
Thanks for replying but what do you mean by this?

There are certain topics getting more attention than others here on steemit.

What has this to do with masculinist?

I'm just tired of reading unreflected masculinist positions here on Steemit; ONO offers a different philosophy in its foundations, where humanist values are very closely intertwined with the new generation's needs of taking emotions and anger in an appropriate manner outside into the world. I experienced people building ONO are very well grounded in emotional intelligence, they are able to anticipate certain causes by heart, and even if not, they are able to provide a space where you can feel safe enough to express yourself, I missed that very very often here in Steemit.

The founders can be saints, doesn´t mean that after the rollout all users equally holy. Look in what state Steemit is currently. Circlejerking and mass production instead of quality, although the concept was also great.

And how deep was steemit's whitepaper diving into philosophical topics of digital equality, values and fair algorithms compared to ONO? How does the community buildng started within steemit and how was it initiated within ONO?