This week’s @steemiteducation homework assignment is centered around sports. Normally, that would be right in my wheelhouse. Unfortunately, I was so busy geeking out that I had not planned to participate this week.

Then something amazing happened.
On Thursday, one of my students stayed after class. After everyone else had left, she asked my teaching assistant and me, “Can I tell you something?”
Uh oh. That usually means something very serious.
It was serious alright.
Seriously awesome!
Hope had stayed back to tell me about what she called, “The best night of her life”.

Hope is 15 years old. She loves to read, participate in class and challenge herself to answer difficult questions. She is clever and has a great sense of humor. She is incredibly outgoing and enjoys hanging out with her friends and teammates.
Oh and Hope happens to have Cerebral Palsy.
This congenital disorder makes it very difficult for Hope to control her muscles. It negatively impacts her speech, physical movement and ability to write. It is quite difficult for Hope to walk without losing her balance. But she does. She walks. She just walks a little more slowly than her peers.
But back to the important part… the best night of her life.
Hope’s face lit up as she struggled to form the words to explain what had happened. Sometimes she had to repeat those words so we could understand. Thanks to her undying effort, we did.
The previous night, Hope had participated in an indoor track and field event. She ran the 800 meters for our team. She was incredibly happy to report that she had recorded the fastest time she ever had in her life. I explained to her that this was called a “personal best” and that she should be extremely proud of herself. I told her how excited I was for her and began to head to my next class (which was in a classroom at the other end of the building).
She said, “That’s not it. It was awesome because everyone stayed and no one tried to hurry me or tell me the race was over.”

This whole time I was thinking she was talking about our Special Olympic Track and Field team. But that doesn’t start until the spring. No. She was describing the school’s official team.
Regardless of which team it was, I would have been very impressed with her running her personal best. But that was just a minor detail in “the best night of her life”.
Hope is a member of the Freshman Track and Field team. She competed against other Freshman from several other schools.
She finished dead last.
But she finished.

Hope may have been the last kid on the track, but she was definitely not alone.
(This picture is from the 2016 Summer Olympics. Hope isn't in the Olympics...yet.)
She described the scene for me. It seems that instead of leaving after their race was over, every single member of every team stood in the middle of the field house and cheered Hope on as she slowly made her way around the track.
According to Hope, every parent rose to their feet to join the athletes. She later discovered that with every step she took, parents approached her mom to congratulate her.
No one complained that she was taking too long or even considered ending the race before she finished. She was a competitor who had earned the right to cross the finish line. Just like every other girl, she did.
Hope’s smile reached maximum capacity as she said, “and no one felt sorry for me.”

She continued, “They were cheering me because I was doing it. Not out of pity. I don’t want to be pitied. I can do anything.”
She can.
She does.
For a moment I lamented the fact that I was not there to witness this accomplishment. That would have been awesome! Then I realized this had nothing to do with me at all. This wasn’t about my joy at witnessing the event. It was about Hope. Every time she tells that story, she will be reliving the greatest moment of her life. I am lucky that I got to be part of that.

