Ghost House on Ace Farm

in #story7 years ago

House of ghosts in the farm of Ace .. The most famous house inhabited in AmericaThe old houses carry many memories of people who lived in the hands of years and then left and left them to the alms, leaving behind silent silence after their conversations and their laughter fill the horizons. But sometimes, in rare cases, the walls of these old houses contain things more than memories, which sometimes appear as muffled sounds and silent steps that do not know the source of one and the stage is reflected in the form of pale faces scary looking from another world to raise in the lives of horror and Unstable panic. Some call it ghosts and associate them with the souls of the dead, claiming that they remain, for some unknown reason, in the spot where they died. And the house that we will write about today is one of the most horrible spots that are crowded with ghosts !! He even deservedly deserved the title of "the most famous haunted house in America".
"Ghosts! .. Are you kidding ?!" Frances laughed at the story told by the old man who ran the house and then came up with something of a challenge: "There's no such thing as ghosts, sir, it's just superstition and to prove it I'll stay here tonight ... book me a room please and we'll see The other will fear, am I the mother of your worn-out old ghosts? "
The old man did not argue with her, recorded her name in his notebook, then handed her keys to her room and wished her a good night. The old man was a respectable man and a man who spoke with elegance and polite literature, but Francis was disturbed by that malignant smile that did not turn his lips and the sarcastic look that was in his eyes.
"No fool fools crazy fool!" Frances muttered with herself and drowsily drowsed on the waxy bed that was in the middle of the small room she had rented that night, and only moments passed before she gave in to her tired heavy hides and covered herself in a deep sleep.
When Francis opened her eyes again she did not know how long it was, did dawn break? There was a faint yellow light dancing on the wall, a strange depression dominating her feelings. The room's air became uncomfortably heavy and she felt as if something was sitting above her chest. She ran slowly toward the other part of the bed, but she suddenly froze and was gripped by a terrible fear. There is a black woman standing at the edge of the bed staring at her, she was carrying a candle with a green hood on her head, her clothes strange and old fashioned.
Frances screamed and buried her head under the quilt and then passed moments of silence and silence.
"It may have been a joke or a joke made by that old man." Francis herself, slowly pulling her head out from under the cover, was still standing in her place like a statue, so real that the flame of her candle was dancing and emitting a fine line of smoke , Frances encouraged and stretched her hand slowly toward the woman, but her trembling fingers did not reach her until she disappeared and faded like smoke.
The next morning Mrs. Francis Myers not only believed in ghosts but also wrote a book about her personal experience with the ghosts of the ACE house, which she later pushed into the history of the house and then bought it into one of the many names she had owned for two centuries .
At the beginning of the 19th century, slavery was a major part of American life, especially in the south where the vast cotton plantations and the Myrtles Plantation were the same as the other farms that owned hundreds of slaves. They lived a miserable life, working all day in the fields, Poor, miserable huts are not even suitable for living animals, but what made their lives a little easier is the heart of the landowner Mrs. Elizabeth Potter, who inherited the farm and her husband and managed it well for years.
Years passed and Mrs. Potter grew older and could no longer control the slaves and continue to work in the fields. Because none of her four sons living in the city wanted to run the farm, the old woman had to turn this job over to Clark Woodruff, She lived with her at home with her two daughters, Carolynia and Mary.
Woodruff was an opportunistic person known for his bad temper. The servant Kloi was one of those cells. Woodruff threatened her by returning her to hard work in the fields if she did not respond to his animal whims so she obeyed him and carried out all of them. His desires, but he began to tire of them gradually and then abandoned and took himself another concubine.
Chloe lived in constant terror since Woodruff abandoned her and no longer cared about her. She was afraid that she would be returned to work in the fields. It was like taking her out of heaven to be thrown in hell. That's why Chloe is listening to Woodruff's conversations with his wife and mother-in-law to see if they mention her name or say something about returning her to work in the fields. Unfortunately for the poor Kidney, Woodruff grabbed her and clung to family conversations so he decided to punish her to become a lesson to others. He pulled her out in front of the rest of the maids and then took out a knife and cut her ear. Since then the poor Chloe wore a green hood to cover the deformed effect of her broken ear.
what happened after that ? Here the story is different, but the result is the same. A team claims that Chloe wanted to regain the family's confidence once again and put a quantity of poison in a cake that Ms. Woodruff asked her to make to celebrate her daughter Carolynia's birthday. I thought naive kidney that the poison will make the family just get sick, so they have their clinic and regain their confidence and love again. A second team claims that Chloe put poison in the cake for the purpose of vengeance from Woodruff. However, whatever the reason for the poisoning of the cake, the result was tragic and sad. Woodruff himself did not eat the cake but his pregnant wife and his two children did and soon found the symptoms of poisoning and life on the same day.
The indignation and grief of Clark Woodruff was indescribable, and because of the slaves' fear of being attacked, some of them went to the hut where Chloe was hiding. They dragged her to the Ace house where they placed a strand in her neck and hanged her on the branches of a tree opposite the house. They cut it into small pieces, smashed it with stones and threw it into the waters of the Mississippi River adjacent to the farm.
