I wonder what I should write on here?

in #story2 years ago

I wonder what I should write on here?

I’m not sure exactly what people on here want to read these days since I've been away for a while.

I'll probably write some very short fiction pieces. Maybe fiction blurbs.

Blurbs from the suburbs.


I think I'm tired of writing about every experiences.

I was going to write about how delivery services are really screwing people over lately, but it kind of just sounds like complaining.

You know?

I'm tired of complaining and disguising it as a thoughtful post.

So, maybe I'll do a few short fiction pieces.

Maybe I will simply write stuff that's on my mind.

I wonder if it would be possible to write introductory pieces or additional pieces to stuff that I've written in other places, and then provide a link to the full story.

I wonder if that would come across as foul play.

I wouldn't imagine.

I used to end my posts with an open-ended question, but I don't think I want to do that either.

So, I'll just say that I hope everyone is doing lovely.


It isn't easy to predict what people will want to read here.

Sometimes it's more about the connections you have, rather than the content you post. It's important to write interesting content but you need a bit of a following to consume and interact with it. I know that you know this already. But there's been people who have come and gone since you were last a regular here. Always new connections to be made.

I don't know what you should write here, and I don't know much about writing myself. I just post my thoughts and some YouTube content I've enjoyed on my daily actifit activity reports. I'd like to be a good writer like you, but we each have our own skill sets and while I'm passable, I'm not that good. I do like reading good writers like you and @grindan and @honeydue to name a few. Maybe one day you'll publish an anthology book with Hiveans like you did with some of the good writers from that previous blockchain site we were all on.

I wish you all the best!

I've noticed a lot of people are gone. I don't know if they are just on break like I was, or if they were truly gone. Making new connections is always questionable because you could easily come across as a beggar.

That's one thing I don't want to do.

I guess I'll just have to look around and see what I want to write.

The truth is, writing complicated fiction pieces is a great deal of work, and I don't think I'm going to get a lot of readers for them around here. You can only post in one place on the Internet. Otherwise, copyright laws come into effect. That is especially true for fiction.

I do see that the freewriters are still at it. Maybe I'll do some of that.

Always great to hear from you Kenny.

Hello ! Long time no see.... again. LOL

Just write something and see what happens. I frequently think I have nothing to say that is interesting, because I don't. Most of my stuff is drivel.... ha

oh well.

Your art is quite lovely. I was actually looking at some yesterday but I didn't post anything.

I think what Kenny says probably is true. It's about the connections, and probably less about what you actually write.

I'm not sure that I like that idea though.

It's good to hear from you.

Thank you ! My art is a fun hobby. I don't fool myself into thinking I have real talent, but once in a while, something actually appears that I really like. ha

I suppose it's pretty true about the relationships thing.

A few paragraphs of a story are sometimes fun, either a story that starts and finishes that fast or just a "snippet" that leaves us all hanging. LOL

I read a poem about a week ago. The first two sentences drew me in. I didn't love the rest of the poem so much and I kept thinking if they had left it short and sweet, those 2 lines were perfection. You never know !