The Alternative Body (Scary) +16

in #story7 years ago

Laura returned very tired to her apartment in the tenth floor of a building after a busy day of activities and work, took a hot bath and then sat on the bed and closed her eyes.
As she surrendered to sleep her phone rang and his voice was faint. She remembered that she was still in her bag. She got up at a slow pace and pulled him out of the bag. She found the call from her friend Diana .. And the line was almost open until Diana's voice came
crashing : - Laura. Finally, I thought you would not.
Hi Diana, what's up? What is your voice?

  • Please Laura come to me, I beg you
  • you scared me, what do you want?
  • I can not explain on the phone .. Please do not leave me alone
  • Diana !!
  • Diana What's going on with you? Ajibi

and lost contact ..

As Diana was telephoning Laura, she felt a cool hand placed on her shoulder and with a sharp voice he said mischievously:

  • Who were you talking to, girl?
    Diana rose up , and the phone fell from her hand, turned behind , and said with a smile artificial:
  • No .. nothing, it 's my friend
    and pick up her phone bent down from the ground and shut it down, and then headed to the lounge preceded the old bewteen

wore her clothes Laura hastily and went out From the apartment to her friend's house, and in the process she was recalling Diana's behavior recently. She was curious, distracted, and constantly lost around her as if afraid of something.

Laura arrived at the apartment and knocked on her door, and Diana received her and the apparitions of fear and dismay visible on her face .. Delft quickly to the inside waiting to see the effects of a fight or chaos or something justifies the state of panic that was in Diana, but found everything natural and the hall arranged, She goes to the couch to sit:

  • What is Diana? She made me worry a lot
    . When she sat down, Diana surprised her, shouting
    , "No, do not sit here
    ," and why? Laura said with surprise, and answered Diana:
  • I was almost sitting on that woman
    , Laura burst out, saying with horror:
  • Any woman ?? Diana You're not normal today!

Diana collapsed on the chair and said, "
If only I see her, my God!"
Laura approached her saying:

  • What's going on with you? Tell me , maybe I can help

raised Diana , her head and looked at Laura with eyes Jahztin and said the voice margin:

  • the woman who is sitting on the couch and smiling at me mischievously, those dead women I'm sure it

did not accommodate Laura what she said Diana, so I wondered with amazement:

  • A dead woman and you see her! Please do not
    take any of it from me, but I'm not here, I'm not comfortable with her looks that make me go

out to the balcony and on their way, Diana turned back and said, "
Please do not hit us, keep your place." I beg you the

infiltration of fear into the heart of Laura who thought that her friend had been condemned ..

At this moment she thought that her friend was suffering from speeches that had hit her brain:

  • I was returning from my work and as I was crossing the street, a woman on the other side wanted to cross it too, I do not know how you did not see the car that was coming quickly and within seconds the collision occurred .. I rushed

towards her with the intention of help, she was lying on the ground, covered with her blood, and put her hand on my chest and looked at me trying to speak but I converted to the soul before, met passersby around us and called By ambulance and I have completed my way .. I do not hide Ra that the outlook remained stuck in my mind for a long time and since that day my life turned upside down

fell silent a little Diana to pick up her breath and then completed:

  • I began to feel that someone was watching me, a sense of unease continued to unite me, and then I was hinted shadow of a person near me, and when I turn to see who disappears, until I appeared ..

Touched Laura's nerves and felt chills run her body against her will, I asked anxiously:

  • From Which appeared to you?
    Diana replied as she looked toward the hall:
  • The woman who was shocked by the car ..
    Laura's eyes widened as Diana followed:
  • She appeared to me as if she had not died, not only that, but also told me .. She said to me, "You are the one who will greet me again "Then she disappeared, I thought I was thinking because her first appearance was at night when I wanted to sleep, but then she started to show me any time.

I asked Laura, who was not certified, what you hear:

  • Why do you show, what do you want from you?
    Diana responded with a fear that appeared on her face:
    This is what made me talk to you and ask you to come, I'm afraid, I almost die from fear
  • calm my dear and tell me what you want from you
  • you want my body .. She said that the choice was signed on me, her soul is now waiting for her to break on me and enter my body so she said Lee, you will live again on my way!
  • Do you think that what you see now is the spirit of that woman who died in the accident?

