Sugary Drinks - Good or Bad? (Includes science experiment)

in #steemiteducation7 years ago (edited)

Sugary Drinks - Good or Bad?

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After being told to cut out sugar and caffeine and any thing that works on my kidneys, until the doctors can figure out what is wrong with them. I figured why not do some research on sugary drinks and see how good or bad they actually are.

What does sugary drinks consist out of?

Sugary drinks better known as soft drinks consists mainly out of

  • Water
  • Carbon dioxide
  • Flavoring
  • Artificial coloring,
  • Some also contains caffeine
  • Some contain acidulants like phosphoric acid, citric acid, malic acid or tartaric acid.
  • Preservatives
  • Potassium
  • Sodium
  • Sweeteners

Do you see that there are no nutritional items in the list of items that shows you what soft drinks are made out of. So that means that soft drinks has no nutritional value.

What happens to your body after you drink a sugary drink?

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How many sugar is in your drinks?

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Video: What is harmful about sugary drinks?

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Science experiment:

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You will need the following:

  1. 5 white eggs
  2. 5 cups
  3. Masking tape
  4. Water
  5. Dark-colored sugar-free drink like Gatorade G2
  6. Dark-colored fruit juice like grape juice
  7. Dark-colored flavor of pop
  8. Orange juice


  1. Label the cups with the names of the drinks you pour in. Remember to put water in the one cup.
  2. Place an egg in each cup.
  3. Leave it in the cup for about 24 hours.
  4. Take the egg out and discuss what the sugary drinks have done to the eggs.

The acid from the soft drink begins to dissolve the enamel of the egg.


Avoid sugary drinks, they are bad for your body. Your body needs to work extra hard to process the sugar and acids and all the non-nutritional products in the sugary drinks.

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I hade a huge problem when I started to drink them.
Since I was born my mother nearly never gave me sweetness.
And then I started to:

  • drink sugary drinks
  • eat chocolate and sweetness.
    That was terrible for me. I was all the time sleepy. Sometimes I didn't go to university because I slept.
    My organism wasn't​ used to get sugar.

No people are used to get sugar. All people get sleepy, fat and sick from sugar. It is a poison. And it is more similiar to alcohol than anything else. Alcohol and Sugar do the same thing to your body actually. So you are not alone ;)

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Very insightful article, I like that you included the experiment as well as the results to show the effects of the sugar on the enamel of the egg.

Something that I noticed after eating some kinds of candies and soft drinks is that there is a small pain in my teeth due to exposed roots. This is a huge deterrence other than weight loss for me right now to eating sugar.

Lately I have been opting for black coffee or brewed tea (iced or hot) as a replacement for soft drinks when available. Just remember it is OK to have sugar every once in a while, keeping nutritional balance is key in health and weight loss.

We always tell our kids there must be a balance. They can't over eat themselves. Luckily my kids get hyperactive from certain colourants in sweets so they just get something like this every once in a blue moon.

Thank you steemit education team for informative blog and to the author.

I wish I knew and was educated at a younger age about how bad these drinks were - I have gum disease and problems with my teeth now.

I am and early childhood teacher and it amazes me children at like four coming in with so much sugary drinks! Its up to us as teachers to educate children and there family.

The science expiriment is such a great idea.

Thank you. Yes it is a scary to think what these drinks can do to our bodies. But it is sad that we have to educate both children and families where we always assume that the parents will know these kind of stuff.

Very nice post tanyaschutte I have drumk coke all my life. Stopped about a week ago and went onto water, feel so much better it is unreal.

Thank you.Yes one does feel better without coke.

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Thank you!!

I'm trying to stay away from sugar, full stop. It's addictive, and the body doesn't need it.

Very true. We get more than enough natural sugar in through our food