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RE: Steem Schools Ultimate Challenge 5000 SBD Prize - Make Best Steemit Story Of Your Way of Success

in #steemschools6 years ago (edited)

10 SBD x 100 (Days) + 8 (top winners) x 500 SBD = 14 000 SBD not 5000 SBD
Edit: Was wrong.


Thank you, number is correct 5000 SBD.
10 SBD X 100 DAY = 1000 SBD, and 8 winners x 500 SBD = 4000 SBD. 1000 SBD + 4000 SBD = 5000 SBD.

Sorry, you are right!

Thank you for wanting to help, we go on.

How is this sir? please will you explain it? kindly for my info

Thank you @transisto man you are on it with these "odd" crypto projects and actions here on Steemit (like @flauwy and onstellar). Please keep calling them out.

Transisto want to help, we win together for all users on Steemit