Laura was silent to try to absorb it, and if it was not for the real horror that I saw implanted in the face of her friend to her lying .. I asked her after moments of silence between them:

  • I am sure you that the woman who was the incident has died?
  • Yes, sure, I breathed her last breath in my arms, and then I brought the newspaper that was issued in that period, and there is a picture in the accident section where they said that she died
  • if she wants to wear your body what are you waiting for?
  • Wait for her birthday to be resolved, and unfortunately I have only a week left, as she told me, Laura helped me Please do not give me my girlfriend Do not give me
    Laura put her hand on Diana's shoulder Try to reassure her:
  • Do not worry, everything will be fine

Laura does not know Where did this confidence came from, but in front of the panic of her friend did not find it seemed to reassure and demonstrate by force ..

Laura returned to her home and left Diana in a state of fear and panic. She sat on her bed and thought about the story she had heard from her friend. Her mind could not believe what I had heard. What Diana experienced was only in horror movies far from reality. ! Is not it fancy? But if she was delusional, it means that she is suffering from a mental illness. This explanation has not been convinced. Diana has always been characterized by a sense of calmness and balance in thinking, but why did that woman appear to her? In the secret and this secret is linked to those women themselves, they must if they want to help her friend to start her research in the life of the woman first and then it will become clear everything ..

When I got to this point of thinking dest Laura herself between the lids and succumbed to sleep

in In the morning, when Laura arrived at her office, she called Diana, who was speaking with tension:
I felt that my body had come closer, I stayed there even after I left. I could not sleep. I stayed in my bed soaked under my head so I could not see it. When the sun shone until I ran out of the house, Streets and gardens, I do not want to go home and stay alone with her ..

  • Is it a phenomenon for you now?
  • No, it has disappeared but it may appear at any moment
  • I said you keep the newspaper that mentioned the incident in which it died
  • yes
  • did they mention her name and address?
  • Yes, her name is "Elizabeth Wright" but I do not remember the title
  • the title is very necessary
  • why?
  • So even .. I paused a little and then changed her mind saying:
  • I must see you after work and then I will tell you the result reached

The two girls met after work and went to the apartment where Diana lived, and there they looked at the newspaper and knew the address. Laura stayed for a while looking at the picture of this woman, who looked in her fifties, her hair short dyed red and her features uncomfortable. Her thinking as she said to her:

  • Now what do you intend to do?
  • Her family visit to see who Elizabeth Wright is. I think the solution begins by knowing who this woman was
  • and in what capacity we go to her family
  • do not worry, I thought about it. Since she breathed her last breath in your arms, we will go to them on the grounds that you are affected by her death and Tnwen visit her grave and get to know her family, they will welcome you I am sure about it.
    Diana said unconvincingly:
  • OK, OK
  • so let's do it right away

Before she graduated, Diana turned back as if someone had said it. Laura asked her, and they closed the door of the apartment: "
What is there?"

  • That woman called me and asked me to accept her little grandson Henry
    looked Laura surprised and did not know what to say!

*** in

front of the door of the house , "Elizabeth Wright" stood for Laura and Diana were hesitating, but Laura broke this hesitation and knocked on the door, seconds after they heard the sound of footsteps approaching that opening the door to overlook him a woman in her twenties and her face looks questionable, Vosrat Laura Speaking:

  • Hello, Is this the house of Mrs. Elizabeth Wright?
    The girl hastened to answer sharply:
    If you had submitted for a life-saving session, I would be happy to tell you that those sessions were over. Elizabeth was dead.
    Laura replied
    , "Excuse me, Madam, we did not attend to this, but it is another matter.
    Woman hesitated a little and then gave way in front of them , saying:
  • .. a favor

Diana said after receiving a subtle signal from Laura:

  • In fact , we know that Elizabeth had died, and we came for this reason
    appeared on the face of astonishment that Amadevthma wondered:
  • What What do you mean?
  • I was there at the moment of the accident, I saw how shocked the car that woman, and when I ran towards her to help breathed her in my arms, it may be strange but since that moment and the image of Elizabeth does not leave my imagination, I will never forget her eyes, This time I decided to come here to know her family and visit her grave .. That will make me feel comfortable, believe me

and before you answer the income of a man in the thirties accompanied by a small child home, the woman rushed to say after her tone became thin:

  • Dear Rick, this girl saw your mother before she died in minutes
    The man said with an affected voice:
  • Really Ansty! How so? So tell me ,

I explained to him that Diana , who worried the scene and brought her comfort a series of trouble, the man said:

  • Oh, Mom poor .. I have left us suddenly without warning, I feel that her soul wandering and uncomfortable, she visited me more than once in a dream

His horrifying sentence, while Laura took a sip from her coffee cup, made her drown and enter into a sharp cough. His feelings matched her friend's unbelievable story. To adjust her awkward position, I asked:
Is this your child?

