It's not that I have a missing arm, I indeed have two. It's just that I had my right working arm fractured a few weeks back on the same day when my Steemit account got approved.
So the day when I was supposed to start all guns blazing, I had to run to the doctor.
The doctor figured I had a broken elbow joint and plastered me up. Not literally me, I mean my right arm. Now my right arm was immobile, and even slight movements sent a shockwave of pain up and down my arm.
You see my right arm is my working arm and in its place, I was left with an immobile and painful load hanging from my shoulder.
I was quite done for at least 3-4 weeks after which I was to go visit him again with an X-ray to do a follow-up check.
I can't explain how frustrating it was for me not to be able to start posting away all over the blockchain. But I could not really concentrate, I could not think or do any research to be able to write anything meaningful.
I posted a couple short articles, but nothing much.
So what did I do? I started reading.
Yes, reading other's posts. Learning about the platform. Dos and don'ts, secrets of success, minnow guides, wild "to the moon" projections - all of it.
Whatever caught my eye, I read.
During this reading frenzy, I started adding small comments with my left arm about what I thought about the article in discussion. It was often negative towards Steem and the state of crypto-regulation all around. Remember, the time coincided with the crash in prices and also a lot of negative crypto news from across the world. But somehow I persisted, I did not give up.
I even used worthless speech to text on Windows to help me type less. It turned out to be more trouble than useful.
There is one key reason for me not giving up.
I figured from @taskmaster4450 and a few others that there are plenty rewards to be had from commenting. I had just started to see this before even I read it from @taskmaster4450, so when I saw this suggestion in writing, I immediately connected.
It just suited me. Just read and comment, I told myself, just don't get into writing posts when you physically are limited.
So comment I did.
The counts were much lesser than what was suggested, but I always tried to ensure quality.
And boy was I rewarded!
My comments were upvoted by many Steemians, including many votes above $1, a few above $2 and one vote above $10.
It was just awesome, it was exactly what I needed. The life support which kept me afloat and did not allow me to drown in the abyss of frustration and demotivation.
And all of this happened, all of this I made happen with one arm - with my other arm, while my working arm all plastered up was hanging heavily in a sling bag.
In fact, my right arm was hanging from my shoulder even a couple of days back, only that the plaster has come off. It was only this Saturday that the doctor said I can now use the arm normally as long as I don't do any heavy lifting or play outdoor sports.
That's why I say, if I can do it with my left arm, you can surely do it as well. Just keep at it, read and apply your learnings.
And comment. Add quality. Avoid spamming. Enrich discussions.
It will take time, I am nowhere near where I want to be but I persist. All you can do is to keep at it, the results will follow.
Your posting might have been a bit delayed, but I have always promoted commenting as a form of building alliances. It's a good thing to go through the comments of your friend's posts and leave up-votes as well. You give a boost to your friend's content, AND meet their friends and followers. Up-voting is a good will gesture and pays dividends all around. :D
Yes, I do that with quite regularity these days. Initially my votes were not worth much so missed voting many times, but not anymore :)
Very inspirational. Do you aim for a set amount of comments? Hope you have a speedy recovery.
I actually should, but I can't... I try to comment and participate as much as I can
@svkrulze amidst the witty starts, I really liked your honest approach and taking time to share it out as well. Actually I would stress on the part that beyond the upvotes and rewards. Good commenting ensures
really weaves a community and a personal connection from words.
Oh yes, good commenting creates networks of common interests. That's what takes everyone forward
Very informative post. Thanks for share it.
Happy steeming.
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