Our mission is to help new users achieve maximum results in the right way. Our vision is to open schools in all countries of the world and to attract millions of new users. The most important thing for success is the first knowledge, how to make the first steps, how to change our bad habits and way of thinking. Everyone is welcome to the Steemit School discord channel https://discord.gg/q9VEn5n .
Our students have a vision, we are here to help them to keep their dreams.
I have joined Steemit School this past week and have joined in the Steemit School Class where Steemians have the chance to talk on Discord live audio with @dobartim and other Leaders on Steemit. I have learned some tips and tricks from the experts on how to promote our personal brands better on Steemit and grow our followers, upvotes and Steem Power. I envision that Steemit School will be the one-stop shop for all newcomer minnows who are interested in growing as entrepreneurs and bloggers so that they can become whales some day and influence and give back by helping other minnows grow on Steemit School. Steemit School gives use the chance to raise our voice and channel our inner creativity and entrepreneurial spirits to fulfill our vision and dream
My username on Steemit is @Daddyku
For me Steemit School is the tool I need to make my dreams a reality.
We are building a community that will change the face of Steemit forever.
Here is my vision for steemit school: being a musician, I often want to promote myself, but when it comes to the actual promotion I am Clueless, I have found steemit school to be invaluable in helping me learn skills to better promote myself, and it also is a great place for community and finding others who are also building themselves up on steemit. I also love the variety of different classes.
We win together @dobartim
Steemit School is waiting for you https://discord.gg/q9VEn5n
Will Steemit School only be about Steemit or Steem in general?
Will Steemit School start by teaching people
that Steemit is just a company's website and Steem is the decentralized ecosystem where growth and value lies?
Steemitschool is not just about steemit and steem it's about everything it's about life on General
Here we share poetry, music, art, cryptocurrencies, etc.
We invite people that are willing to grow personally financially and spiritually, so everyone is welcome.
steemit school
Not relevant to the discussion.
Hello Guys its me Gokul..Today i am gonna tell you a useful information about the steemit
so don't miss the chance to get useful info about it..Perhaps it may be a true and helpfull for you.
I am describing a important information of steemit in this video.
A lot of debate surrounds the use of upvote bots on the Steemit platform. Are they ethical, useful, or even profitable? I'll answer all of these questions in today's video.
If you're looking for more helpful videos and articles on how to make the most of the Steemit social media site, be sure to follow and vote me on Steemit you really like it.
How do I sign up at steem school????
Steemit School teaching people online for 15 days . Life - business -school. Change you way of thinking and be successfull in life - Steemit School is Business School for all life - Welcome.
That's not answering my question.
I don't understand your percepcions and questions, I help a lot people with many things.
He is talking about using the term "Steemit" instead of "Steem". Steemit is a specific private company (like busy.org), but Steem is an open source currency. It's kind of like saying I'm opening the Toyota school where I teach about how you can use cars (not just Toyotas) to do things.
Thank you about explanation.
This post probably explains it pretty well.
I think @transisto takes some issue with the use of "Steemit" in the title. Depending on your intention, I think it might fit under fair use, but I am no lawyer. The easiest, and most appropriate course of action would probably be to change it to "Steemschool" instead. As the the referenced post further clarifies...
Thank you for explanation
And steem will be used to pay for tuition fee?
How do I sign up at steem school????
@transisto I am the student of their school. Right now they are teaching us about How to earn more upvotes and followers. The main goal is to teach users how to be a successful blogger on Steemit. They are also helping poor students by donating them laptops. Many steemit users don't know the manners of blogging as you can see a newbie has replied your comment with a image. So Steemit school is going to teach them these basics.
@transisto very nice inputs indeed. Please let me know how to enroll into #steemitschool...?

You can enroll by joining their discord server.
Just click on this link https://discord.gg/q9VEn5n
, every leader has dealt with a person — or, worse, a group of people — who has lost motivation. It's frustrating, isn't it? As much as we've been there ourselves, sometimes it's hard to sympathize with others who are disengaged from work and unproductive as a result.
