The Long Waited Signal

in #story7 years ago

Captura de pantalla 2017-10-28 a la(s) 22.41.26.png

The long waited signal was getting manifested as a beam of bluewhite fire of precise projection into the center of the electromagnetic platform built by the HALOCOM on top of mount Shasta. A deformation in the local atmosphere was patent prior to manifestation of the being followed by a subtile but certain humidity all over. It finally appeared as if always had been there, pulsating chrono optical waves at a deep precise rhythm altering its perception as a physical manifestation. A warmth radiation dressed the platform and its circundant perimetral niches lodging the 12 departments in charge of the welcome committee for the Entity. The escalating sound from an almost imperceptible bip on a monitor three years ago became a deep continuous ultrasound infrasound only perceptible by its vibration by all witnessing the event. Only the vibration gave testimony of its real existence through contrast when it suddenly ceased and an apparent absolute silence took place. A figure was distinguishable as a dark light building articulated segments forming an almost human presence. Pulsating between total dark glow to electric blue auras, a range of multiple sounds exploded in an armony hidden by its speed that left echoes for a few seconds of a never heard symphony. The light segments became extremities of a defined human body underneath the suit deforming its near space, adding an optical aura enhancing its forms. It was breathing. Its chest was moving giving a precise view of the rhythm. And it broke the short but deep silence as a tamed thunderbolt speaking... With a million voices into One..
The tall and strong man could only get close to the being up to ten meters, repelling forces didn ́t allow more. His face was handsome by general standards enhanced by some gray hair giving an agreed image of interest when looking at him. His sight was confident enough not to look overwhelmed by the situation. He spoke to the being in a tone calculated to reach its perception due to the uncertain behaviour of sound waves on its presence.. He just wandered propper entonation..and became almost a shout..
Triggered by the wrong entonation his body was pushed in a fraction of a second by the bioelectromagnetic field of the entity 5 meters backwards. He understood and kept with the tone, now corrected, by the new position after an acommodation of his mind in an almost imperceptible moment of panic neaminlly reflected on his face.
-I AM RAY! FROM THE GNOSTIC GROUP... I HAVE BEEN.. –he extended his left arm as covering the multitud behind him- WE HAVE BEEN WAITI...
-Take me to the Portal. –the being interrupted in a voice reaching without effort Ray ́s inner ear.-
Ray closed his mouth and took his wrist to his face spitting the words:
-He wants to go to the Portal!, everything ready in three seconds!. –Ray lowerd his arm and said to the being- Of course, follow me please..
A lane of enlightened stones marking a way showed up in front of them once they started to leave the platform. The different nitches containning the most educated scientists of the Earth and their equipments looked like encaged visitors of a zoo in wich the hosts are running wild. They looked into the being as if they where unable to differenciate what was on the screen and what in front of their eyes, covered by glasses in a suspicious high rate amongst the scientists, as if they needed aid to see reality..
.. as if reality was more comprehensible through an adaptive lense... as if the eye was not enough.
Ray was walking securing his steps resisting the temptation of looking bakwards and explore the face of the being following him together with a never felt vibration. The lightened path took them half a minute later to an octogonal platform 20 meters wide. He stopped right in the center and faced the being behind him getting closer and closer.. and closer...
Ray felt the aura of the being modulate to a lower range and he got mesmerized by the sight of the being on his approach to a very close distance, almost unconfortable to social human public standards. Ray took a deep breath and made himself aware of his body in preference to that of his mind, that could run rampant and mess with his actions, echoing still hidden consequences of his XXth century education. -Aproaching his wrist commanded: -ready in
After short low range deep sound of a siren and lights tilting, the whole platform was swallowed by the mountain in a vertical path towards the center of the Earth stopping gradually after 10 seconds of an almost free fall speed in a colossal hall lodging something on its center. The being looked at it with its deep space blue eyes as Ray was walking towards it at behement walking not hiding his excitation.
A threshold to nowhere started to glow as the time a rever gave a sound that soon diminished to a lower stable flare. Ray sttopped in front of the structure 12 meters high. He stared at it for a few seconds and faced the visitor, moving away after looking him into his eyes, who never met, clearing the space between both.
