Being a proud person is not always an easy thing especially when there is something that is troubling you. I may "write" about certain things that frustrate me or worry me, but I seldom divulge details to many or offload - especially to those close to me. I have always been very much a "manage it on your own" type of individual - but as I have gotten older, I must be honest, I have found that increasingly harder and the need for someone to confide in far greater.
When I joined this platform I had absolutely NO idea that I would form SO MANY amazing friendships and bonds with people from all across the globe! And not just random passing "chit chat" kinds of bonds - but really close and meaningful ones! Some of these people, that I have never even met in real life have been there to support me more than others who have been active in my physical life for years.
But today, I want to say a VERY big thank you to one specific person who was instinctively there for me without me even asking - you know who you are. Close on a year ago, when meeting you I had no idea of the journey that lay ahead and despite it all you have always had my back. Today you proved that ten thousand fold in a way that few would and I just wanted to say a very heartfelt thank you - for YOU!
Welcome to the #GratitudeTrain No. 38
Today I am grateful for an "earth angel" that literally rescued me without hesitation.
What is the purpose of The Gratitude Train?
I am of the firm belief that the habit of practicing gratitude on a daily basis is the key to shifting our lives in a positive direction. This is not only the expression of gratitude for the positive things in our lives, but also for the challenges which we are often faced with.
But sometimes, we can get wrapped up in our day to day existence and agenda, and it is not that we aren’t grateful, but rather that we simply forget to actually verbalise it or take the time to offer it a moment of dedication even in thought.
It is also true that surrounding yourself with the positive attitudes and mind-set of others, that it has a ripple effect on yours too…
So for ALL of us, including myself, I have decided to start this #gratitudetrain. We all spend a good portion of our lives here browsing through our Steemit feeds, so why not build a positive habit in the process. I think it will be great to share something every day that we are grateful for in our lives, no matter how big or small it may be.
Whether it is a new career path, a new hobby, an achievement of your child, a new relationship, a challenge overcome or simply a new pair of shoes… it doesn’t matter! There is without question… ALWAYS something we can take a moment to be grateful for!
Step 1.
So starting today, in the comments section of #gratitudetrain post No. 1 – write something that you are grateful for in your life and start it with the number… as in if this is the first time you are sharing on the #gratitudetrain, then write the number “1.” And then state what you are grateful for.
Step 2.
Keep a record of your #gratitudetrain expressions shared in the comments somewhere in a word doc or such.
Step 3.
When you reach 30 – then publish a post on your own profile and be sure to use the #gratitudetrain tag or to tag me @jaynie in the post.
As simple as that!
The idea of this being, that not only will you develop a healthy and positive habit but at the end of 30 days when you share your own post, you will be able to reflect back and realise, just how MUCH GOODNESS there is in your life!
Until next time...
Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx


Oh, and if you wanna meet the
wannabe photographer in me...
Truly amazing and special when we have someone special like that in our lives 💖
Absolutely hon!!!! A TRUE blessing! xoxo
Three cheers for your earth angel, @jaynie! I'm so glad you had someone there for you, in the same way you've been there for so many others. ❤️
#38 - Today, I am grateful that we raised strong, independent thinking, kidlets (who are now all over the age of 18 – egads!). Every time they argue with me, disagree over an opinion of mine, question why I've asked them to do something, look at me sideways when I state something perfectly reasonable (like, “Because I'm the mother, that's why!”), I remember how truly (seriously) lucky we are as parents. If they give us this kind of guff, I can imagine what will happen in the future if anyone tries to pull a fast one on them...
WHOOP WHOOP LOVE how proud you are of your sprogs!!! hehehehehe xxxxxxxxxxx
Proud? Oh yeah, right - that's what I'm feeling alright... 😉 😂
shhhhhh mom.... they have interwebs :P
Don't remind me - that's what they use to find "facts" when they argue with me... 😜
Also, completely spaced telling you - a couple of days ago, I did that "30 days of gratitude" post thingy, with all the comments I left here on yours. 😊
Steemit nos ha servido de gran ayuda para todos ya que nos permite conseguir amistades por todo el mundo, nos ayuda a mejorar nuestras redacciones y publicaciones y además nos permite ganar un dinero extra que nunca está de más @jaynie
@franciscana Eso es muy cierto! Me he encontrado con MUCHAS personas increíbles aquí, todas las cuales se han vuelto muy especiales para mí
@jaynie Thanks beautiful Girl!! Greetings from Venezuela!!!
And greetings to you too hon :) from Cape Town South Africa xxx Lovely to "meet" you :)
OOHH!!!! :-) Nice to mee too!!!!!
I see you are "relatively" new to Steemit... are you enjoying it? :)
Yeah!! Of course!!! I love it!!!!
Fantastic!!! :) I see you are a musician!!! Not every day one gets to meet a violin player :)
jejeje!! es mi hija la violinista!! ella tiene 12 años... mi hija mayor... tengo 2 hijos. el menor es un varoncito tiene 7 años...;-)
amazing post loved it hoping to see more from you
guyssss i am a food blogger follow me to get unbelievable facts regarding health
Great thanks @katy44 I will check it out :)
@jaynie now you like this platform or not...
i like you
lol the fact that I am still around after a year should give a pretty clear indication :D
Earth angels are the best.
Aren't they just :)
What a wonderful idea - i cant find post #1 so i'll just start here, let me know if its a problem.
That is perfectly fine - I would not expect everyone to go scouring through all my posts (because I post a lot lol) So when you see a new #gratitudetrain post, you can just pick up from whatever number you did last ;) As you will discover, there are many different people on different numbers on one single post :)
Enjoy xxx
@jaynie, you give soooo much love to all of us! I am hope than you can feel that loving energy coming back to you a thousand fold!
I most certainly do!!! Thank you @rwedegis!! xoxoxoxoxo Will see you a little later "happy snappy" hahaha :)
Very wonderful and positive message!
Being BUSY is a good thing, but overlooking the positive things that underlie our entire lives is detrimental. I like the approach, @jaynie 😎
So true!!! And thank you for the positive input 🤗🤗💜💚💙
Wow can I join this #gratitudetrain?
But ofcourse hon! Just read the instructions and start at #q in the comments of any one of these posts.... As you will see everyone is on different numbers... you just keep your own sequence :)
Today I'm grateful for the gift of life. I'm bedridden with a cold but I just realised that I've always gotten better no matter how bad an Illness that afflicted me was. No disease ever left me scarred or broken. I'm really grateful for that.
Well I hope you get well soon @nigtroy :)
I hope so tooo.
I'm good now.