--Announcing the--
---Steemit School Poetry---
--100 Day Challenge!--
Hi everyone! I'm ecstatic to announce that I'll be launching a 100 day long poetry challenge for all skill levels from total beginner to advanced. It involves writing one short piece of poetry every day for 100 days with a maximum of 7 skip days. This will run 14 weeks and 2 days from March 7, 2018 to June 14, 2018. (Update: registration is now closed! You can still participate by posting along with us, and joining our daily classes in the Steemit School Discord. Thanks for understanding!)
Please also check my blog for the daily updates that list the changes to the operation of this challenge. There are now three categories for Beginner, Intermediate, & Advanced for 3 SBD each daily. The remaining 1 SBD is going towards a weekly prize of 5 SBD in each category among the daily winners.
Why I am doing this challenge
My motivations for hosting and coordinating this challenge are manifold. First, I come from a perspective of having taken this challenge myself. In fact, I am going on 200 days of daily posting with a handful of missed days. It has done wonders for my creativity, consistency, and confidence in my craft. It has also empowered me to connect more deeply with others and myself through the art of poetry. I want to facillitate and encourage others to take this journey of self-discipline in self-expression. Secondly, I want to expand the budding poetry community on Steemit on a grassroots level. Sometimes poets (and artists in general) can get to feeling rather isolated. So we will come together on a daily basis to discuss, share, and learn from each other. Thirdly, I want to give back to a community that has shown me amazing support since day 1. With that being said, let's look at the structure of the challenge.
Poetry challenge (100 days)
- Write one poem every day using the tag "steemitschoolpoetry" as one of your five tags.
- You may write in your mother tongue (if other than English.) (Optional!)[Note: this is first and foremost an English poetry contest due to limitations of not having judges arranged for other languages!]
- Translate to English version (please do not just copy + paste in Google Translate.)
- Minimum length = 14 lines (3 quatrains + 1 couplet)
- Find or create at minimum 2 images that fit the poem & include your sources.
- Make it look nice to the best of your ability using your markdown skills.
- Include a current link to the Steemit school discord at the bottom of your post.
- You have 10 break days (only.) Use them wisely!! That one per ten days.
- You may only skip two days in a row. Three days skip in a row results in disqualification for prizes.
- Days will begin at 6 PM GMT (1 PM EST, 12 PM CT, 5 PM CET)
- Each day 3 winners will be chosen in each category (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced) to receive 3 SBD.
- Weekly, one of the daily winners for the week in each category will be awarded 5 SBD each.
Challenge operation, cont'd
- There will be a few large prizes based on exemplary achievement for students that complete the entire 100 day period. (TBD)
- Challenge will run from March 7, 2018 to June 14, 2018. (Days start & end at 6 PM GMT.)
- Daily winner will be invited to read their poem in our Steemit School discord and speak about its meaning, the inspiration behind it, the construction, etc.
- There may be additional challenges added along the way as surprises.
- We may look into different forms (sonnets, limericks, etc.) according to participant interest.
- Please comment on at least 3 other participants' entries daily to give them feedback.
- There will be tutorials along the way regarding markdown, creating and editing images, and different aspects of poetic expression.
- Intended for both experienced poets and those who want to learn to write poetry.
- Donations are highly appreciated for the 9 SBD daily prizes / 15 SBD weekly prizes and I will list your name in daily updates as a donor to the cause.
- Let's create strong habits together for daily creativity & expression through the art of poetry!!!
- There are two days to signal your intent to join this challenge.
- Please comment on this post and resteem it to signal your intention to participate.
- Basic comment format "I will join the 100 day poetry challenge. I (have been writing poetry for X years, months, days...)/(I have never written poetry before.) For me, poetry is... (...) "
- Join the Steemit School Discord Channel and take part in one of the fastest growing Steemit communities for education with 24/7 support.
- Introduce yourself in the Discord, saying you were invited by @d-pend and tell us a bit about yourself.
- Tell as many people as you think are interested in this challenge over the next two days.
- Again, both experienced and first-time poets are greatly needed to build momentum and community in this challenge!
- Experienced poets especially will be invited to lead workshops in their poetic style.
- I am honored to be your companion and friend on this journey through cultivating the daily habit for writing & sharing poetry!
