
I'm tagging along too, if yall don't mind! I love exxersizing, I wish I still had a bicycle. 😞 You know what, I think I'll buy myself one when steem rises some more, looking more and more like a reality now. 😀

Kerp being awesome, I know I speak for everyone in Steem school when I say everyone admires and looks up to you, YOU ROCK @dobartim!

Thank you for your nice words, I believe in you

Hello sir @dobartim. Your post reminded me to that it is time to ride and get in shape again. You can never go wrong by taking one step ahead to be healthier. Riding bicycle improved posture and coordination indeed. I can tell that you are taking good care of your health. Thank you for sharing sir @dobartim.


Lets ride

thats a good idea @itsmechille, but i think you alredy in good shape. you can still improve offcourse.

@dobartim. i dont have a bike so i do a lot "Walk Marketing" we walk and talk about everything.

This is healthy also

La congestión vehicular nos hace perder el tiempo, nada como una bicicleta para llegar mas rápido a nuestro destino. En otro sentido no tenemos porqué hacernos las cosas difíciles, si podemos buscar alternativas para llegar mas rápido a la cima. nos vemos allí. Un gran saludo

Have a nice and successful day.

I want a bike too my friend. Mobility and exercise is good for business. I don’t mind a bicycle too smiles

Ride bike and send mi photo :)

Live healthily. That’s what you do. It inspires me. Time to get my bicycle running. 🚴🏾‍♂️
See you in Macedonia my friend

See you on the roof :)

He’s been to the roof for the 9am class

I love your simplicity @dobartim God richly bless you

Thank you very much, see you on the top

If this pictures we get on lesson book at school, The question of this post is
Q : Where is @dobartim and friends ??
A : ****@dobartim on the terrace of the House giving a lesson about steemit to his friend.

Proud of you..

I have business meeting now :)

How cute sir @dobartim. The knowledge behind simple things you say is such a great treasure. See you on the top! So excited hope I can join the live class later! :)

See you in class

I'm also so proud to say that bicycle is my only ride going to work for almost two years. Very essential and practical :)

I go to work 3 years with bicycle

wow sir, that's good to hear, I'm so happy to see such a humble person like to you. Stay blessed. :)

muy agradecida @dobartim ya pude estar en mi primera clase, muy buena, me motivo a superarme, éxitos señor. me siento orgullosa de formar parte de esta comunidad.

Hola, have a nice and successful day

@dobartim riding bicycle has lots of health benefits such as decreased body fat levels, decreased stress levels, strengthened bones, and lots more.

I try to ride a bicycle as often as possible and it has helped me alot. And I will be taking part in a local cycling competition in my community. This will be my first time.
@dobartim have you ever taken part in a cycling competition and if you have, what was your experience?

Well sir @dobartim, cycling helps you muscles exercise and your body gets all worked up.
Cycling in a good weather with fresh air helps your body get oxygen which helps brain to work faster.
It's good to see you, we all get inspired by you.
Thanks for sharing

You are welcome

Cualquier momento, situación o herramienta es buena para hacer marketing.

Any time, situation or tool is good for marketing.

Hola, see you on the top

a thing that must be a reference in this life, time will not go back and continue to spin like a bicycle wheel when we drive it. time is money and this is a life concept that should be applied for us can be a winner.
travel is a view that we can take a very deep meaning. .

we win together with @dobartim