See you on the top
We win together, be part of positve side of life
So as a newbie here to steemit....is steemit school worth it?
Nice work Bro keep it up
So, in other words, it subsidizes people who probably shouldn't be writing, as they are probably terrible if they don't even have a computer?
Steemit isn't charity.
you have posts beautiful. I want to be followers you .I very proud of it could be pengukut you
Thank you, be part of Steemit School https://discord.gg/q9VEn5n
Maybe even participate in such discussions and find solutions to stay “alive” ??
I don't have a time for that, I have a lot of work on Steemit School. Have a nice day
This was not asking you for anything, only giving you info what problems we are facing on this platform for everybody, especially whales to think through. I was also wondering what answer you gave to @transisto if your school is about steemit or Steem or just in general.
Thank you!
We teach poeple about life success, this is basic knowledge for all poeple on the world. Thank you for your support, and see our work in Steemit School.
Ok good luck
Thank you
Third world participants have no chance of ever reaching the top. You are promoting a dead end. Giving false hope.
There is only one rule here. MONEY.
Third world doesn't bring it. That's why they will NOT be the top.
Simple. Class dismissed. All the in between is irrelevant.
Conversely, they have the most to gain froma buse and shitposting. The pathetic tiny payouts go a long way in the third world.
I don't like seeing this shit subsidized by handing out "free laptops to blog" to people who can't even use English properly (who are posting...in English).
I've been preparing a nice post on Steemit Game News,art and entertainment and will release it as soon as it becomes something nice and financially correct. So please follow me if you want to know more about Steemit ame News,art and entertainment
See yu on Steemit School https://discord.gg/q9VEn5n
Też jestem ciekaw .... dziś dołączyłem do ich szkoły na discord... odrazu po dołączeniu na server discorda zgłosiła się pani z supportu z zapytanie czy nie potrzeba pomocy tak że póki co jestem miło zaskoczony i polecam ...
Welcome to Steemit School https://discord.gg/q9VEn5n
At some point, every leader has dealt with a person — or, worse, a group of people — who has lost motivation. It's frustrating, isn't it? As much as we've been there ourselves, sometimes it's hard to sympathize with others who are disengaged from work and unproductive as a result.
Be positive, never give up . We waiting for you https://discord.gg/q9VEn5n
steemit school
This is spam comment, be part of Steemit School and learn https://discord.gg/q9VEn5n
I was going to write that you need an account to write to the blockchain, but basically anyone who has already an account can create new ones and give them away for free, delegate or sell them, right?
Of course
Hello @transisto I joined this school for few days. I can testify that this school covers quite a few major topics. From managing a business, build leadership, specific skill learning like poetry and art..
For me, I have joined one of the Live Chat Channel which was managed by one of the admin / Mod but conducted by a specialize Mr.Arcalf. I have not idea what the art is about but after attended just one session, I could create two pieces of my own design art which I can use for my blog in Steemit.
YOu question about "Steem", I have not check out whether the Steemit school deal with that because that is not my focus right now.
Yes, the school actual teach people to an extent to get the "student" become a subject matter expert over time.
See you on the top
Be part of Steemit School, this is amazing opportunity for all users https://discord.gg/q9VEn5n
Good Job Guys
Chance for everyone
I have visited there. but sorry, I don't know what goal is.
I just received 'welcom'.
so could u explain what goal is?
cause i wanna introduce to kr.
I dont see you
This may be one of the most AMAZING ideas yet for steemit. Respect the passion for the Steemit school. Just joined the discord, can’t wait to learn and perfect my steemit game!
Welcome to Steemit School, See you
wow! that's fantastic.
it will not only help the new users grow but also the steemit community as a whole and it helps to promote also steemit to a wider audience :)
At some point, every leader has dealt with a person — or, worse, a group of people — who has lost motivation. It's frustrating, isn't it? As much as we've been there ourselves, sometimes it's hard to sympathize with others who are disengaged from work and unproductive as a result.
We win together
@dobartim thanks for your offer of class.
It is great. I voted you.
beautiful. I want to be followers you .I very proud of it could be pengukut you
Welcome @shorif4174 it is my pleasure share post with you.