Criteria for selecting winners
The criteria for selecting the daily 10 SBD winners will be extremely varied, such that I find it difficult, and even undesirable to give a rigid set of guidelines for the choice. For instance, some gravitate towards whimsical poetry, others are skilled with wordplay, or abstract imagery, or powerful emotion, etc. It is my intention to spotlight as many styles as possible. That is why there are no requirements for form as long as the poem is at least 14 lines in length. I will also take into account experience and skill level, so new poets will have the chance to be rewarded and featured just as established poets will. You may only win once in each 25 day period, for a total of 4 times possible. However to be eligible for the large prizes at the end, you must create at least 93 poems in the 100 day period (because there may be up to 7 days off.)
Daily updates
I will post daily updates announcing the previous day's selection, what we are studying and discussing in the Steemit School Discord, and listing all of the participants in the challenge. I will also list the donors to the prize fund of the challenge.
If you would like to contribute to the 2000 SBD total prize fund for this challenge, it is very much appreciated. Simply transfer any amount of STEEM or SBD to @d-pend with the memo "Donation for 100 day poetry challenge" and you will be listed in the daily update posts that I publish.
This is only the beginning! As always I take your feedback and insight into consideration and will mould this challenge according to how things unfold. If you have any questions please leave them in the comments below. (If you want to ask me something privately use @d-pend on Steemit.chat or @d-pend#5693 on Discord.) Please share this post to anyone you feel may be interested in participating. It is my firm belief that anyone can learn to write excellent poetry and enjoy the process, so please do not exclude yourself because of self doubt. If you have the interest, give it a try! It might just change your life. And lastly, please consider joining the Steemit School Discord and becoming part of one of the fastest growing Steemit communities centered on self-cultivation, education, and self-empowerment. We have around 1000 members in only 7 days. Much gratitude to everyone who is helping to make this challenge a reality and to everyone who has supported me on my Steemit journey in the past 8 months. You all are amazing and I'm continually in awe of the great people I meet on a daily basis!

Update: some rules will be shifting slightly. We will now have categories for beginner, intermediate and advanced, with daily 3 SBD prize for each. (3+3+3) Remaining 1 SBD out of 10 daily will be distributed as weekly spotlight post (7 SBD reward.) I will also resteem the Weekly Pick and give 100% upvote (~15 SBD.)
Also, I am looking for assistance! This is a huge task and already we have about 80 entrants. There are 12 hours left to enter. Look out for the update post which I will post later tonight. Another big thing is please put Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, etc. somewhere in your title so it is easier to find and document your posts.
We need more whale and dolphin assistance, especially. I am only one dolphin and my upvote and influence only goes so far. Please appeal to other large users on the platform to see if they will get involved in this project.
A very nice contest! I will learn from it too! Thanks for the great contribution to Steemit School. That’s a very big task! Bravo!
@aidasfg7 it is a very big task, but with this contest it serve as an avenue or opportunity for people especially newbie who are good in writing poems to showcase their talents to the whole steemit community. As far as i am concern this contest will b e the biggest contest ever on steemit platform. People that triumph from big task always get big reward and big recognition. Thanks @d-pend for bringing in such a big initiative, i'm pretty sure Alot of steemians will participate in it.
@aidasfg7 i'd love to know are you on steemitschool discord platform? cos i'm not really sure if i have seen you.. it will be great to see as part of it.
Hey @segunreus thanks for your input, I appreciate it! @aidasfg7 is Hongkong&phillipines on Discord.
What an interesting Idea!
I wonder how many people will go till the end...-)
Daniel, the authors can choose any style of poetry, no boundaries, no requirments for rhyme presence in every poem?
The only rule is 14 lines - is it right?
I would like to take part in this challenge but amn't sure about the amount of my creativity-))
you have seen my poetry talant already-))
but who knows after such 100-day practive it can develop to something better maybe!-)
I'm wondering how many will stick with it too, Talia!
Yes, at least 14 lines of any style whatsoever!
I would be honored to have you participate & quite confident that you can look back fondly on your progress after this course :-)
Either way you decide, please consider joining our Steemit School Discord channel! I know you are passionate about education, homeschooling, etc. and we would love to hear you speak about your Steemit journey and areas of interest in life if you so choose.
We have people from all over the world coming together over the common belief that knowledge is empowerment and life is a constant journey of learning. :-D
thank you for reply and invitation!
