You reveal in this post the very real and sound reason to act in accord with basic principles, rather than simply going with the flow, or changing ethics depending on the situation and trying to rationalize and justify it due to changing conditions.
Were folks shown to have been standing on principle when vote sellers fouled the nest, we wouldn't have ended up here to begin with. Were they intent on doing so now, we wouldn't continue to make the problem worse and keep driving away users and dragging the price of Steem down now.
Far more valuable aspects of society, such as free speech, are potential to Steem social media, and elevating mere financial concerns over these far more important matters is why Steem is beaten down by the changing winds of altcoin markets, hard forks, and enemedia propaganda no matter how the devs tweak voting power, curation windows, or onboarding.
What's the point of onboarding masses of users when profiteering is just going to sour them on Steem and drive them away? Personally I think that's a terrible waste of the potential market. It's ten times harder to bring someone back after driving them away than it is to attract them in the first place. As long as YOY user retention is between 5 and 10%, we should avoid onboarding any new users at all, awaiting conditions that might enable those users to provide a growing market that pushes the price of Steem up.
Stinc seems to have utterly failed to actually have the principles outlined in the white paper, and instead to say whatever it thinks will get people to believe it has any principles beyond maximising the utility of stake weighting to the ninjaminers, while failing to grasp the actual underlying principles of sound investment that create growth of markets and upwards price pressure on investment vehicles like Steem that create capital gains, the incentive for investment proven to have successfully attracted investors since prehistory.