Sometimes apologising is the only option, the thing is that we always prefer to look for other choices. And yeah, I'll include myself, because sometimes I felt the need to apologise too, but always found a way to escape from it.
I think there's something good about all of that, and it's that I got to learn a lot from my mistakes. In these days, I really appreciate everything about anything, and I just do my best to live the present as if there wasn't a yesterday, thinking about how to make my future worth & not regrettable.
By talking about this, I'm relieving myself and I hope that this helps to undertand that, it's okay to feel bad about things that we wanted to do, but in the end we weren't capable of doing or they didn't turn to be what we thought. Just be sure to remember that never is too late, work hard for what you really want and never forget your roots.
Many thanks for reading, greetings and blessings from here!