It's so adventurous -)
I will join-)
Great!! )))
You know I am with you all the way @d-pend. I love the way you included everybody equally. This motivation with real incentive. I have never seen a challenge go more than 7 days. I have been following you closely now for 3 months. I just liked reading your poems but they rubbed off on my. I think my first poem was written about that time. I like to write about what is happening to me or take some poetic challenge to express what is going on in words. I will post one poem a day and put in that tag #steemitschoolpoetry and paste a link to the discord. https://discord.gg/rx9Fgp
Awesome @mineopoly! Can't wait to see your creations and thanks for sharing about your experience. I find it great that my poems have rubbed off on some people, because it can be a quite enjoyable method of expression once one practices the skill for a while. See you in the school!
Hi @mineopoly I'm in too! 😱
That's great news @coachjj. I'm glad you took the challenge. Don't worry about a thing. Don't even change your style. Just add a poem at the end and put it in the right tag and link the discord and you totally are in. Thanks for taking this creative leap.
Hello all,
I am @nicholas83. I will join the 100 day poetry challenge. I have been writing poetry on and off for about several years. Nothing serious though because my first love is prose, but I use poetry when I have writer’s block. These days, for reasons I cannot tell I have been writing a lot of poems. For me, poetry is a different way of telling stories, and it is always wonderful working in a different genre. I am just here to learn and grow and see how much I can assist even one person to develop their craft.
Hey @nicholas83 I'm really happy to have you on board! Thanks for adding your experience and perspective on poetry. When you get the chance, please join our school discord and say hi. Looking forward to learning much from your approach towards writing!
You are welcome. I have already joined the discord group.
I will join the 100 day poetry challenge. I have been writing poetry for about 10years. For me, poetry is a hobby, and it is also the best way to express myself, my inner thoughts and sentiment towards a course or towards a subject. There is no other better accurate way of saying and showing others our mind and the deep truths we cherish other than via poetry. It ll be intriguing and inspiring to read the creative, deep, or entertaining writings of of every participants.
Awesome initiative @d-pend.
Great to have you @scoloscope I'm looking forward to your contributions!
Please also join and introduce yourself here @scoloscope if you haven't already https://discord.gg/hyfYQ9P
I totally intend on joining this awesome challenge. I've been writing poetry on and off since I was a kid. I wrote my first song at 7, but I didn't really get into it until I was about 14. So around 8 years. I'm used to free verse style poetry, never been real big on directions and structures but I love the challenge. Hopefully I'll be able to stay in the loop enough to know if any themes change. For me, poetry has always been the only way I can release my darkness in a healthy manner. It's one of the few things in my life that gets my mind moving when it's stuck in cement (:
Hey @charlotteroze I appreciate your entry and this explanation of your perspective. Please come to say hello in our school discord at your earliest convenience :-)
I will join the 100 day Poetry Challenge. I've been writing poetry since I was little, as far as I can remember. It doesn't mean I'm a veteran poet though. I have never attended any classes and the farthest I've gone with regards to publication is two national newspapers. I love poetry and see it as a means of self-expression. Painters have their brushes to paint with and I have my words to paint with. I hope to learn a lot as I embark on this journey. Thanks for the opportunity!
Very cool @theverve I appreciate your entry and looking forward it! Thanks for sharing a bit about your poetry journey. Please check out our school server on Discord when you get the chance! That's where we will hold the events related to this challenge.
Cheers @d-pend, this is a wonderful step towards the growth of the creative writing community and I must say that your initiative is truly inspiring - thank you for this.
I can't imagine I'll be writing a poem a day, I've long left a lot of my stream of consciousness or daily writing behind me for a more focused approach that better suits my writing styles, but I'd love to participate from time to time, leave comments on as many poems as I can, and be the best supporter of this initiative as I can be.
I have been writing poetry for a decade, and a voracious reader and consumer of poetry for a few years longer. For me, poetry is. This is my favorite aspect of the artform and always keeps me coming back.
Thanks for the comment! I definitely agree that this approach of constant smaller output is sometimes more fitting to newer writers. You have some great writing on your blog so it seems you've found the approach that fits!
We'd be honored to have you speak sometime, if you're interested, to share about your writing process. It might prove quite educational!
Would be honored, my friend, and happy to share anything that could help some of the inspiring writers growing here in the community.
Definitely keep me posted, mate, as I said happy to help in any way I can.
Love what you are doing to support and grow the community and I aspire to learn a lot from this initiative on how I can make those dreams a reality when I have more experience on the Steem platform.
