitles, yes. I never watch movies without subtitles because of... you guessed it! ... background music (and today's actors mumbling or speaking in a near whisper) make it so hard for me to make out what they're saying. (Yeah, I was like this long before I turned 50.)

Congrats , that was a great video indeed and very useful for new users

Thank you so much :)

Ahaha! I'am now an expert voter! :) Really liked this retro style video :) Good job!

You are indeed ;)

The finished product is awesome! Nice job indeed.

Thank you!

This is exactly what i was searching today. Very good video that explains how voting on Steemit works. Keep up the good work. Thank you!

If you have any other questions, just ask here. I'm making more videos like this and I want to know what people are confused about.

I'm glad it was helpful.

Thanks a lot, this was both informative and interesting. And it was nice to revisit some old Hannah Barbera memories :D

Thanks for watching and commenting. It means a lot.

If you have any ideas or questions for future Steemit instructional videos, here is the place to say so :)

Great job dude! This will help out lots of people.


I hope so! Thanks for stopping by.

Do you have any questions, suggestions or ideas for other videos like this? I'm making more. If you do, leave your comment here

Thank you so much for taking your time. This was essential.

Thank you for your comment. If you're confused about anything on the Steemit platform, ask your questions here. I'm making more videos like this and I want ideas from the community.

wOOw! awesome animation! great post!
resteem+follow+upvoted 💪

Thank you for the resteem. If you want to see more of these videos and have a question that you would like answered, you can ask here

It's amazing @sethlinson! Very informative :D

I'm glad my video was helpful. I'm making more. If you want me to answer a question in a future video, ask here

Followed, upvoted and resteemed.

I'll wait for new videos

I hope to start producing more content more quickly, insomuch as my busy life allows.

I'm going to make more of these instructional videos. Have an idea? Say so here

@sethlinson - excellent video - upvoted and resteemed.

Want to see more videos like this? I'm making it a series and I'm interested in hearing what questions my followers want to have answered. Ask your questions or give your suggestions here

I just dropped you a vote found it very interesting thanks

Thanks! If you want to help contribute to the next video even by simply asking a question about Steemit, do so here

Thank you very much as I am trying to understand steemit and voting. This is very helpful.

That's the goal! I'm so glad the video was helpful.

If you have any other questions about Steemit that you would like to see answered in a new video, ask away here

Wow! You made a valuable video, thanks! I am quite sure it will be shared often. At least now I know where to refer others to when they want to know more about how it all works :-)

:D Thank you so much

I'm now planning to make a whole series of videos like this. Have an idea or a question? here is the place to speak your mind.

Thanks a lot for making it so simple.

Followed, upvoted and resteemed.

pls follow me.

I'm glad I could help. If you have any questions about how Steemit works, ask here. I'm going to make more instructional videos.

Wow, I've been doing this all wrong! Thanks for the explanation!

I don't think there's a right or wrong. You just need to recognize that you drain your voting power if you vote too much. If you're okay with that, all the power to you! If not, be strategic with your votes.

Ok, I guess I just meant I didnt realize I was doing anything with the votes. Still pretty ignorant about what's actually happening on here, despite all my research!

Don't even worry about it. There's a lot to understand, and this platform is so new and unprecedented.

Haha no kidding! I'm lost, but having fun reading good posts from other normal people!

Do you have more questions about Steemit? I'm going to make more of these videos and want ideas from the community. If you have an idea, say so here

Oh that's great! I have lots of questions. Haha I'll have to think of something more specific than "explain everything!" :)

nice work man. If you want you can visit my blog also

youre such a talented guy and place like this needs a gem like u
upvoted and followed
hope for the same:)

Oh wow - this is awesome content! Just what I needed to know 😊😊


Do you have any other questions about the platform? I'll be making more of these videos. Ask away here

Awesome, thanks - will check it out!

This was very entertaining, well done!

Thank you for your comment. If you have any suggestions or ideas for future Steemit videos, just say so in the comments here

Finally i found the meaningfull post, i was looking for it from the begnning, now i found it, its very informative i like it and i followed you for more posts, thanks alot for this post, your video is just remarkable

I'll be making more! I'm looking for ideas and questions from the community. If you have one, say so here

yes i have a question , a very important question ... i you have lost all your reputatiion then how you can regain it

Good article i thought i would share this update on Steemit website views behind reddit
follow me and i will follow you

Thank you for the video. Now I know how its works

Glad I could help. I'm making more videos. Do you have any questions? I might be able to answer them in a future video. Just ask here

Just learned in 2 minutes what I couldn't wrap my head around for 2 days now... And I do like the video style. If it is your "rough" job, then mate, you have a talent! Keep it up. I would love to see more on steem and cryptocurrencies in general in this style. Followed, upvoted, resteemed. Damn, I am even sending you some of my personal respect points (those are priceless and hard to obtain, by the way!). =)

Thanks! I think I might make more of these videos. The community is responding so positively.

Turns out I'll definitely make more of these! It's on the blockchain now, I can't go back on a promise! Do you have any questions or ideas for future videos? Ask away here

Great video. that was really solid!

Thanks! I'll be making more and I want to know what questions people have. You can ask here or leave any suggestions you may have for future videos.

Me likey likey. Well done.

Great video! It was the perfect explanation I needed. Up-voted and followed :)

Great explanation! Thanks very much for making it clear!

Very easy to understand this steem voting works..thank you @sethlinson