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RE: News from SteemSTEM - 18 July 2018

The new interface looks awesome!

I worry about my tendency to more-and-more ignore the rest of the platform and engage almost solely with steemSTEMers and their posts. The new interface might similarly promote a kind of group-navel-gazing interaction. We should aim to bring in other people from the rest of the steemit world. (Everyone should read science posts, not just science enthusiasts!) So some feature that promotes the visibility of other good posts that have nothing to do with steemSTEM (something like @effofex's reading logs?) would be desirable I think, to foster inter-communities engagement. Just as there's a steemSTEM digest, maybe there should be a general digest, or some way for steemSTEMers to recommend some posts to the rest of the community other than posting about them. An outsider coming to the page would then look more kindly upon it, wouldn't strike him as an insular project.