Poetry has been with me since before I could write! I would sing it at age 3...sometimes to the shock of the adults around me. I used to have it pouring through me 24/7 and poetry helped through some very difficult times in life. Like the music of the soul always in the background feeding wisdom or beauty. For the last 10 years, I've lost my muse and miss it greatly - nothing compares to living life as one interlinking poem. The prospects of forcing myself to write - even when the well seem dry (did I use all my words up? ) is both unsettling and exciting. But I will certainly enjoy reading others' poems none the less...and maybe I will be inspired. Thanks for organizing this - I really enjoyed reading your intentions behind this - very nice!
Thanks for sharing your fascinating story @youhavewings. If you'd be interested, we'd love to invite you to tell this story to our class sometime. Our channel is at https://discord.gg/hyfYQ9P. We'll hold class sessions quite frequently with different workshops, lectures, guests, etc.
Great username, by the way. Welcome to Steemit!
I know nothing about Discord but it sounds wonderful! Excited :)
My story is pretty interesting...still being written. Came to a milestone, thus....youhavewings became my life mantra - and everyone's really. We all have wings, we just need to be inspired to use them (or realize we have them).
I will join the 100days poetry challenge, I've been writing poems for 6months now.. For me, poetry is the cord that binds the spoken and unspoken words. It's more powerful and deeper than ordinary sentences. In it, you can pour out your mind without reservation.....
I see poetry as life... Thanks a million for this opportunity!!
Awesome! Thanks for your entry!
@d-pend I will like to join the 100 days poetry challenge, it would really be a great opportunity because to me poetry is a skill that one must hon, nature and missing out on writing will only blunten ones skills that's why this challenge is magnificent.
Infact, the effects of this challenge will go a very long way in making an individual find their place, discover what kind of poet they are, it will help them plunge deep, make them become readers and learners and more refined.
Thats why I think this opportunity is heavenly, as for me, I will participate, hope to learn more, and hope I can get to enlighten others too
This I've shared to my followers and will be making a dtube video to promote it as well.
Thanks so much @josediccus I'm honored to have your entry and looking forward to building huge things throughout the challenge and taking everything to the next level. I appreciate you promoting the challenge as well! I think we will look back and be amazed at how much we achieve together in the course of these 100 days.
@d-pend bro of course I will participate in your challenge. I can't wait...
I've been reading a bit of poetry and how to write it down last couple of days. I must say it is hard for me because I am brand new in this and I have NEVER written before poetry, but never haha..I love art and creating, but I was more about music and drawing..
This may sound funny but this is probably my biggest challenge ever, and I have challenged my self few times when no one believed in me.. But really, I must read a lot about it and I can't wait for your class to start.
Maybe it won't do me wonders but I know this challenge will bring me dicipline by writing every day for 100days, it will set free this poetic side of creativity that I hope I somehow have :) and hopefully it will connect me with other creative people...
Much love for spreading love and creativity, Luka.
Awesome!! Thanks for being the first to enter even before it was official, lol. I really appreciate you being willing to make the effort even if you feel unsure about your capabilities. We will be seeing what we can all unlock from deeper parts of ourselves with daily application and receptivity to the flow of creativity. Can't wait to see everything we achieve. Much love my friend!
Yeah I'm already scared but let's see what happens. I cannot loose anything but I can gain a lot..
Hope this challenge goes viral and brings the poets all around the globe..
See you on your class!
I am so happy, you just cannot imagine how much.. I think very much that poets are sort of sidelined on steemit..i post mostly poems and both fictional and non fictional writings but if not for the support of some communities like stach and steemgigs i will get little or nothing for my posts.
So you can imagine my excitement seeing this.
I am definitely very interested in participating in the 100 days challenge.. I might not be able to keep up much as i am currently in law school and its very intense but i will verily try to post everyday and i love poetry communities so i will definitely participate as much as i can.
I have been writing professionally for about nine months now and would release my first anthology sometime this week...
This is so beautiful..kudos for a beautiful idea
Hey @tolarnee I appreciate your reply and definitely agree about poetry being underappreciated. I noticed it since day one and a lot of it has to do with a general lack of value placed on poetry in our culture. The best way to shift anything about culture is to start a movement, even a small one.
I'm happy you would consider joining despite your intense schedule and honored to have your participation :-)
Please check out our school discord when you get the chance!
I am up for this, so yes I will join this 100 day challenge. I have been writing poetry for almost 30 years, but mostly just writing with no clue at to any rules or systems. Since being here at Steemit (since August 2016) I have written many poems and and come to a better understanding of how to structure one, and how to capture my thoughts more coherently.
