Practicing exercise is one of the actions that most benefit the health of a person throughout its existence. Not only does it help the body to have a better and correct functioning, but it is also what allows to achieve a healthy mental state

Many children of school age suffer from what is known as "sedentary syndrome".

"sedentary syndrome"
Is no more than the child who, after returning from school, does not perform any physical activity. He stays in his room playing video games and spends hours on television.
Of course, these children usually develop obesity, because they do not burn energy. Many of these children suffer a strong demotivation, they would like to change their environment but do not know where to start.
Physical activities or sports are an excellent remedy to get children out of their lethargy, improve their health and prevent diseases, in addition to contributing to their self-esteem.

This in principle sounds very good, however, beyond the will that the child may have to develop a sporting activity, the one that has compromised the parents is a key that will open many doors.
Currently in the cities, there are many sports facilities, centric, even within the most humble neighborhood sports courts are installed. Therefore, having these facilities is a support, but it is useless to have a good team and sports facilities without the necessary motivation to use them.

The Motivation,
For a child to grow up in a sports discipline from an early age depends first and foremost on the parents, when a parent organizes their time and goes to a sports field with a ball to play with their child, it is giving them a quality time , this offers two benefits, first, it reinforces the bonds between parents and children, in addition to being taught the value of a sports activity.
When the child is enrolled in a sports school, whether football or swimming or other discipline, which parents attend to see the performance of the child and support it, this will encourage their participation and performance. Support is vital to achieve not only sporting goals, but also any life-level goals.

Sports are really helpful for kids both mentally and physically. Lovely post 😀
So he is a friend, and we are responsible for motivating them.
It's true, there's a huge importance in learning sports and should be encouraged by all
This is my dear friend, thank you for commenting and continuing my work.
Well said. It is very important to invite and accompany kids doing sports because they will be able to avoid spending time in front of television. Sports may also inspire them enjoying the environment. Importantly, it is healthy.
If a friend many hours in front of mobile devices not only atrophies their physical capacity, but also their mental development. thanks for comment
Yeah, you are right. Gadget has been the best "friend" of most kids anywhere. They do love it and look like cannot live without it. Therefore, sports are better to divide them from the addiction.
That is dangerous when they reach an extreme, they may be stressed because they have something, and suddenly they do not have it, they can also get depressed because they do not have it, in short, they have to take care of the children of all excess, so that they do not become addictions.
I thinks Sedentary syndrome is the problem of nowdays student in every country... So, in this problem I think we need the goverment rule for the mobile game...
You are absolutely right, dear friend, it is time to raise awareness in our society to raise more active children both physically and mentally, because the result of this would be healthier children.