  • Yes, my son Henry and this is my wife Maggie.

When she confirmed that the child was already named Henry, Laura gave Diana truthfully and did not expose her mind to the woman of madness, and realized that her friend 's life was in danger unless she was quick to rescue her.

Laura entered her apartment and threw herself on the couch, I closed her eyes and took a deep thinking, must be that it has to do with the work of Elizabeth as an argument spiritual, dealing with life and with such things , his role in the case with Diana, probably were not Elizabeth intermediate but You may be a magician and engage in black magic. You may have reached a mantra that makes her come back to life again

Stout in her meeting and shook off these ideas on her head, ridiculed herself, since when she believes in magic and spirits and with this confusion! But what is Diana going through? Is it logical to show her the spirit of a dead person and speak to her? When logic disappears from events, one is forced to think of things that are beyond belief and beliefs. So Laura put her beliefs and beliefs aside and sailed back into the "irrational" thinking. She decided to go from tomorrow and bring every book about spirituality and the world. The first is the rescue of her friend, Diana, from the horror film, which lives day by day and moment by moment.

Laura got up early and started looking at the libraries after taking leave of her work that day, the date of Elizabeth's soul moving to the body of Diana Only a few days left.

She returned home, loaded with books about reincarnation and reincarnation, and other books dealing with the other world. She spent hours and days browsing books, searching through the Internet as well, finding herself immersed in another world she knew nothing about. On the types of magic among the different peoples, I read the stories of the story of reincarnation and the ghosts and the connection of the spirit of the dead with the biologist and many other stories that if I read them under these circumstances for what they believed and considered it pure slander and illusions .. She was in a race With time, every day he goes near Diana for her.

She waited for a long time to work, stayed in the house waiting for Laura's research, and tried to live with the ghost of the woman who appeared to her from time to time, but he would not hurt her before the fateful date.
She wanted to stay with Laura for this period but she was afraid to learn Elizabeth's spirit in their movements. Her appearance was linked to the place she was in. So she kept communicating with her friend by phone only, and every passing day weakened her hope of survival.

Laura finished reading all the books in her possession and browsed on the Internet various sites interested in this matter, but did not reach something that saves Diana from the ghost of Elizabeth, was very disappointed, and did not know what is effective .. Her phone rang in this "
I'm tired, I appreciate your effort and you stand by me but I can not bear it anymore, tomorrow is my last day in this life, but I will not allow that old man to take over my body."
Laura asked anxiously: "
What? What do you mean?

  • I will end my life myself, I think this is the best thing I do
    Laura said, "
    Please, darling, do not despair, there's still some time, just get up a little and I promise you I'll find the solution."

Laura closed the phone and risked something that needed daring. She would go to Elizabeth's old house. Her husband will therefore rely on this point, and she is locked between the covers and closed her eyes and is thinking about the task that awaits her tomorrow ..

It is the last day and there is nothing left in Laura's quilt but this step to save the life of her close friend, either succeed or fail.

I stood in front of the door of Elizabeth's house and his way. She made sure to come early to ensure that she met Maggie alone, and her husband would definitely be at work and her son would be in school.

I think you remember me, do not you?

  • Yes, you were presented with that girl who saw Elizabeth in her last moments .. I
    paused a bit and then completed:
  • But frankly I do not know why you visit me!
    Laura hurried to say:
  • sorry to ignore me but I need your help
  • my preference
  • I have a great interest in the world of spirituality, and I do a thorough and extensive research to write a book in this regard, and as Ms. Elizabeth was a spiritual intermediary I said to myself you may have left books to help me My research or diary put her experience or something like that ..

Laura finished her words and had her eyes on Maggie waiting for her reaction and secretly invited God to be satisfied with her words, Maggie replied after I thought a bit:

  • Frankly , the work of the mother of my husband was bothering me, it has been doing sessions to prepare lives during one week , more than once, and receive their customers here at home, and they force me to participate in these sessions, her work was makes me feel that the souls of all the dead live with us ..