For me poetry is definitely a form of therapy, as is a lot of writing. So many of mine start out as stream of consciousness writings. Currently learning to write in a more structured manner, so that will be good to learn also.
Anyway, excellent concept and opportunity, and many thanks for doing this.
Nice! I'm pleased to meet another veteran Steemian (or so I call anyone who's been around since 2016!) and honored to have your interest to join. I definitely feel writing to be quite therapeutic and helpful in processing the experiences of life.
Basically all my writing begins as stream of consciousness, as well, that is honed. Can't wait to hear your great input on your personal writing process, @naquoya. Please join our Discord and introduce yourself!
I feel like a veteran some days. Thanks for replying. I made an intro over at the Discord, and looking forward to participating there. Good to know that your poems tend to start as stream of consciousness. Anyway, see you at the starting line.
Ok, I would like to join although I'm not sure I'll keep it up. This is a hell of a challenge! I have written poetry since I was young, but always just as freewrites, have only recently gotten into the habit of really working a poem before calling it a poem ;-). I'm looking forward to this. Let the challenge begin!
Also, I'm not so into images. So do we really need to put up THREE images per post? What if we only put up one?
Hey @nobyeni thanks for the comment. I do agree that it's quite a challenge, lol. Honored to have you participating!
About the images, on further thought, I will decrease to two, minimum. The reason for the requirement is that although as a poetry purist, I do not feel poetry needs any images, this challenge is directed towards the medium of Steemit specifically, in which I feel images are quite necessary.
One will be the thumbnail, and one ought to be at the very bottom, to leave a lingering trace of the feeling or essence of your poem.
I think that should be a good middle ground between three and only one.
Yes, I like that actually. It also makes it possible to have a daily-cover-thumbnail thing and a picture specifically for the poem. I've been thinking of picking up photography more, making a daily walk and in that way connect more with my surrounding (I recently moved, and it's very safe to just stay inside all day). So this challenge will also help with that.
I think 2 pictures is an excellent thing!
Hey @d-pend, thanks for sponsoring this 100 day poetry challenge. I would love to participate but alas I’m one of those introverted writers who runs from the crowd. The idea of talking on discord, if I was honored to be one of the daily winners, would have me running to the sofa where I would curl up in the fetal position. Also, since I make my own art, three images per post would be too daunting. Never-the-less I will try to follow along and support poems I like with upvotes.
Thanks @beginningtoend I understand you :-)
Please keep it up with your great poetry and art and I appreciate your willingness to help reward the participants.
Hi @d-pend I want to participate on the 100 challenge, never written a poetry never thought I would till listen your podcast yesterday and understand the benefits of this challenge such as mastering communication skills and build good positive Habits 🙂.
If you have some tips on how get started I would appreciate.
Hey @d4rkflow it was good to speak with you in the Steemit school live and like I said I'm honored you gave my podcast a listen. Great to have you on board. Main tips at the beginning would be just do your best to give your true thoughts and feelings and don't judge too harshly. Just express, it doesn't matter good or bad, it's the practice that is important.
I will join the 100 day poetry challenge. I have been writing poetry for sometime now. Poetry is a way of life.
93 poems in 100days is a tough one. Not sure how far I can go, but I love the idea. I have two questions;
Thanks @d-pend for this.
Hey @onenecha! Poetry is definitely a way of life. Yes, you must post to steemit with the tag #steemitschoolpoetry each day. No old poems, please, this is training to be able to become more prolific in daily creation. I'm honored if you want to give it a try. Also come introduce yourself in our group dedicated to education and empowerment, Steemit School. https://discord.gg/hyfYQ9P
I will join the 100 day poetry challenge. I have been writing poetry for a year and few months. For me, poetry is an art that brings out the inner beauty, feelings, pain and as well imaginations in stitched lines of words. I am raring to begin this journey as it would prove helpful and exposing being in the midst of like minds and sires. I can't wait to begin.
Thanks for this opportunity sire @d-pend
Thanks so much for getting involved @mrbreeziewrites! I appreciate your notes on the poetic process. Are you a member of the School yet? (https://discord.gg/hyfYQ9P) If not please feel welcome to come and introduce yourself :-)
It's a pleasure joining in. I have joined the school immediately I received this announcement post. I however missed out on starting with Everyone. I believe I could still join in for the remaining days, right?