That night was the bloodiest and most terrifying in the history of the farm, mixed with the smell of blood and death with angry and angry Woodruff screams. When dawn came, Woodruff gave a last look at the dining room where his wife and two children had died, A person who enters her until the last day of his life. Today, visitors are called the "playroom" where some say that sounds of children play and laugh on some nights, but when the room is lost they are always empty.
Passers-by in front of the house sometimes see moonlit nights as a child jumps and laughs at the playroom window. Many people believe that these sounds and ghosts belong to the innocent women who lost their lives on the day of the accident.
The most famous ghost in the house is the ghost of the green-haired black lady, who many people think is a renegade ghost. She is said to be walking around the house carrying a candle with a cryptic voice and the cries of young children. The image is sold today as a souvenir of visitors eager to hear the ghost stories, as some of those who have spent the night at home say they wake up late at night to see a black woman with a candle in her hand and standing at the edge of their family staring at them strangely.
More ghosts
Perhaps the most famous feature of the Ase farmhouse is the multiplicity of its ghosts. This feature has earned him the title of "America's most well-endowed house." The house is said to be cursed because it was built above an ancient Indian cemetery. Of the Red Indians. Another opinion goes that the multiplicity of the ghosts of the house is linked to its bloody history, where the authors claim that eleven murders occurred within it.
Of these crimes, Luis Stirleneck was killed after receiving several knife stabs inside the house, and Lewis is the son of a farm owner during the 19th century.
There are also three federal soldiers hiding and killed inside the house during one of the battles of the American Civil War, and it is said that a large blood spot in the form of a human was covering the floor of the room in which one of these soldiers was killed and failed all attempts to remove until disappeared on its own after several years .
In the 1920s, police found the body of a member of the then royal family of Willems, who apparently lost his life at the hands of some thieves who tried to steal the farm.
William Winter is the most famous of the killers in the house. He was a lawyer and a photographer for Mrs. Mary Cobb, the owner of the farm, who lived with her in the house of the Ace with his wife and children. On one night in 1871, an unidentified person called to see him outside to talk to him. When Winter ran out of the house until he was hit by a lethal bullet, he did not die immediately, but crawled back into the house despite his wounds. He continued to crawl towards the second floor , He tried to climb up to die in the arms of his sleeping beloved wife with the children in one of the rooms, but the poor left his strength and breathed his last breath at the seventeenth degree of the ladder.
It is said that the ghost of William Winter still trying to climb to the second floor to this day, but fails every time and that his footsteps are still heard on some nights as they rise up the ladder but they stop and fade always at the seventeenth grade and beyond, that is exactly as happened with him during his death .13450915_271528029866884_8251878557326145193_n.jpg
There are other oddities in the house of the Ace, one of which is an old mirror that is said to have contained inside the souls of some who breathed their breath inside the house and therefore show the traces of the fingerprints of an unknown hand as if someone is trying to break it out. One of the owners of the house who used the ghost stories tried to remove these fingerprints by changing the glass of the mirror, but he stood stunned several days later when the fingerprints reappeared on the new glass.
The oddity of this mirror is also the appearance of the ghost of a girl landing the peace and singing and dancing and then stop in front of the mirror and change their features to fear and anger and start wandering in the mirror as if looking for something missing, and is said that this ghost is a girl was killed inside the house for an unknown reason While she was standing in front of the mirror, and because she could not see the face of her murderer, her angry ghost looked into the mirror, perhaps hinting at the reflection of the murderer's face and the opening of her tormented spirit.
One puzzling mystery is a piano in one of the rooms. Some of the people who spent the night at home claimed that they heard his voice playing all night, and the strange thing is that the unknown musician knows only one piece of music that continues to be repeated time after time. The play would stop if someone came into the room to check the sound source, and of course it would be empty and watching the piano keyboard closed, but as soon as he left the room until the sound of the playing came back!
In 1985, a film crew from The Long Hot Summer got permission from the owner to shoot some scenes inside. The crew went through an intriguing experience inside the house.
In one scene, the crew removed the "playroom" furniture and collected it at one corner to take a shot that required it, and after they completed filming their cat they moved to the next room to complete the scene. But after a few minutes when the team returned to the "playroom" was waiting for a surprise that almost lost their senses, all the pieces of furniture that had been removed had been back in place exactly! , Was a real shock to the crew because they were sure no one had entered the scene during their brief transition to the next room. The crew filmed the equipment quickly and hurried to another house to complete their filming there.
In 2001, one of the documentaries faced many technical problems that could not be explained during a home-made episode, such as unwarranted power cuts, the disappearance of some shots from the camera and the separation of some of their equipment cables on their own.
There is also the story of a guard at the gate leading to the house. He was on guard duty one evening when a woman wearing white clothes suddenly appeared in front of him and crossed the gate without paying attention to him even though he had called on her for more than once, forcing him to try to catch up with her. With an inexplicable horror when the woman's body faded at the entrance to the house. The next day, the stunned guard resigned and did not return to the Ace home again.