I remember that when my son was in the basic stage, he had a lot of problems to keep the information damaged by the teacher, and in the larger case he attended meetings with the management staff and psychologists to deal with my son's problem. Many times there were children with the same difficulty, but there were representatives who judged the teacher and even demanded that he change the method and strategies of learning so that his son could understand it.
When we investigate in depth it is not that the teacher is not explaining the class well, since specialists explain that the disorder of children can be the product of genital herd, the development of the brain at birth or the environment plays a fundamental role in the disorders of children.

The disorder does not define that your child is not intelligent, I make the reservation because my son had problems when retaining information in the area of mathematics, but his skill led him to be excellent in reading. They can vary in the case since there are many learning disorders.
- Hearing disorder: It is one of the most common, since the child has trouble hearing clearly the words and tones, this intervenes in the development of learning of the individual.
If your child likes to sit in the back seats, talk to the teacher who feels forward so you can have a better hearing when the teacher explains the class. If this is not the best thing, it would be to take it to a specialist to place special devices so that the child can develop the learning more frequently.
- Language disorder: This disorder attacks the oral expression of people, causing the individual to have problems with pronouncing words clearly.
I have a nephew who expressed the words halfway, we took him to the doctor and the boy had this disorder called Anquiloglossia, he had a very long lingual frenulum, he only cut a little, he had some therapy and the child had a very fast development.
- Stuttering: There are many children who have this problem, this causes you to have difficulty when repeating words or syllables.
If your child suffers from this disorder, take all the means to take him to a specialist, because through this disorder he can suffer from the bullyn of his classmates and the problem would be much more complex.
- Hyperactivity disorder: This difficulty in your child must be addressed from an early age as it can advance to the age of adolescence and even to become adults.
It is the most common disorder that the child can develop in the classroom, since he tends to start an activity and has not completed that when he wants to start another.
Know the disorder that your child develops: This will tell you to find the right specialist to treat your child.
Investigate the negative and positive traits that throws that disorder: At the time of research will help you to deal with the problem in which your child is, remember not to treat him like a sick as this could affect the feelings of the child.
Do not scold him when doing his homework: If you already know that your child suffers from a disorder, the ideal would be to have patience and not behave in the same way he acts.
This applies when the child suffers from the hyperactivity disorder.
Help him to strengthen his virtues with his defects: When you know what disorder your child is facing, you should bear in mind that he can fail in some areas, but in others he has many strengths.
Recognize the upset of your child: There are many parents who have difficulty recognizing that your child has any difficulty in learning, but when you recognize you can find help from both the teacher and the specialists.

It's funny that I read this post today. In every class I teach there's at least one child that has a learning barrier. In the class that I manage, there are two such learners. I submitted their files today to my HOD. One child can only copy what they see perfectly. They can't understand it nor read what he's written but at least he can write. The other can't write at all. Both of them can't read or speak English or their home language. They are both 16 years old and in the sixth grade. They are 4 grade or 4 years behind in their schooling. We try as teachers to help such children but they are beyond our training. Referring them is the only option left. Your post made me think of them.
How important it is to pay attention to children with these problems, since later on they could harm you in their growth as a person, my recommendation is that you work with the children that present that difficulty in your class site. Greetings I hope this information serves you.