Thanks for the opportunity anyways @d-pend
Hi everyone, I'm @corderosiete on Discord too. I'm a teacher by profession from Venezuela. I'm a fond of writing and reading and I know that writing is one of the most difficult skills, for that I'd like to participate in this project to learn from this experience and from others. I'm a novice in writing poetry, actually I have recently started writing some poetry on Steemit. For me, poetry is the expression of feeling with sublime words. I was invited by on his post about the 100 days challenge.
Great to meet you @corderosiete! Thanks for joining the school too. I'm honored to have your participation.
I will join the 100 day poetry challenge. I have been writing poetry for 15 years. For me, poetry is about finding the essence of an idea, ideal or insight and communicating it to the world in a way that they, too, may share.
Honored to have you @quillfire and I'm so grateful for the detailed feedback you left me, much of which I will implement in a later update today. Very excited to learn more about your melodious style of verse poetry, an area I would like to delve more into personally. Thank you.
Thank you. This is a wonderful thing you're doing for the poetic community. My Entry #1 is complete and I await the pistol shot.
Wow! this contest is gonna help me to polish my writing skills. I do appreciate the sincere efforts the humble guy Daniel aka @d-pend is taking to promote poetry. I do also appreciate this 100 days poetry challenge because it will give me a chance to read different thoughts <3
I know i am not worthy to say but i have a suggestion for the winning prize. It must be divided into tree posts per day so that maximum poets may get benefit from it.
Thanks for the suggestion @salmanbukhari54! I am actually now doing 3 categories for 3 SBD each per day, with the extra 1 SBD going towards weekly prize :-)
This is gonna be special contest and i would love to participate in it ;-)
I have decided to try!
I am NOT a poetry writer at all!
I have written 1-2 poems during my life till this time, and it's a real challenge to me, but it's so interesting to try and to be a part of this amazing project, even if I can't go till the end-)
it seems to me there will be more than 200 members in the beginning (but only a few will be able to go till the end-)
I have joined the channel-)
Great!! Super exited to have you on board, Talia. We'd love to learn by osmosis on your many areas of scholarship in homeschooling, politics, nutrition, and others, as well!
I have to reject from participating(
I have explained it, hope you are not offended and you're not angry
As a rule I don't change my decisions, but this time it's really for better.
I can't compete with experienced poets with such high speed of the contest.
Hope for your understanding!
I am ready to be a part of SteemitSchool (if it's possible, and if I can be useful somehow), but I am better in poetry like a reader-)
I will join the 100 day poetry challenge. I have been writing poetry for almost 10years. As a Ph. D student of English, i find poetry as a veritable way to compress my thoughts in succint and pithy ways. For me, poetry helps to express my mind in such a way that i get immersed in it. I have written a lot of poem on different fundamental issues of life and i hope i can make that to bear on this challenge. Thank you @d-pend for this great poetic challenge. I believe it will still hone my skills the more.
Hey @baboyed1000 it's awesome to have your participation and I appreciated your intro in this comment. Please also say hello in our school channel here: https://discord.gg/hyfYQ9P
@moneyinfant has added your contest to the list Steemit Writing Contests: Issue #39. The list is updated on a daily basis and your contest will remain on the list until its expiration - there's nothing you need to do.
The list was created to save writers the excessive amount of time spent searching through the #contest tag for writing contests. Now they can just come to the list each day, see new contests and use their time doing what they love - writing.
If you'd like to help spread the word about the Steemit Writing Contest List I'd really appreciate a resteem, but it certainly isn't necessary. The project is simply meant to help writers save time and contest creators attract more contestants.
P.S. If you know of any contests I've missed I'd love to hear about them. Thanks!
Thank you my friend @moneyinfant!
You're quite welcome.
This is a hugeee commitment, I would like to join in, but I am having cold feet. I'm new to poetry, I think it's a great way to lease my soul in so few words, that's what poetry means to me...an expression of my inner self, my thoughts, and my feelings.
I haven't written up to twenty poems in all my life, so this would be an amazing push - that's why I am so fidgety.
Hey @debbietiyan, if you're on the fence, I'd recommend you to try! When I took this challenge myself, I produced more content in 7 months than in the previous 7 years. Even if you don't make it all the way, you will have a newfound appreciation for your poetic process, I promise.
You can do this Debbie...
Okay, I'm in!
I will join the 100 day poetry challenge. I have been writing poetry on and off for years. Poetry is a form of art that transcends just a form of writing. It communicates emotions and feelings and sometimes unspoken words. It many forms can be used to relay the truth and situation of a story a piece is talking about.
