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RE: I Sure As Hell Hope Some of Their Wisdom Wears Off On Us.

in #story6 years ago

Well, this is hard to respond to because... all the assumptions are wrong.

There is intelligent life here on earth, that we do not know and do not communicate with.

We are the 11th advanced civilization of humans on this planet. We have sent ourselves back to the stone age 10 times before.

Intelligent life, out there, has already communicated with many humans, and humans with them. Of course, you have to believe psychonauts to believe this.

Technology is not a linear path. Two different planets, with the same physics rules will come up with two different technologies. It is extremely possible to never use EM radiation as a broadcast medium. And, if we look at earth, we have only done so for a blink of an eye in our recorded history. And we will soon stop using radio waves.

We already have space travel. All you have to do is a get a good pair of night vision goggles and you can watch the American Secret Space Force practice manuevers. However, space is not what we have been told. Inter-solar system media is not a vacuum. Basically everything you thought was science of space... is completely a lie.

The universe is a life making system. All the planets have life on them. Of course, we will have to radically change the meaning of life, living and intelligence. But, such is the joy of being a maturing race.


"The universe is a life making system." I love the sound of that. In my younger days I read a lot of Edgar Cayce's books and he said human civilizations have risen up several times only to destroy themselves. Ancient Hindu writings echo that. One book in particular called The Holy Science ties astrological influences to human evolution.

Any recommended reading on the true nature of space and/or the universe? I enjoyed the last book you suggested.

I like Michael Talbots book, "The Holographic Universe"

About tying astrological influences to human evolution is not quite the correct idea. One doesn't really effect the other, one is not the cause and the other the effect. It is more appropriate to say they are one and the same thing.

The Mayan calendar was a tracking of these events. That is why its predictions were so accurate. But, now we are in a new time, and the cycles have changed.

Great, thanks, I just picked it up used on Amazon and will check it out.

Great, thanks, I just picked
It up used on Amazon
And will check it out.

                 - ericvancewalton

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