hello true lovers steemias ...

Nah sahabat steemit, orang yang ada di gambar ini, mereka para pecinta steemit sejati.
Well steemit friends, people in this picture, they are true lovers of steemit.
Mereka rela meluang kan waktunya untuk berkarya di dunia steemit, demi mendapat yang terbaik dari para kurator dan para singa-singa steemit.
They are willing to take the time to work in the world of steemit, in order to get the best of the curators and the lions steemit.
Saya sendiri sangat lah bangga bisa bergabung di komuniti steemit, begitu juga dengat mereka, karena semenjak kami bergabung di komuniti ini, kami semua sangat membantu ekonomi, karena karya kita sangat di hargai.
I am very proud to join the steemit community, as well as their dengat, because since we joined in this community, we are very much appreciated.

Let's support the best and encourage the true lovers of steemit :)
Sekian saja yang bisa saya cerita tentang kawan saya yang begitu bersemangat berkarya di dunia steemit. Terimakasih.
That's all I can tell about my friend who is so eager to work in the world of steemit. Thanks.
You have been defended with a 6.97% upvote!
I was summoned by @fajarmadan.