Great initiative
Thank you much @skodie! Can't wait to read your works. Great to have you in the Steemit School as well.
I will join the 100 day poetry challenge. I have been writing poetry since I was very young. You can find some about Network Theorems/Time Travel/Psychopath friends in my channel and I need this motivation to build my creative bones. For me poetry is a function of creative parts of the brain that distills metaphors out of chaotic randomness and you now what they say about metaphors: They say it is: a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable.
Thanks much for joining my friend @figuringoutsrn. Looking forward to hearing more about your approach to poetic expression. :-)
Please join the school when you get a good opportunity to: https://discord.gg/hyfYQ9P.
@leeart suggested I join in. I just have to figure out the whole discord thing. One questions ... does the form have to be three quatrains and one couplet or can we vary form as long as it is 14 lines long.
To my history of writing poetry. I have been writing for about half a dozen years on-line. I started off at WritersCafe and then moved onto All Poetry. Then I began posting to youtube. I love haiku and metaphor in general. I haven't been writing as much poetry of late, concentrating more on prose and so I am interested to see what comes from 100 days straight of poetry. Wish me luck and I wish everyone else so:)
Hi @prydefoltz! Did you manage to get into our school channel? (https://discord.gg/hyfYQ9P)
It can be any form as long as it is at least 14 lines. (I just gave the sonnet form as an example.)
I'm honored to have someone with your diverse experience involved. Thanks for sharing your experience. Can't wait to see what comes from your 100 days! All the best :-)
I just joined up:)
I am excited to take part:) Thank you for hosting the challenge:)
I will join the 100days poetey challenge, i have been writing poems intermitently but never quite seriously for some years now, 4 or 5 to be concise. For me poetry is a medium through which i get to express the innermost of my thoughts about happenings inside me and the world. It is like viewing my world through poetry. Thank you for this iniative @d-pend, i hope i am not too late, i just got to see this now. Thank you.
I'm honored for your entry my friend @blessedben. Indeed, you are in time, still there are some hours remaining :-)
I feel more honoured for this priviledge. Thank you.
I will join the 100 Day Poetry Contest. I have written maybe the poem in my adult life. To me, poetry is a powerful way to express yourself that often sticks with me longer than prose. This contest terrifies me. I do not have confidence that I can maintain 100 days, but I'm willing to challenge myself in order to grow. Thanks for the opportunity.
@coachjj I applaud your willingness to try! If it makes you feel any better, I'm absolutely terrified too about how I can manage this challenge! I think it will end up stimulating a lot of personal and collective growth in the end.
When you're able, please come introduce yourself in our school discord, as well: https://discord.gg/hyfYQ9P
I will join the 100 day poetry challenge. I have been writing poetry for two months. For me, poetry is, a way to express things from soul to soul. Although you need intellect to understand it, the images you get are more complex that your intelect would normally be able to comprehend by non-poetic means. So poetry, using very prosaic words, is like the synergy of words.
Thank you very much @sansoncarrasco and happy to meet you in the school. Looking forward to your writing!
Thanks to you and all the folks at the Steemit School Discord group for organizing such a complex contest. I hope to able to give my best despite the challenging nature of it.
I'm in.
Thanks for this opportunity, @d-pend. I couldn't feel more identified with your thoughts on poetry.
I will join the 100-Day Poetry Challenge. I have been writing poetry since I was a little child, and I am 39 now. For me, poetry is as Poe said, the rythmical creation of beauty.
This is going to be exciting and a beautiful experience.
Good luck to you all!
Fantastic, thanks for participating!! Please come say hello and introduce yourself in our school when you get a chance!
Sure I will. I'm all for new learning experiences. You're too kind.
Hi @d-pend, I'm glad to see your new challenger contest of #steemitschoolpoetry. I was very happy man coz our suggestions you provide immediately. You've got massive participants in this platform. Also I appreciate all of your support given to steemians.
I'm inform you that, I'm small fish in this platform. But I already get a decision to contribute 10SBD to one day winner. After your feed back I'll do within next 7 days.
Thank you everyone. Please join this contest...Enjoy with poetry. I'll see your all entries.. Good luck all.
@madushanka thank you so much for your lovely note of encouragement. Your support means a lot. Also I'm very happy you will consider donating. You can transfer the SBD any time and I will add your name to daily list of contributors. I am starting a document to keep track of all contributions. I will also periodically read the list of donators during our live classes. You can be sure we highly appreciate it, as well as your time and attention to this project :-)
Dear Daniel, Yep..I'll transfer above amount within next 7 days followed your instructions. I want encourage every steemians and provide steemit community via #steemitschoolpoetry tag.
