Faces of the world cup | The steepshot contest

in #steepshotchallenge6 years ago (edited)

The subject of this gallery is very simple, I want to bring to you some of the most exotic people I have ran into so far in the world cup celebration.

I was hesitant to join this contest because some people might say "Hey Eric, you are a whale, you don´t really need the prize money" but the reality is, if you check my wallet I´m still a minnow - or maybe a small dolphin - using an orca costume, so I decided to join.

I have tons of pictures like these but the gallery only allows me to upload 7 so I picked those I like better.

There is no real technique used for these pics because they were either selfies or photos taken by random strangers, but I think the real value lies in the venue, the circumstances and the fact I´m bringing them live directly from the world cup.

If you want to join this contest you still have time, check out the profile of @steepshot.







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We were there! It is magic celebration! And biggest respect to all fans from Western Hemisphere! :)

Nice! It would have been great to meet! Maybe next game, I'm back in Moscow now.

Muhahahha I love the Brazilian guys @anomadsoul !

The costumes are amazing!

You have a penchant for the camera really, I honestly thought that was maradona in the second picture really hahahaha it's pretty amazing the last picture too is amazing you love them selfies too as well, I'm wishing Mexico so much luck man, that one against Germany was really epic

Oye esas imágenes bien describen lo grato y colorido de la experiencia... y eso es vida, disfrutar y agradecer cada momento con tooodos sus colores. Sin duda, esta nueva gran aventura te regala grandes emociones que se guardarán en tu ser y siempre dibujarán una sonrisa en tus labios. Saludos y que la sigas pasando muy rico ; )

I confess I am not at all into soccer... it's a childhood trauma... I had people in the faily involved with professional soccer so I was dragged to watch the matches even to the low, third category... as all things enforces I grew to dislike it... Though I respect the passion of people and fun :) XD so now that steemit is trending with it I am kind of quiet to reply on those... like the salmon swimming against the current XD but I have to say that yellow hair wig... that's how my hair looks in the morning... seriously :)

Have fun! :)

I thought I saw a brother of Johnny Depp there lol! That is so much fun.

If you are to chose one person among those you photographed, who would you like to be?

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The Russian one! The best I've seen so far haha where's the Johnny Depp Clone?

lol! The one beside you on your last pix. At first glance I thought it was haha!

Haha. I hope this article will win.

Me too hahaha :D

Don't break out the Tequila too soon 😎
Soju will be flowing tomorrow ;)

The game was amazing, I have a video coming up! I really Korea just because all my Korean friends on Steemit, it was a very good match that I enjoyed sooo much, I'm sorry for the result but I'm also a bit happy hehe

This entry might win sir @anomadsoul. Hehe its OK if you're a whale I think anyone can join, a redfish or a whale can. Of course I hope my entry will be one of the winners hehe but if I can't as long as I've tried.

Hopefully all the good entries get some kind of prize!

Yeah, and I hope market will be good the price is so low as af the moment sir.

Great to watch these pictures because these are random pictures. Selfie is really usual activity but when we take selfie without reason and randomly then that adds value to those pictures when we look back in time.

Life is an journey and at which moment where would we reach we don't know, but we have to enjoy the exploration in which we are involved and we have to continue our journey with togetherness.

And these pictures greatly saying the essence of togetherness and i want to appreciate you for sharing these pictures with us.

Wishing you an great day and stay blessed. 🙂

Jajajaja pura diversión y creatividad la de los fanáticos, un ritual que se vive cada 4 años y se debe vivir al máximo... lo más hermoso es ver como todos celebran sin importar fronteras! Unidos por una pasión, Excelente..

Volviste a fumar!! HAHAHAHA

¡Que padre!

Estar alla !

Volví a fumar :(

Great shot. Especially with a Russian fan. Very unpredictable championship.

The Russian fan was amazing, and very big too!

Tienes mucha suerte @anomadsoul.

No todo el mundo va al mundial y se saca una foto junto con el Pibe valderrama y Maradona 😂

Jaja saludos bro.

Jajajaja verdad? Qué suerte encontrarmelos, me crees que ellos me pidieron la foto a mi? :P

Se nota que la estás pasando muy bien @anomadsoul. En las imágenes reflejas la alegría y camaderia que produce un mundial de futbol.

Esa es la idea, el fútbol rompe fronteras y esta es la prueba más contundente, todos somos hermanos disfrutando el juego sin importar el resultado.

You are surely having fun there

Great post

Es gibt nichts besseres wie sich die Fußball ⚽ WM. Live zu geben wünsche Dir viel Spaß
Mein Freund 😉
Rep. Momentan 38.500


Lol. Great pics. Looks like you are having a blast!

That is so cool! I love people who get really excited about an event....dress-up,paint yourself, you need something you can get so excited about!

Also love that you have a DLive shirt! :D

I'd never dress up and all that, but I also enjoy it so so much! Yes yes, specially made for the world cup!

Excellent friend that you enjoy much every game and day in that great world-wide success and blessings

Excelente, diviértete mucho. Saludos

It's a nice atmosphere I like the idea of joining others and taking pictures to keep them as a souvenir in a party as exciting and unique as this

thank you @anomadsoul i will ceck this steemshot.Where can talk a bit?in chat.steemit cant found you online .Maybe in discord i have more luck?i was in Madrid 1 YEARS .

Que buena fotografía deja el Mundial en cualquier rincón!
Un abrazo @anomadsoul
Y a seguir disfrutando del Mundial!!!

Love it man. Great pics fromthe Cup!

Posted using Partiko Android

Haha!! Awesome pictures love! I hope you win!

Cool! Some hilarious ones! U need a tight little suit w the Mexican flag :) lol!