I hope... Hope will earn many.
This week’s @steemiteducation assignment asked, “How do you get kids to participate in sports?”
My answer is simple.
I can’t.
But Hope can.
Hope will.
She will encourage her friends and classmates to get out of their comfort zone and challenge themselves. She will convince them to join her in striving for their personal best. She will instill in them the belief that they too can do anything.
Hope will.
You're warming my heart and warming peoples' lives. "Hope is the thing with feathers" remains one of my favorite lines of poetry, and for some reason, your post brought that to mind.
Thanks man. By far the best thing about my job is getting to be a tiny part of these big moments in my students' lives. In this case, just being an audience for her retelling of the event was a blessing. I am really lucky to be surrounded by examples of strength, perseverance and kindness everyday. It gives me Hope for this world.
I'm glad it made you think of Dikinson's poem. It's a powerful one. Thank you for reminding me of it.
What a great inspirational story! Thank you for sharing it with us!
Thanks for dropping by. I hope you are doing well!
I find you to be a awesome person continue to do your part by being a positive influence in these youth lives wish success in all you do
Good job
Very cool man! Congrats to Hope!
Hope is what keeps us standing up and motivation is what keeps us moving forward.
I have upvoted and resteemed your post. I have also started following you to see more of your work!
I loved reading this feel good post, you have a strong voice, and do well in encouraging motivation. This is definitely inspiring, especially for people, like myself, that have a disability, and get regularly discouraged. And treated differently. I cant wait to read more!
I hope steemit becomes the great equalizer it should be. Everyone here can be an important member of this community. I just saw that you are a social worker. I am part of @steemiteducation. If you ever post anything that could help educate people about mental health... or anything really, please use the steemiteducation tag. If we miss it, drop me a link.
It's great when children are eager for sports.This should be taught from an early age!After all, sport is life!Lovely post @hanshotfirst !
Do I have to initially tag it when I post it? Or can it be done after the fact? I have some really great mental health writings on here related to anxiety, PTSD, and dealing with trauma. Thanks!
I have followed,upvote & resteem your post.can you give me?? hope we will work together.
Inspiring story from your student
Hope's story is truly an inspiration to every Child out there who is held captive by some ailment or physical challenge.
There is ability in every disability
I am such a sucker for motivational sports movies, and this would make such a good one.
I am going to tell her you said that!
I am also a teacher by profession and i claim that teaching is not job at all but it is a prayer. It reshapes the lives of the innocents and give them awareness how to deal in specific situations. I am really happy that you are justifying your duty with full honesty, Massive respect :)
I have a huge round of applause for the attitude to adopted to listen the point of Hope , this is what we call the spirit of real teaching <3 <3
More Peace to all the Teachers Community !!
When I say next time that there is some hope in the world I will relate to her :d
This post is very touching and inspiring to me especially because I have a family member who is disabled and who is not treated as a regular person. I am always moved when I read stories like Hope's and I will surely be sharing this with my cousin. Everyone should have an equal chance regardless of their circumstance.
Good read.
I agree with you 100%. We need to focus more on what people can do instead of what we think they can't.
Thanks for sharing this heart-warming and inspiring story with us, it can teach us a lot about ourselves.
Loved and resteemed!
My pleasure! It's the best part of my job for sure.
That is the amazing thing about sportsmanship. The kind that hasn't been lost altogether. The kind where a teammate stops to help a fallen athlete. What a heartwarming, genuine sports story. Thanks for sharing.
If there is one thing I can never stop telling people, it is to never let go of hope. Hope plays out in every situation; sport, school, prison, dungeon and where ever.
You are a great teacher @hanshotfirst and am always happy to learn from you. I am a motivator and to mltivate others, others motivate me as well and you successfully do that. Thank you.
Thanks for sharing this amazing story with us. Given the chance the ones suffering from the disability will be the biggest advocates for success as they are walking the walk everyday, know what it takes to overcome and surely deserve support from everyone!
Such an inspirational story. Two of our children are competitive swimmers and they compete in events every few weeks. Each of the swim teams in our regions has several special needs swimmers. Some of these swimmers are paraplegic and don't even have the use of their legs to help them swim. The competitions are organized so that people swim against others who have similar time standards. This means that the ages of swimmers in each individual race might differ and based on the last time they set a time in that event their could possibly be a large gap in speed and ability during the earlier races in an event. Our special needs swimmers swim at the same time as our regular swimmers. We have watched more of these races than I can even count. To watch these swimmers give their all in these races is extraordinary. They are often the last swimmers to finish a heat and can at times take a very long time. Both the other swimmers and the fans at the pool are always exceptional in my experience. They cheer loud and proud for these kids, rooting them on to finish and at the end there is always a tremendous applause. It those moments in sport when you know exactly why you got involved and get to see the positive impact it can have on our children.
Man I think i'm really going to like having you around here...even if you are a Bronco fan.
Hope will...... This is a very motivating story, every one needs to be appreciated and applauded for every step taken in life race, am happy she recognised that she's only competing with herself, getting her very self best and recognizing it is wonderful. Thanks for sharing, very touching
Even on my best days, I don't show this kind of perseverance. Hope has more ability to go the distance than many people I have heard about. She showed that she isn't 'dis'abled, on the contrary.
I loved to hear how her team mates supported her as well and were cheering her because they knew she could do it.
This story will stay with me for a while. Very inspirational. She can do it and anything else her body allows. Awesome. Her personal best isn't great bc of her disability it is in spite of it.
Okay I'll stop now. I'm just .... something. :)
She is an awesome kid for sure. Huge heart (in every way possible).
