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RE: Living Our Way to the Answer(s)

in #story3 months ago

I absolutely agree, we need to constantly remind ourselves. That's one reason I like breath work, it's a metaphor for life...we must constantly bring our conscious attention back to our breath. I got one of these contraptions for that very reason...


What an awesome invention! The studies about the vagus nerve are spot on, there are also some stimulators that get clipped to the ear and there are trials going on for kids with autism to see if it helps them with anxiety. I think that it is marvellous that we live in a century where so many cool stuff get to be invented for the well being of the human individual.
The breath is important I think that taking long breaths and then exhaling slowly helps, I try it once in a while too, it helps

Sorry, I missed this comment somehow. The research regarding breathwork is solid, as with the emerging research on some of the grounding/Earthing devices. I got a grounding bedsheet. I wrote more about it here.

Oh wow I did not even knew that such a thing exists lol. I guess that now I can explain to myself why it felt so good to sleep on the soil in the hot summers in the countryside , it is a grounding experience. I wonder if people who can sleep on the soil get the most benefits from Mother Earth. I mean if it is summer and warm and clean...why not. Or maybe to be able to camp in your own backyard instead of sleeping indoors...

Yes, I've been using the grounding sheet for almost a month now and can't believe how much more relaxed and connected I feel. It's the same feeling I get when I spend time in nature.

I would suspect that sleeping outside would give you the same benefits, as long as you aren't sleeping on something like a rubber mat that would block the Earth's natural current. They say that's why we're so plagued by depression and anxiety because the rubber soles of our shoes cut us off from the Earth's current. I've bought a couple pairs of grounding shoes too to wear in the summertime. After experiencing the benefits for myself I'm a believer.

I have read about the plastic on our shoes, I try to go barefoot in the areas where I see that there is opportunity I have experienced the benefits, it is also said that walking on a wool carpet before going to sleep is also very therapeutic

I haven't heard about the benefits of walking on wool carpet. I'll have to look that up!