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RE: To upvote or not to upvote - that is the question!🙃

in #steemit • 7 years ago (edited)

Sorry for the wrong file! Not the real Picasso....ooops! 😔
Also, I hadn't figured out the solution, so I thought 'I know nothing' was more appropriate😂

What is this autovote you speak of? And also, how can 'autovote' assess the quality of a post?😉😂 ;P

Thanks for your comment - stuff to think about!
Settlers nope haven't heard of it (but I'm not really in the loop these days unfortunately )😂


hahah no worries.. You'll just have to redeem yourself in future posts. tehehe!

HAHAH true... That's why you only use autovoting when you are away for a couple days, and only put it on quality people who consistently put out quality stuff. This way you don't miss out on curating opportunities :)

OMG you haven't played Settlers??? It's only the BEST board game ever! Well... sometimes it can ruin friendships because it's so intense... but still!

Also are you thinking about lending out SP? How does that work?