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RE: Introducing #SharkSchool - How To Take Over The Trending Page By Being A Bloodthirsty Savage

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

According to your logic, any content in a paid slot is advertisement, but your problem is that you only consider paid, what is transparently bought. How do you think that the trending page got to be filled with shit in the first place before vote bots?????
Think hard....
Because not all vote services are transparent, there are shadow vote markets in steemit, and you know it. What you are defending are those shadow vote markets and the circlejerk, you are defending the status-quo while pretending to defend virtue.
I find that contemptible.
This is not an unmarked advertisement, its a post with bought votes, and its clearly marked as such, it is the other posts on trending that are unmarked promoted posts with shady crony vote markets.