One of my best friends growing up had cerebal palsy. His parents treated him horribly. He couldn't walk very well and would always stumble. The only thing he really had in life aside from a few friends like me were his comic books which his parents would rip up in front of him if they got mad at him.
I was always so angry at his parents and I always wished there was a way for him to escape into a better life.
I'm really glad to hear that Hope has HOPE.
My friend had no hope. Eventually he moved away without letting his friends know where he went. I never heard from again.
He is in my thoughts even now though. Wherever you are buddy....... I hope you're doing well.
This is a really inspiring post. Hope is able to try harder and aspire for her dreams with the help of a supportive school environment, great teachers, fellow classmates & her family. She can look forward to more standing ovations in her future!
Inspirational post! Thank you for sharing her story. There is much to learn here and much to admire from her.
I have always believed that sports is a great avenue for Children to develop strong mentality and learn good values & character while having fun. Sports & Martial Arts have been a part of my life and education since I was young and I aim to share it with people especially kids. I have taught martial arts for years and I emphasize discipline, focus & strong mentality, good character and self-development. Sports can be used to educate kids about life and how to face life & its challenges positively.
I am new to steemit so I'm still learning its ways but I plan to write about the link between sports, martial arts and life and how sports & martial arts can aid in self-development.
It's great to have read this post. Looking forward to read more stories from you @hanshotfirst! 😊
That is such a cool story. I'm so proud of your student, without even knowing her. A true tale of the joy of perseverance and personal accomplishment. Go, Hope!
Thanks! She is simply awesome!
i hope to get my standing ovation soon :)
it's this like people like hope are keeping the hope alive in this world.
If she wouldn't have taken the courage to participate and run, even when she could saw herself being behind, that she couldn't have created a great story.
people like her tells us that all you need is to give your 100% and feel proud of doing that. Rest comes automatically !!
If hope could get my message, I would want her to know that "It's because if you hope, the hope is alive in the world" with a big hug :))
What an incredible story and thank you for sharing. As a former 800 meter runner myself who PR'd at 1:56 (albeit almost in a different century and two broken legs ago), the focus of track and sports, in general, had been about results first and everything else second. It was only after my playing days passed that I realized the most valuable lessons I took from athletics were ones like you hinted at in the article, including pushing beyond one's comfort zone, challenging oneself, and focusing on winning one's own race.
Looking forward to your future posts!
an encouraging story..
which touch my heart
its inspiration for me
This makes me very happy. When I read the homework I really didn't believe the premise, and I think you just proved it in the best way possible. Kids are very rarely lazy, and in many cases it's fear that prevents them from trying their hardest. Hope is proof that there's everything right with trying hard, and she's an inspiration for other students to do their best outside the classroom.
Yeah! Kids are always so afraid of failure. The only failure is not giving it a shot.
Nice post . Please write more like this
Great event..
Great quote..
"Everyone in the world should get a standing ovation at least once in their life because we all overcometh the world.
Suppose that you are on your death bed (don't take it otherwise) not exactly a death bed but on a road after being hit by some speeding car, then the car stops and a beautiful girl comes out of the car, worried (obviously), running towards you. But you are lying there tied to a mere thread of consciousness, saw her and immediately losses consciousness.
Then while you were unconscious you were dreaming, right from the starting i.e. that is your birth, you were a happy child (whatever your life story really is), went to a good school, got good grades, then college, you are popular in college, you met the same girl, who came out of that car after hitting you, you fell in love, immediately, she also liked you.
You both in love deeply, married together, had many cheerful experiences in life, in short it was the life worth living.
But since you were very happy something had to happen, you both had gone for a long drive and enjoying the moment, then a speeding car becomes the cause of your wifes death.
Then with a jolt you wake up in a hospital, beside you is the same girl, weeping for what she had done, and you are smiling, happy from inside that she's alive, that it was only a dream.
But really was that just a dream or your whole meaningful life in a dream?
That's how it is we can also be the same case as the one above who knows.
Great post! Thank you
Cool! Encouraging and inspiring
This comment has received a 0.38 % upvote from @speedvoter thanks to: @xerox-bru.
It's all about stepping out there and taking a risk and doing the thing.
Yeap nice post.... I like that...thnx
Wow,this is great to know that even in are difficult state she still has to encourage herself to make it. This is what I call self motivation
I have upvoted your post because it's amazing story. Thank you!
That's right, 'personal best' is the true inspiration. To be honest I don't like sports back then in my middle and high school. Even when we're 'forced' to run for a marathon, I ended up just walking. But then when I was in my first year in college there is a person which is currently my coach, he asked me to join the training . I told him that I can't be like the other runner but he said 'what if you just do better than what you did before? 1 second faster is called and achievement.'
Thanks to him, four years in college, now I'm one of the top runner there.
Wow great post
Fantastic! Inspiration can come from so many places. She is a winner in so many ways.
I still remember my elementary period. I am the one who run to make competition, but I refuse it because I'm too shy. That was one of my regrets...
Thank's. Come here
Great inspiring post @hanshotfirst thanks for sharing,am new on steemit I want you to be my friend I will be so glad if my request is accepted thank you and take care
Please come in. Thank's.
Wow, I love sports, very nice post, I want to learn sports, thank you
Upvote and resteem done
Good motivation..
Please follow and vote mee,,
first of all i want to thank you for this amazing post, you have a very great style, your post is really insiring, motivating and encouraging people like us thank you. following you to enjoy and learn from your next posts have a great evening.
good fight, I like your story, thank you for sharing
Hmmmm, really captivating story of how hope showed the light of hope in her
Up vote and follow me bro plzz