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RE: What Do We Do With All These Tokens?

in #steemleo5 years ago

There is certainly an overabundance of cryptocurrencies and tokens out there on the market right now. With the introduction of these new Steem-engine tokens I think the market has been proliferated by too many new markets too quickly. Looking at the actual site you'll see that they are all lacking liquidity and users right now which is to be expected but this makes for a pretty rough experience for buyers/sellers. The price spreads are insane on some of these coins with literally nobody there to offer bids.

I forsee a few of these more popular projects sticking it out but for the most part what will happens is many of them will fade out. Their prices will show gradual decline until an eventual flatline happens and the community completely forgets and abandons them.


100% agree. There is a lack of liquidity and users. The issue is that all tribes (including ours) have only tapped into the volume and userbase which Steem provides.

It’s amazing that a tribe can launch on Steem and get such an overwhelming response from the community right off the bat. On the other hand, there are only a couple thousand highly active users on Steem. If all of us tribes only tap into this userbase and don’t attract outside attention, we will all slowly fade into the dust.

The key is to attract people from outside of Steem. Easier said than done, but with time there will be at least a few tribes who will solve the puzzle and get some users onto our interfaces who’ve never used Steem before.

I've thought about ways we could do this but the hard part is that you have to convince them to create a STEEM account somehow and then to buy and use STEEM. Maybe there will be some way to create these light accounts they have been talking about that will be able to transact STEEM but not comment or vote.

Hi @steem.leo

Is there any way to contact you via DM?

Cheers, Piotr

I forsee a few of these more popular projects sticking it out but for the most part what will happens is many of them will fade out.

I agree with this and think it hits the nail on the head. The projects that develop a growing community are going to be the ones that succeed and, in turn, see their token have value. The flip side is those that do not, will drift off into the sunset.

It all comes down to ecosystem (community). One that is thriving and active stands a chance. It is up to the community to help bring in new people. Steemleo needs to target investors....actifit needs fitness and exercise people....splinterlands needs gamers....sportstalk needs sports fans.