Almost instantly the being spoked while looking at the structure, breaking the imaginary soundtrack in Ray ́s head..
-So?.. Where is the Portal? – his voice was almost human now.._ Ray didn ́t seem to understand by his facial expression..
-wh.. ..thi..this is the Portal.. –as if he was trying to convince a kid of something obvious..
The being bent his face to look at him into the very eyes..
-you deceive in purpose or you really believe this is the portal..
-Wha..what?- said Ray inflexing with his sudden stuttering.- I see...- said the being.-
A flashed lighting sound preceded the vanishing of the optical magnetoshield of the being, showing himself apparently accesible in full physicality...wearing a tracksuit.
Ray was totally shaken
He opened his mouth but nothing came out...
Thanks for your assistance Ray..-said the being wearing sneakers. Can you show me the way out?
-Bu..bu..bu.....but.. what the... WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!??
the being accommodated the zipper of his hoodie and looked at Ray...-
Ray.. this is not the Portal, you believe it is but it is not. This is a fourdimensional threshold. What you call “here” a wormhole. It is not the Portal in almost any mean.
-You interpreted data that was pointing to a certain node of manifestation in this physical grid in a probable future, but looks like you didn ́t take into account all the data, you miss a source, a very important one. Now many things are clear to me, thanks again.
-With great benefits for everyone involved, don ́t miss this point, but looks like not everybody was involved enjoying the process...
-What..what do you mean..
-Am I wrong or is there inequality in this planet? -Inequality??
-You put me in front of something that gave me a clear vision of what is going on in this planetary system. Even more clear than your own vision of supposed control of this system...
-The prophecy was WRONG!!??
-What you call prophecy is right, YOU are WRONG. The exit please?
-You can ́t leave!! We tested the Portal and it works! We made contact!!
-With whom?
-With the.. with the ANDROMEDANS.. ¡
-The andromedans??
-The Galaxy! Not the constellation!
-So you said hello to your siblings.. good.. The exit please... and one thing Ray, you are not in condition to deny my departure, don ́t worry, you ́ll know from me.
-This can ́t be..
-Ray.. –the being aproached him..- when I arrived I was wearing a sonomagnetic shield to protect my self from you.., I came to verify an undeniable fact. An interdimensional Portal has opened itself here, you are a system isolated for eons and this just didn ́t match with you being the host of this event, this in your hands would have turned you into an interdimensional force that due to its unclear blueprint in the physical requiered at least precaution of my integrity until validity was done. Now I know that you don ́t represent a threat for that my integrity as being so you cannot denny my departure by any mean. I can find the exit my self, thanks, I was just being polite.
The being gave a last concillable stare to Ray and started walking towards a group of guards a few meters from the threshold.
-Hi – the being said as he aproached the guards. They were four young strong man wearing tight uniforms that look bulletproof from neck to unkles... Nobody moved, nor eather the rest of personnel around the threshold facilities. Ray was staring at the situation mesmerized by the unexpected outcome of what he was being waiting for three years now, but secretly half of his life, since the times in which he was iniciated to the misteries of secrets societies and asimilated massive amounts of information on short notice compared to the rest of adepts, leading him to the top position of the Halocom industries and its purpose, inherited from generations of previous minds entrapped in the maze of data delinked from something he started to realize was missing, on a glimpse of humility long forgotten. He looked at the guards not daring to give any order... he just kept looking towards the situation as if he was watching a movie without forseeable continuation.
-Hi, said one of the guards... They had imposible guns hunging from their belts and shoulders. He liberated his fingers from the on guard position around the gunstock of the electromagnetic rifle and walked towards the being, he offered his hand ...
-I am Brann.
-Hi Brann - said the being- You can call me “Hi”.
They shook their hands and for a moment they looked into eachothers eyes
without hurry.

  • Nice to meet you Hi...
  • Brann...-said Hi as if tasting a flavour of some sort- ...Nice to meet you Brann... Again

Brann Nchi Shui Ilma


Help me keep on writing this story. Your suggestions for Art are most welcome. I will upvote and integrate your proposal in new format if accepted. Please help me to improve the writing if you see something wrong. I am interested in co-writing and co-producing the story into an animated movie.

more to come...

Captura de pantalla 2017-10-28 a la(s) 22.48.20.png