Upmewhale Updates And sSeempower Offers For Investors

in #steempower6 years ago

Hello To All Steemians !

First of all i would like to thanks to those users who has trusted me blindly and they delegate there steempower to my bot.

I am more than happy that all those delegators are happy with my service and they are getting good return from what they expected!

Before Delegation:

  • First if some one want to delegate Steempower to upmewhale they can ask on steemit.chat .Always feel free to ask about any issue regarding delegation.

  • Secondly If some want to ask about the daily return on the steempower delegation they can ask me as well.

  • Cients have right to cancel delegation any time they are not happy with the service.


As A vote sellers its my duty to offer good service to the vote buyers in order to boost there posts Or articles to give them a change to make small earning to make they life better in this fast growing world most of the people are suffering from the daily income so it will be a chance to make some small income in order to use this service for small earning. But its not gaurantee to get earning from a bidding Bot its just to use the Bot For the promotion of the post,and a deserving post must get a reward from promotion of the post.

For Steempower Delegators!

For those clients who use the bot for the return on the steempower delegation i am offering the max possible return more than 95% return for there steempower delegat0rs.
I always want to gave the max return in order to make the client happy because its better to delegate your steempower to the Bot Rather than "selfvoting" and spamming the Rewardpool.

When the users are getting high earning they will be happy with the investment on steemit and i think i should be a better choice from those investors who want to save there investments and want a return from there investment and not selfvote there post and spam the Site.

How To Delegate TO Upmewhale?

Click on the link below!

Fill the farm as explain under,

I have free contact with All my clients @steemit.chat @upmewhale

Today i am going to share all my daily return to my clients who has delegated there steempower to my bot.

If any one want to delegate steempower to my bot they can contact me on the steemit.chat.


discord channel






New updates the designer is working on the website like smartsteem and minnowbooster, i will provide all the details like daily earning the details of daily return ,the details of all users who delegate to @upmewhale,currently i have 240K delegation i will be happy to get more steempower to my bot to provide the friendly service to the steemians.

My dream is to give the high possible return to the users who delegate to upmewhale!

I want to give special thanks to all the users who is using my service it is really appreciated


trevon james delegated most of his steem power to upmewhale... not sure what to tbhink about that

Every one has right to delegate me and he is getting his part of earning from the Bot . he has his investment on steemit like many other people invested and its his right to Get what he deserve from me . i am welcome to every one not only him and i offer great return to all user once try my service i promise i will become the famous Bot . i have many good plans for all the clients soon i am working on a website so it will be nice for New and old users to use my service . And please don't point out just trevon only that is a humble request .

eh fair enough, and you can't stop him from delegating to you anyways

Why do you deceive people?I translated 0.5 sbd you gave me 0.87.I can not even return my own ones !!!This is a fraud!

Um, the steem price dropped 30% in the past week, not the bots fault.

The price here does not matter!Bot works to increase immediately and not after a week!He should give 2-2.5 and not 1.7!

You want more than 70% return on investment per week? Lmao.

Everyone is making Trevon out to be a bad guy , the man simply shared what “ HE” was doing investing wise , it’s not like he put a gun to anyone’s head and made them put up any Money . I’ve learned a lot from watching his videos but that’s besides the point I just want to say continue the great work I look forward to delegating soon !

Just delegated my tiny steem power to you. Hope I did it right. Thanks for the service :)

What is discord brother...

It's the chat function. If you browse true the faq, you should be able to find info about it easily.

I wonder how much is the reward per pay for delegating 1,000 SP?
Sorry for not asking via chat, but I don't use that.

actually its about to total daily earning 95% i share to my clients it must be close to .90 to 1 SBD/steems daily maybe more when steemprice go up .

And do you also share your curation rewards?

please i can explain in chat any possible way i can explain there any thing thanks

You got a 27.78% upvote from @minnowvotes courtesy of @grx121!

Your post so good, I like it @upmewhale

So you directly delegated 100k SP 😋😜

You got a 21.90% upvote from @postpromoter courtesy of @grx121!

Want to promote your posts too? Check out the Steem Bot Tracker website for more info. If you would like to support the development of @postpromoter and the bot tracker please vote for @yabapmatt for witness!

here take an upvote

I'm looking forward to see more awesome developments from this bots. It's true that as a vote seller, a good buyer is required. That makes whole steem a good place to stay even with bots around.

we will do our best to serve people more about benefit !

Hey, @upmewhale!! Nice Post.
I always Expecting such type of informative post on your blog.

As a matter of fact its going to add up to day by day winning. What's more, do you additionally share your curation rewards?

stay tune for more updates

95%? Ok, I'm in! :)

If 95% is promissed then it's better than minnowbooster 90%.

Yes its a promise to pay more than minnowbooster ,i want to give invester there right they invested and we are there users so we should respect our investors thanks

If this is true, then I don't think there is anything like it on steemit to day the least. If not for the fact that i just have too little steep power, i will have with alacrity delegate mine unless of course if no amount is too small. God bless you Upmewhale.

Thanks for the information.
I understand that using bots is a must otherwise you won't be seen.
Am I correct?

Congratulations @upmewhale, this post is the second most rewarded post (based on pending payouts) in the last 12 hours written by a Superuser account holder (accounts that hold between 1 and 10 Mega Vests). The total number of posts by Superuser account holders during this period was 1632 and the total pending payments to posts in this category was $13616.55. To see the full list of highest paid posts across all accounts categories, click here.

If you do not wish to receive these messages in future, please reply stop to this comment.

im a pure dumb newbie, i made mistake earlier, can someone help me?

Thanks God for a pakistani whale
Pakistani zindabad

Please instead of placing my url as de memo....i used delegation.
Here is the link to the post

please check it i refunded the SBD thanks

Apparently, there was some error, % specified in the comment does not correspond to % on the fact of voting. And the amount is low compared to my shipment. I hope that you explain to me why?

Скриншот 07-03-2018 183505.jpg

Скриншот 07-03-2018 183520.jpg

please have a look here its 100% accurate dear

Sent 0.52 SBD, but got $ 0.83 is not good. It's always been okay before, and I didn't write to you.

Price of steem dropped, not bots fault. Also bid round participants and timing play a role.

thank you! Спасибо!

Successful articles continue to work for authors

upmewhale why not you upvoted on me post because i am sending you 0.500 SBD in this bottracker

Ok that's great

As soon as I get some, I will delegate it to you for sure!

Maybe a full power upvote to help me out? hehe

hello sir upmewhalemesend 0.5Sbd you not upvoted my post check plhttps://steemit.com/blog/@saleem12/information-about-grapes

I sent my bid to you but seems you are not turning it back to me,please check!Screenshot_2018-03-17-05-11-24.png


hi plz can i know the average return for 100 for example
Thank U

@sempra average is 0.065 almost per 100Sp delegation thanks