You are always welcome, It is my honor
@dobartim How are you friend. I think it will be my honor because you have a strong trajectory as steemians and your group.
Keep up the great work! Upvoted!!
Thanks mate
I am so happy to be part of this group of people with vision, knowledge and passion.
We never stop learning, we never stop growing.
Thank you @dobartim for everything you're doing for us.
Pozdrav! :)
See you on the top Nikolina
Together we win friend. You have started a vision and we plan to carry this vision together causing a revolution in the steem blockchain and bringing forth a wave of steemians from the school that interact with the blockchain in the right way.
If you haven't joined the steemit school yet, then you are really missing out. Get in now and get refined by great teachers and tutors.
Come and let your orientation towards success on steemit change.
Thank you for your support
this is exciting! Will Steemit be the next best new video and social media platform?
Totalmente de acuerdo con usted!!! Caminemos hacia ese norte!!! Saludos
Welcome to Steemit School
you have posts beautiful. I want to be followers you .I very proud of it could be pengukut you
Hope this will become more popular!
We make the biggest movement on Steemit World
First of all thank you for the adding my vision to your post.
I really love your energy and being on every online class you are leading is inspiring.
I hope many Steemians will join our community and help us to create a massive powerful movement.
See you on the top
Variety of different classes actually makes steemitschool unique and outstanding. It gives users (students) platform to choose what ever they like or good in. It’s a greatest movement ever. From the poetry class to art class to acroyoga etc.. like I said earlier expect more big names on steemitschool. I’m so happy and proud this is happening in my generation... thank you dobartim for these great initiative... one goal! One mission! Togetherness we will win!
We win together
you have posts beautiful. I want to be followers
Pozdrav zemljace,
Hteo sam te pitati da li je isplativo raditi nesto kao sto sam ja zapoceo sa diskografijom tj novi tag (discography)koji ce sadrzati dosta materijala korisnog sto se tice najvecih imena danasnjice ili bi se trebao okrenuti necem slicnom kao ti?
Hvala :)
Radi ono u sta verujes, budi deo tima i napreduj brze.
Slazem se sto znaci da treba da batalim ovo sto radim i izaberem neku drugu temu posto sam jedini :)
Hvala na savetu :)
Nema na cemu
I want to be followers you .I very proud of it could be pengukut you
Bad comments, be part of Steemit School if you want to make money https://discord.gg/q9VEn5n
I finally got a chance to attend a class about 1 hr ago ( around 11:30 pm Japan time) was just about to retire to bed then the notification came on my phone. You made some very good points about quality content, genuinely commenting on post that interest you and not just being a begging taker Lol. I love what you said about leadership and the business mind. Good stuff man. I was surprised when you said " when I first started I made 200 comments on other people's posts a day". Thank you Dobartim Sensei. Anyone reading this, I suggest you join the discord group, it is a very supportive community and way to earn your " PHD" in steemology.
See you on the next class
I want to be followers you .I very proud of it could be pengukut you
We are the steemit school student. Nice @dobartim , your aim will soon be achieved and you will be a legend and idol for us.
Never give up
you have posts beautiful. I want to be followers you .I very proud of it could be pengukut you
Spam comment, be part of steemit school
Is this school only for new users at steemit or any old members can join this school?
For all users, welcome to Steemit School https://discord.gg/q9VEn5n
dobartim, thanks for this wonderful discord education site for Steemit. Looking forward to learning and sharing. I have 5 daughters, hope they join soon and building a Steemit presense.. upvoted, followed and resteemed
This is amazing, we waiting for you and your family
Great! How can one promote self on steemit
Be part on Steemit School https://discord.gg/q9VEn5n
As a minnow, I think we have a greater chance to be successful on here the more we post and the less there are. More people is good for the platform and content quality, but new competition means it's harder to get noticed.
We waiting on you on our Steemit School https://discord.gg/q9VEn5n
Nice to hear about that it'll success u know that b.c I am also part of steem school
I am glad to see you
Thank you, It is my honor
I will join, thanks
Welcome, see you on the top
good information for all of us. thank you for giving us useful information.
