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RE: Steem Monsters Animation and some personal notes

in #steemmonsters6 years ago

Coming in, it was hard to take my eyes off of the individual post payouts and look at the bigger picture. Steemit, as much as I love and appreciate it, is only a part of the equation. Steem Monsters demonstrated to me personally exactly what the grander vision of the Steem blockchain could look like, and it is so much bigger than just one front end.

The community here is insane, the potentiality of apps that could be built here is insane, the blockchain just has immense potential.

I know it's been a lot of work on your end, and probably many more long days to come :), but great job dude and congrats. You deserve a big ol' pat on the back for giving all of us stakeholders such a massive push towards a much higher level of adoption.