Last weeks winners and Earth elemental giveaway

in #steemmonsters5 years ago


As usual I used Steem comment picker

A big congrats to the winners
All cards have been sent

Lets get to the giveaway

Earth elemental Beta card giveaway

Most of you would know how this works
Todays giveaway is 1 beta Earth elemental card

Rules are as usual:

Just type your steemmonster username in comment section.
No upvote, resteem or follow required.
I would appreciate if you do any of it though.
Winner will be announced on monday ( May 6th)

Just little under 1 day left of this season, so am trying to do some climbing

Take care Steemians


Climb!!! @zenence

Posted using Partiko iOS


Thanks for the card! Wish you luck in last few hours of the season!

Congratulations to the winners, good luck to everyone and thanks for the giveaway @marianaemilia

Posted using Partiko iOS

Hi, @stiant!

You just got a 0.37% upvote from SteemPlus!
To get higher upvotes, earn more SteemPlus Points (SPP). On your Steemit wallet, check your SPP balance and click on "How to earn SPP?" to find out all the ways to earn.
If you're not using SteemPlus yet, please check our last posts in here to see the many ways in which SteemPlus can improve your Steem experience on Steemit and Busy.

Thank you for the Cocatrice!


Thanks for keeping this up, @stiant :0)