You are welcome
more you read more you learns. steemit school is very helpful to learning new things....thanks you sir. it,s good opportunity for me. I voted you sir
See you on Steemit School
Well I hope your teaching people that now is one of the best times to buy bitcoin!
Of course , we teaching people this is the real time for chenge
This is amazing sir keep it up
See you on the top
steemit increasingly worldwide
Steemit change the world
Keep the dream alive. You'll get even more than 10000 students.
Thank you
posts beautiful. I want to be followers you .I very proud of it could be pengukut you
https://discord.gg/q9VEn5n See you on Steemit School
Steemit is a tremendous platform for New comers to express their inner capabilities and talents.Many people use this to turn their dreams to reality and I am also one of those.So thanks steemit.
See you on the class
I've been preparing a nice post on Steemit Game News,art and entertainment and will release it as soon as it becomes something nice and financially correct. So please follow me if you want to know more about Steemit ame News,art and entertainment
Be part of Steemit School, see you on the top
@dobartim thanks for this post i was getting sad that i dont understand few things here as im new... i was really happy to find out there is this steemit school! :) i will definetly sign up for discord and check it out!
See you on the top, we win together
great idea sir
Thank you very much, be part of Steemit School https://discord.gg/q9VEn5n
this is very much needed for new users. I would study myself! :)
Welcome to Steemit School https://discord.gg/q9VEn5n
steemit school is very needed for us to gain khowledge. this post is very heplfull for us. thanks for shareing this post.
Welcome to Steemit School, see you on the onine class https://discord.gg/q9VEn5n
nice post bro :)
don forget vote my blog @dobartim
See you on Steemit School
yes sir @dobartim
I'm absolutely interested in joining,
I hope to gain alot and hope to make the most outta my steemit account.
Do we have to download the app before one can join the school?
I'm new here and I need all the help I can
Just click on this link https://discord.gg/q9VEn5n
Oh no! wow
Welcome to Steemit School
Keep going You will be the largest one day.
God is my leader. See you on Steemit School
Wonderful Conception! Hope is all works out. good work
Steemit School for all users
@steemit : Only in general is education free and everyone learns in a profitable way
Business education and main life knowledge bring our shine future
perfect thanks
wow great and excellent job for new user guidance
Steemit School work for everybody, small and big users
Have a dream is the power source of the life, we need to dream, need more efforts.
Love is the main power of the universe, knowledge is basic for all dreams. See you on Steemit School https://discord.gg/q9VEn5n
its a great news for whole the steemit community.
thanks sir,for sharing such a great news with us.
Thank you for your support, we win together
it's m pleasure for being with you sir.
waiting for your next post.
Thank you very much
your welcome sir.
@dobartim Steemit School acctually provide all new users a plantform to promote ourself. Here not only we can learn much knowledge to change our bad habits and way of thinking, but also we can become thinkful Giants. Let us grow up accompanied with Steemit School.
you have posts beautiful. I want to be followers you .I very proud of it could be pengukut you
See you on our class
Help me please voting my picture
This is bad comment, be part of Steemit School and make money on honest way https://discord.gg/q9VEn5n
Nice Post… Sorry for leaving this comment.I am a poor novice developers. Please Support me . Thank you for your kind
Be part of our Steemit school and learn how to make money https://discord.gg/q9VEn5n
okey thanks for this instruction i want to learn it
i hope be sucses brother.
I hope so that, thanks for the good post, good luck @dobartim
Thank you
This post has received a 10.25 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @dobartim.
this is exciting! Will Steemit be the next best new video and social media platform?
Steemit is amazing projct with big future
This is an excellent initiative from your friend @dobartim I am eager to hear the first class in Spanish! that goal will be accomplished very soon, thanks to this student.
this is exciting! Will Steemit be the next best new video and social media platform?
See you on our School
WOW! I am happy for all your achievements in @steemitschool guys and of course with the help of an expert @dobartim.. Thanks sir for all your guidance and in leading all Steemians in their success here! 👍👍👍
See you on the top, we win together