YAY! I'm so excited about this 100 day challenge! :) There are going to be so many cool poems to read.
@karensuestudios, it's @Josediccus here likewise here, infact it's sequential to so many great things to happen to poetry with @d-pend
I know, right? Thanks Karen! I can't wait to see all the uniqueness that is brought forth.
You actually did it this is really awesome i am glad to see this
Yes somehow I can pull it off @steemitwarrior ahaha. Because master of challenges @dobartim is my guru in this
This is real challenge, I wish I had time to participate.
Thanks @princeso :-)
Hello @d-pend
Thank you for putting together this great contest. I will join the challenge, I make attempts at writing poetry and though it is like a hobby to me, I see poetry as a cryptic language of the gods interpreted only by gifted mortals , it is a magical means of deep expression. I have been writing poetry as a hobby for years and I wish to learn more in this contest.
Hi @edith4angelseu, thanks for your interest and sharing your views on poetry. Please join our school when you get the chance: https://discord.gg/hyfYQ9P. Looking forward to reading your work!
This is sooo interesting, writing poem in my mother tongue? I think i should give it a try. Though just started writing a poem today, didn't know an opportunity like this would come up. i really know anything about this markdown. Like seruously you are going to teach us hiw to design our post with it?Would be most delighted to learn it from your very hand (winks).
Pls add me to the contest list.
Upvoted, commented and resteemed for my friends to participate as well.
Yes I am passionate about people writing in their first language, especially! We will definitely learn aspects of how to improve post layout and basic markdown skills.
I'm happy to have your entry @diamondrich! Looking forward to how much we grow collectively and individually over the course of this challenge!
@d-pend this is fast!
Just this morning (by my country time) this was discussed at the #steemitschool, you've been able to put this together.
This can only be done by an action oriented person. Cheers!
I will enter for the contest.
Hey @desmonddesk, I'm happy to hear you would like to enter. Do you mind sharing how long you have been writing poetry or if you are new, and what poetry is to you personally?
I suggest you make it three winners(1st =5sbd, 2nd =3sbd and 3rd =2sbd) because they are so many great writers out there that will blow your mind off with there quality poem... That's my suggestion for this
Thanks for the suggestion @sirsticks. I have thought on this before and decided to stay with the format of only one per day because of time constraints and in order to have time to feature the winners. I do want to find ways to support and feature people that are not the daily winner. Keep in mind people can only be chosen once in a 25 day period so many will have the chance to be selected! I appreciate the idea.
OK thats a good idea then
I will join the 100 day poetry challenge. I have been writing poetry for about 2months.. I'm very glad for this opportunity
Thanks for your registration @dtwo! When you get a chance check out the Steemit School Discord Server where we will hold all the activities of this challenge.
I will join the 100 day poetry challenge. I have been writing poetry for some years now and I have written so many poetry before. For me, poetry helps me to express myself.
Hi @botefarm, thank you for your entry! Please also introduce yourself in our school channel at your leisure: https://discord.gg/hyfYQ9P
I will join in the challenge of my 100-day poetry (I have written only a few poems) (very little) to me poetry is (heart-warming, soul-winning and respectful dissenting opinion) @zulacut
@zulacut thanks so much for entering! Please also introduce yourself in our discord channel when you get the chance: https://discord.gg/hyfYQ9P
Excellent I hope to contribute with this school of poems great opportunity to explore the sensitivity of the people who are hiding in the globe that only dazzle under the focus in the underground go out stars I look forward to reading your expreciones and perspectives of life
Thanks @jacklab1407!
This is very impressive, that am not good in writing poem, but will go out there and ask people to tell and explain to me a poem.... Nice one @d-pend
No matter good or bad, anyone can enter @emekasegun :-) Thanks for your attention either way!
Wow this would be so exciting =)
It's gonna be really fun @micch!
Indeed @d-pend :)
d-pend, this is awesomenesss! Preparing my brain for this one! Whoa!
Haha! Trust me, I'm preparing too :-P
Thanks @iwrite!
I wonder I'm not be able to join discord? I was there a while ago. I don't know what happened... Am I banned to join the channel?
You should be able to join @iwrite? Try again? https://discord.gg/hyfYQ9P