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RE: The Panel Discussion was a great success!

in #steempanel7 years ago

I'm listening there is lot of great discussion from the great couple people in discussion panel. I try to make personal conclution from that all communication. Such as we know, we are on faced big challenges in the future. So we need lot of collaboration to answered that the big challenge.
From couple week ago I am keep learning about the big main setting of the steemit platform. I think, I am starting know where were we going to. I see there is the great future for all of us in here, then I went to try improvisation to explore my idea in a design concept as a professional contributes to steemit. I hope the concept might be part of solution that we need. And I still keep working to make it done on this December. And I want to broadcast it soon as possible.
Best Regard for all you the great master.