The It is very clear that Maggie did not like Elizabeth's work and found the opportunity to express it.

Maggie completed:

  • her death made me rest, and I did not enter her room since she died, myself She is crammed with strange books and I do not hide in secret because I think she was taking care of her Also, there were strange things happening in the house, and she used to receive special customers in her room and I did not know what she was doing with them!

Laura said hesitantly:

  • Would you let me visit her room? I would like to see the quality of the books she had

I got up Maggie , allowing Laura to enter Elizabeth room , they found no harm in it, especially after having ratified the story of the book that you intend to Laura put

Laura entered Elizabeth room and felt some awe, and already found a small library in one room described the aspects "
I do not want to give you madam, you can go to complete your work, but I will still browse the books here, after your permission of course

Maggie's approval came and went out of the room. .

Laura did not put the time and rushed to read the titles of the books in the library, and believed her and Maggie, some of these books dealing with magic and sorcery, some of the content was known as a result of feverish research in the previous days, and some of their titles do not suggest the existence of In which he was still flipping his pages in a hurry and looking at the titles of chapters and paragraphs, spent quite a bit of time and is looking, and whenever the book was brought back to its place and take others, and with every minute goes on increasing tension and hope disappoint, Until he signed an old book in her hands and worn out of frequent use, do not know how not noticed since the b I read on the cover: "Spirits and ways to deal with them" .. It was a huge book and needs calm and concentration in reading, I was afraid to come Maggie's husband at any moment and show her troubles spoil her plan , The husband is not necessarily naïve as his wife and easy to lie to him

Laura happily grabbed her phone and called Diana. "
Diana and her grandmother," she said, "I have reached the way in which the soul of Elizabeth is thrown away for ever. We must go to her tomb as soon as possible and come with us."
Laura did not finish her words. The other side, I asked her anxiously:

  • Diana what is your? Why are you weeping? Let me come to you. I'll come to you right away.

Diana's voice came out of her tears.

  • Laura, please forgive me. I was in the most desperate moments. I did not realize what she was doing until it was too late. The soul is expensive and we all fear death. More .. Samehini
  • Diana what do you mean?
  • ....
  • ديانا !!

She did not receive a response from Diana. She sat on the bedside with her head in her hands. Suddenly she felt tension. Her head lifted and she looked around the room. Her eyes fell on her, and she looked up in the corner of the old room. "
If you are Laura, Diana did not lie when she said you were the most beautiful.
" Laura said , and she has the fear: "
Why did she appear to me? What do you want from me?"

  • For the same reason that I showed your girlfriend Diana, but Diana lived for many days in the horror of waiting, but you are a few hours and everything ends.

Laura is in her place while Elizabeth followed her words:

  • It seems that you did not know how to choose your girlfriends well, she sacrificed you Diana directly to survive herself, it is Daltni you, I would not show you otherwise ..
    Laura said not certified what you hear:
  • Unbelievable , I do not believe! Diana does not Ngdr me
  • but Sidqi , my dear .. and
    then took a giggle terrifying way and progressing towards Laura took down back to agglutinate window ..

said Elizabeth:

  • I feel pity to you but I'm happy that I am I will come back to life after a short time, rest assured I will take care With your body and

mind, Laura stopped thinking. Her shock was so intense that she did not believe that Diana had sacrificed her. Elizabeth moved closer to her and extended her hand, which, as soon as Laura felt cold, fell farther back and fell from the window downward to the bottom followed by the cry of Elisabeth :

  • No, please do not die now, do not die ...

And disappeared from existence with bumping the body of Laura Earth Mpharka life

«« the fall of a girl named "Laura Mead" of her window on the tenth floor of what led to her death directly, all evidence points to suicide, but it is worth saying that her apartment was full of The strange books that talk about the spirits and magic and sorcery, which some attribute the fall to see something frightening appeared to her suddenly, especially as her face of the moment of death was marked by severe panic, but no evidence supports this talk and most likely will close the case and will consider her death suicide »»

folded newspaper and Diana dropped aside, she talked herself Sorrow:

  • forgive me , O my dear friend, you're my salvation.

Wow, Nice Story

Scary Story Thanks for the blog