How to Plant Cucumber With Easy

in #story7 years ago (edited)

How to grow cucumber with fruit that is easy and solid.

Cucumber is a type of fruit crop but can also be used as a type of vegetables such as for example that is in the type of snack such as pickled cucumber.


Cultivate Cucumber to Fruit Flower

The important thing that needs to be done in cucumber planter is land and climate, suitable land cultivated cucumber is with the altitude of place 300 800 m from sea level and Altitude of this place is closely related to local climate, good soil for cucumber planted like loose soil .

Setting up Land.


Setting up Land.

spraying the land by hitting or plowing the land until it becomes loose and made gulur or mound that aims to place in planting cucumber plants, cucumbers can also grow in lowland and in the highlands.
Good cucumber planting land to cultivate is dry land with enough water such as rainfed land.


Planting And Maintenance.

Plant the cucumber seeds that have polybags into the planting hole then cover with soil enter each one. Flush every morning and evening after 2 days usually seeds are planted already started to grow and sprout somewhat higher.


Cucumber fruit can be harvested at 60 days and harvesting is done several times gradually can be done every day and every tree there are 1-2 pieces that can be quoted, harvest time should be done in the afternoon because during the day the plants are still doing photosynthesis, in such circumstances evaporation is high high so that picked cucumber fruit will quickly wilt. The results can be obtained a good cucumber fruit can reach 30 tons per hectare. Cucumber crop should be placed in a cool place because cucumber will quickly lose water content.

Thus was the discussion about How to Cultivate Cucumber With Easy And Dense Fruits Hopefully bermanfat and thank you.

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