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RE: Nice card giveaway No. 3 (1x LVL3 + 5x LVL1) + lottery draw from the last round[ENG/DE]

in #steemmonsters5 years ago

Thank you so much for the Sea Genie! I just saw it pop up in my Steem Monsters as a gift. Water has been my weakest shard but this card goes a long way towards fortifying it. It's actually the first card that I have won from one of these Steemit contests. You say it's just a small thing but to me it's a huge deal! Thanks again.

As my entry to this new contest, I would have to say that I don't keep a running total of my cards in my head, but I have checked here and there. I've been playing less than a week, so I've got a lot of new information to absorb. There is a tool that I used in the official discord channel where you can have the system tell you how many cards you have of each type and a dollar value for your entire collection. I'm not sure what that's based on, but if I were to code that I would use the current highest seeking price, because at that moment that's how much you could get for your card without waiting around for a buyer. Anyway, if you go into the upvote channel you can trigger the bot to give you these stats by typing:

$stats username

You would just replace username with your actual username. I guess you could probably check out anyone else's stats too by using their username but I haven't tried it yet. Here are my results that I just pulled:


Also, you could compare that with the stats you get from the bookkeeper bot here on Steemit. I might as well trigger it here so I can look at whether I've got more value than than money I've spent in the game.

!bookkeeping steemmonsters

I actually tried it out elsewhere before posting this comment to make sure it worked and ultimately it says that I'm currently at a loss of 0.537 SBD in terms of income versus expenditures. At current values, from memory, I think that's probably around $0.55 USD. So if I sold all my cards right now, I would have a profit of over 20 bucks, not including any Steemit rewards I've earned from posting blogs about Steem Monsters. That's pretty decent! I'm off to a good start, I'd say. Again, thanks for the Sea Genie and for these giveaways.


Hi @jeremycrow!



  • 0.000 STEEM
  • 2.109 STEEM from Affiliate
  • 0.000 STEEM from tournament prizes
  • 0.000 SBD
  • 0.000 SBD from Affiliate


  • 0.043 STEEM
  • 0.000 STEEM for tournament entry fees
  • 0.537 SBD


  • 2.066 STEEM
  • -0.537 SBD