Dear @dobartim
It's definetly hot topic right now and I like to know what's your opinion. You surely seem to be more optimistic than majority of whales/power-users.
We sailed the ocean like a small ship with great potential, something had to happen because we started sinking
An investor has emerged, someone who understands how money can be made, how we can appear on the pedestal of social networks in the blockchain world.
Hard not to agree with those words. However I will also understand why many people do not seem to trust Justin. I've heard some horror stories about him and poloniex and I wonder if we sold our sould to devil. Perhaps.
We surely have reason and right to be scared, but being hostile is not what we need. And many users out there are openly agressive and vulgar. that's not the way to go.
For many "small people" current takeover may be nothing more than changing 'ruling party'. Those in power will change, but show "must go on". And it will. With current whales (of which many are very hostile towards users) or without.
Also would you perhaps know how much STEEM did STINC sell on the market on monthly basis to cover their expenses? I stronly believe that Justin will not be pressured to follow this strategy. That would greately reduce SELLING PRESSURE. Wouldn't you agree?
I remember years ago FB bought Instagram. Even more worries and fear took place at that time. And few years later both exist: FB and Insta. Perhaps there is lesson to be learned here.
I decided to be optimistic.
Solid read. Upvoted already :)
Cheers, Piotr
@justinsteemit is a young man, we all went through growing up in the business and I believe he will lead us on the right path. There are vulgar words everywhere, so even Steemit is no exception and that can be sorted out.
Witness structure plays a significant role in our development, and I believe that creative steps will be taken to develop the whole blockchain faster and at less cost.
Dear @dobartim
Thank you for your prompt reply. appreciate it.
I've just posted my own "little 2 cents" related to discussed topic. I would appreciate your comment. (link to my post)
Yours, Piotr
See you there