There was absolutely no doubt you where not gonna leave the Philly MInt without a souvenir, a nice choice! Anymore?
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There was absolutely no doubt you where not gonna leave the Philly MInt without a souvenir, a nice choice! Anymore?
I only got the one coin. There were some uncirculated state quarters and some really expensive stuff like gold. They also had weird items like ASE’s used as watch faces and earrings made of dimes.
I feel like I would spend more at a Canadian or Australian Mint than here. Most of the US stuff doesn’t get my stackitus tingling. But moon stuff is cool. And I share my birthdate (NOT year) with the moon landing so this has always drawn me a little extra to moon landing stuff. ☺️
You were born on the moon? That's cool.
🌝 👶🏻 🚀 🌎 👩🏻
She is out of this world!!!
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